Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1392: Unusual wolf

Everyone heard the words of Mancang, and their morale was so strong that they were gearing up and preparing to fight the blood of the wolf race to the end. Ye Shikai hoped that everyone would make a contribution, but he also hoped that they would get this glory alive. Any modern person can see hundreds of thousands of people who are fighting against each other. The ground-blade fight will be shocked, even if Ye Shikai was once the captain of Longya.

Ye Shikai ’s most hopeful strategy is to rely on the Great Wall to defend, which can minimize losses, but the wolf tribe has long stared at the Central Plains. There are grains piled up into mountains, and advanced smelting and manufacturing technologies. These are living grasslands. The wolf family is the most lacking and most coveted.

"The wolf tribe is here." Suddenly, there was a drum sound from the city wall. All the sergeants entered the battle position. There were good arrows on the crossbow. They aimed at the wolves in the distance. The sergeant who was still eating immediately put down his rice bowl. Get your weapons and line up.

Ye Yekai stepped onto the city wall immediately. Sure enough, the army of the wolf clan has already lined up, and they are slowly approaching the Great Wall. However, there are still hills under the city. With the advantages of this terrain, the wolf clan should not come over directly.

"There are so many people." Everyone also walked up the city wall. When he saw the black army slowly approaching, Mancang couldn't help but marvel. Even in the Qin Wei war, he had never seen such a huge battle.

Although Qin Jun was large in number, the soldiers were scattered on the Great Wall. It was not easy to assemble in a short time. If at this time, the wolf tribe broke through one of them, more than 100,000 iron riders would drive straight through the gap.

"The troops don't have to panic. Hold your position and prepare for the crossbowmen." Meng Tian and several generals hurriedly boarded the Great Wall. The forward of the wolf tribe was only four miles away, and it was enough to see with the naked eye. Among ...

"General, what should we do when the wolf soldiers are under the city." Seeing the wolf soldiers pressing hard, everyone felt like they were crushing a large stone, nervous enough to breathe, which was a sign of the imminent war.

Most of the wolves are cavalry, but they also have some basic siege weapons, such as cloud ladders and sling carts. In addition, the wolves are all good at bow and crossbow, and their arrows are accurate, but because of their level of manufacture, their range is not as good as Qin's crossbow.

"Arrow the arrow." Meng Tian saw the timing and ordered tens of thousands of crossbowmen and dozens of bed crossbow to release their arrows. All the arrows shot in unison, and the light was blocked by countless arrows ...

Every time the Qin Army wants to attack a place, it will use the advantages of a strong bow and crossbow to suppress the opponent with a crossbow, which can also make the enemy cold.

In the army of the jackal wolves, the arrows fell to the ground, and the war horses fell into the pool of blood. Seeing this, the wolves retreated and took the shields away slowly.

"it is good."

"it is good."

When all the troops saw this, they screamed. Just a wave of arrows was enough to make the wolf timid. Even some people are optimistic that the wolf can't kill the city at all, and they will be killed by arrows.

Meng Tian signaled the army to stop. Since the wolf siege siege, they should break through the Great Wall regardless of everything. If they want to enter and retreat like this now, they will cause greater losses. To win by siege, you must win quickly. If you are deadlocked during the siege, you will only be defeated ...

Meng Tian didn't cheer like a sergeant. This is not to fight back at all. The wolves have always been brave and wary. They are not afraid of death and injuries. How can they retreat after a few arrows. What are they going to do? Don't dare relax.

"General, the wolf clan seems to be retreating, do we want to pursue it?" A vice general advised.

"No, we don't know their tactical purpose yet, we can't send troops blindly." Meng Tian stopped these vice generals. Maybe the wolf clan wanted to avoid the attack, only to show that they wanted to attract the Qin army out of town, and then caught off guard. Unfortunately, they The opponent is not the incompetent commander who is very happy, but the experienced and experienced Meng Tian. Starting

"Let's order the army, no one is allowed to play at will, send more whistle riders, pay attention to the movement of the wolf clan army. If there is any movement to report at any time, in addition, the guards should take turns to alert, there must be no slackness, the offenders cut." Meng Tian has always been Resolutely popular, the army has also been known strictly, military discipline is strict, so few soldiers dare to disobey military orders.

At night, in the camp.

"Really, I don't know what the generals think. The wolf retreats clearly, why they don't hunt down." Mancang took a sip of wine and scolded him, seemingly very dissatisfied.

"We are now full of morale and it is a good time to go to war. If the time is long, the mood of our army will be low, and then it will not be the best time."

Many belligerent sergeants expressed dissatisfaction. Ye Shikai silently ate wine and meat without commenting. When they actually experienced a battlefield, they understood everything ...

"Lao Ye, don't you want to say anything?" Shang Guanjian saw Ye Shikai's anomaly. Everyone was chatting, but he was silent and asked.

"Anyone who has entered the battlefield should not treat himself as a living person. Any time he stays here, he may lose his life and be able to survive is the greatest gift." Ye Shikai muttered. .

"I agree with what you said ~ ~ It looks like you should be a soldier before I know you." Shangguanjian sat slowly beside him. After the war, he understood the meaning expressed by Ye Shikai.

"It is reported that two adults, Lord Han has an urgent military situation, and the two will immediately go to the barracks to discuss and immediately gather troops to wait for departure." Suddenly, a guard rushed in, and said in front of everyone, after listening to the crowd, He immediately reacted, put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, and took the brethren back to the camp to line up the army.


"Sir, what's going on." First post https: // https: //

"General Mongolian has an order. Let us immediately rush to the Shifeng Fortress within two hours. There must be no mistakes." Han Hao looked anxious. It seemed that the military order was indeed very urgent. Meng Tian suddenly issued such an urgent military order. Did something happen.

Ye Yekai didn't have any extra time. The army was about to start immediately, and he would have to go back later.


"Master, what happened?" Ye Shikai asked.

"General Meng didn't say, but just let us take over the defense of the fortress. It should be sending us to strengthen the defense. There is one of the entrances to the Great Wall. There are only two thousand garrisons. It's really a little bit." Why did the surge of troops need to be so urgent, but he did not dare to ask and could only obey orders.

"Just go back and start as soon as possible."


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