Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1393: Pinnacle Fortress

I was still bored in the last second, complaining about the sergeant who was unable to meet the city, and hurriedly assembled before leaving the rest. Meng Tian's military order was given only two hours, so everyone could not hesitate and set off at full speed towards the Shifeng Fortress. But as soon as I heard it was going to the battlefield, everyone suddenly showed momentum and morale was high. Even if the road was rough, but no one was left behind, even some ordnance were completely moved over.

"Master Han, how is your recovery?"

"It's Brother Ye, rest assured, these are just minor injuries, and it's all right now." Han Hao took a long gun and made a few gestures. His arms seemed to be flexible, and they should look better.

"It's also blame me for being too careless. After the division, I was so negligent. I set the barracks on the plain to give the wolf cavalry a chance. Alas, they are only three or four hundred cavalry, so we paid for it. Han Hao felt a heartache when he thought of the last attack by the wolf. Six hundred or seven hundred brothers were killed, and more than half of them were injured. The wolf's loss was very small.

"Adults don't have to blame themselves too much. These wolves are very mobile. Once they are relaxed, they will immediately gather forces and carry out raids. This is similar to the wolf predators." The reason why they became wolves is partly In this way, not only do they use wolves as totems, but even their systems and methods are similar to wolves.

"I'm 40 or 50 years old, and I will leave the army in a few years. I just hope that the children of Heyang County who have gone with me can survive." Han Hao has experienced hundreds of battles, and his knowledge is naturally better than those of the soldiers who have just joined the army. Broad, and most importantly, he has understood the cruelty of war, and the ancients did not have a long life. A large part of the reason is because of the continuous fighting, and because of the displacement, famine, plague, natural disasters and man-made disasters brought about by war, only In order to gain the peace, you can rest the world.

"The whole army is accelerating." Han Hao shouted loudly, and all the sergeants accelerated their pace.

After an hour and a half.

"This is the Fortress of Stone Peak." Everyone looked at the fortress in front of them, and there was a burst of pressure in their hearts. The Great Wall was built along the peak line, making full use of the terrain, but with the peaks, there will be cliffs and valleys, and this The fortress is built under the valley. Looking up, there are mountains rising into the clouds on both sides, covering up the sun. I am afraid that this place cannot get the sun all day. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"Below is the commander of the garrison in Heyang County, Han Hao, the commander of General Mengmeng, came to pick up the Shifeng Fortress, and the original garrison also obeyed my command." Han Hao was facing the fortress above the fortress. Shouted, not long after, the gate of the fort opened slowly, and a group of cavalry came out from it. The leading general saw Han Hao and immediately dismounted.

"General Ma Peng is the commander of the garrison at the Shifeng Fortress. Welcome to the arrival of Lord Han, everyone is hard. Come in quickly. I have prepared the food." This famous Ma Peng officer is very enthusiastic to everyone. , Let the sergeant greet the brethren to enter the fortress. Starting

"Adult Han came from a long distance. It was hard work. Someone came to have tea." In the barracks, Sergeant Ma Peng asked the sergeant to hand in a rare fragrant tea. A charming look can also be said to be "slapping the horse", although It seems enthusiastic, but it really makes people feel uncomfortable. Shangguanjian is even more dignified. A truly qualified general will never have this attitude.

"Han acts under the orders of General Meng, who is in charge of everything in the fortress. He also hopes that General Ma can cooperate with us sincerely to guard the wolf tribe." Han Hao said faintly. He didn't seem to like Mapeng any more. A mighty warrior, Mapeng is more like a villain, but after all, they first arrived, their lives are not familiar, and there are 2,000 people under Mapeng. If they want to obey Han Hao's orders, Mapeng is really indispensable. .

"Master Han, please see here." After dinner, Mapeng took everyone to inspect the fortress.

"The outer wall is made of solid megaliths, which are extremely solid. The wolf's trebuchet hit the wall, and even the stones could not be hit." Mapen pointed at the outer wall.

"The door on the outer wall was also blocked by a stone, just to prevent the sneak attack of the wolf tribe."

All the people came from the south gate, which is equivalent to the inner gate. The reinforcements can enter from the south gate, and the north facade is opposite the wolf camp. This is the front line of the battlefield.

Han Hao looked up at the mountains on both sides, so that the exterior wall was a lot shorter. Although the wolf were not good at bows and arrows, they had a strong character, and it was even more frustrating to fight. If they used the ladder to storm, regardless of their casualties, Can pose a great threat.

"General Ma, although this external wall is solid, it is not very high." Han Hao said lightly, Ye Shikai estimated that this is less than three feet, although it is not very short, but the Shifeng Fortress is connected The throats of the grasslands and the Central Plains need to be sloppy.

"Mr. Han knows that the construction of the Great Wall in these years has consumed too much manpower. The Shifeng Fortress should have been built high ~ ~ but it is really lack of manpower, and the transportation of these boulder is also difficult. So this was delayed, and as soon as the war with the wolf tribe broke out, I immediately sent a sergeant to build high. Without stones, we used wood and small stones. "Mapeng showed a helpless look, Ye Shikai took a closer look, Gao The archery table here is made of wood. Although it looks solid, if it is hit by a catapult like this, I am afraid ...

"A war is imminent. Any slackness will cause the Shifeng Fortress to fall. It will immediately build a high wall. Within ten days, it must be five feet tall."

"Hey, ye, subordinates do this." Ma Peng repeatedly nodded.


"Lao Ye, don't you think this Mapeng is a little strange." At night, Shang Guanjian came to Ye Shikai's camp, and he took a careful tour of the Shifeng Fortress, especially the two thousand garrisons. There was no major problem. The battle was just around the corner. They were ready to attack at any time. Shangguanjian inspected several barracks at random. The spear armor was well maintained and there was no rust.

"It's true that he leads 2,000 people and stays at the Shifeng fortress all year round. He is facing a fierce wolf, but his character is so weak, and he doesn't know how he keeps it." Ye Shikai nodded, looking at Mapeng's nodding and humbling Looks like a general.

"It doesn't matter if you have a Mapeng, have you inspected the two thousand sergeants?" Ye Shikai is concerned about the sergeant. Anyway, now that Ma Peng is also under the command of Han Hao, then there is no big difference between him, but the two thousand sergeants Whether it is good or bad has a decisive effect on the overall situation.


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