Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1408: Within

"Rest assured, most of the soldiers and soldiers of the wolf tribe are forced to come over. No one and others have a deep hatred. If not for the outbreak of war, the wolf tribe and the Qin dynasty can also be friends." Ye Shikai Without the ability, use one person to reverse the entire battlefield, let the two sides shake hands and reconcile, the war is not a child ’s play, once the fight, even Meng Tian can not stop and stop. Since there can be no peace, then what Ye Shikai can do is try his best. Protect yourself.

Eliminated the warriors of the wolf tribe, and then persuaded them to work for Ye Shikai. Of course, they can never be as loyal as Mancang, and Ye Shikai does not need them to do so, they only need to be able to teach riding.

"I hope you're right, or even if Master Han doesn't mind here, I'm afraid General Mongolian's side is not easy to explain." Shang Guanjian pointed to Alimu "I never heard you introduce this person."

"Alim is a slave of a noble wolf. He was attacked while escorting the caravan. He escaped by chance. Not long ago, Mancang took someone outside the fortress and found him. I brought him back." Ye Shikai explained Road.

"If it wasn't for Lord Ye's life-saving grace, the villain would have died, so as long as it is a task arranged by the adults, even if it is a sword and a fire, I will definitely complete it."

"According to the sergeant guarding the prisoner of war camp, the resistance of these prisoners has been much less these days."

"Why is this." Shang Guanjian was very puzzled. Why did the two parties who were still fighting a few days ago lose their tempers so quickly?

"The defeat of the Wolves this time was because Helian's disregard for the enemy, so the captive soldiers must be dissatisfied. They would like to fight with us again, so if we beat and abuse them, it would arouse their resentment, instead If we treat them favorably, they will make them feel "uncomfortable." Gradually, when they eat wine and meat, they will drop their vigilance and will not be wary of us anymore. "

"That's the case, I didn't expect you to be able to figure out their minds." Shang Guanjian nodded and Ye Shikai said something reasonable. Blood people don't fear severe abuse. This will only make them more resentful and resist. More intense.

"In fact, this is not difficult." Ye Shikai turned to look at Alimu. "How about, is there anyone among the prisoners of war willing to accept the offer."

"I've drawn several people secretly, Master Ye, please rest assured."

"That would be the best."



Since Ye Shikai disappeared from the holy mountain, everyone in the Hades has not left the holy mountain and has been staying in the ruins. The dark guards will send in supplies when the ruins are opened next time, saying that the holy mountain is too big to be difficult. See the whole picture, but these days, they are about to turn over every inch of the site of the Holy Mountain.

"We've searched all the places we should look for, and we still haven't found the boss." Soul-lost returned to the station, and everyone's spirits looked very bad. Several men's scum grew out, and several The woman is also a face of dust. The news of Ye Shikai's disappearance has spread in the underground world. The last time he overturned the ship in the ditch of Zeus and was killed by the Hades, they have made a sensation once. Now Ye Shikai is missing again. "Breaking news" makes the entire underground world difficult to settle.

"Boss, is it no longer in the holy mountain?" After a long time, the magic girl said, breaking the cold atmosphere.

"No, the boss now has no internal force and can't leave the holy mountain at all, and the boss is not with Aphrodite." Soul retorted.

"Perhaps, the adult was taken away by others." Nightmare was aside, his face was cold, and after Ye Shikai's disappearance, the situation in the underground world changed greatly. Although Ji Qian's body had been healed, she could not come over, not because She didn't want to come, but she really couldn't come. Countless people have already found the Hades, and everyone is in the holy mountain. Someone must sit in the Hades.

"We're like headless flies these days, searching through the mountains and carpets, which is not only time-consuming but also inefficient."

"Nightmare, what do you mean by that?"

"We should look for clues so that we can make the right choice." Nightmare replied that he always thought that the "four dislikes" beast was their important clue. These days, this beast is like eating grass. She looks like a sheep, lying on the top of the mountain, looking very comfortable. At that time, Ye Shikai disappeared after being taken away by him. Unfortunately, it is a giant beast and cannot understand people. Similarly, everyone is right Its roar was incomprehensible.

"What's going on outside."

"A lot of experts in the Dark List have arrived at the headquarters, but fortunately, there is a seat of Lord Luna and Lord Ares, otherwise we cannot find people here now."

"Abominable, these people are obviously taking advantage of the boss's absence, wanting to rob while taking advantage of the fire, they will all die when we have time." Mo Ji yelled loudly, throwing the biscuit in the grass with anger.

"I think ... we should leave." As soon as Nightmare's voice fell, everyone stood up.

"I don't agree ~ ~ Boss is our core. I can't find him. I will never be out of the holy mountain in my life." Desperate soul seemed a little annoyed. He did not expect that Nightmare would propose to leave. If Ye Shikai can't find anyone, then the position of Pluto will be replaced by someone, and the nightmare holding Pluto's order is undoubtedly the person closest to Pluto's throne.

"But we have no effect here now." Nightmare countered. "We are leaving now, which does not mean that we are no longer looking for grown-ups, but since we are looking for, we must have clues. I have always been curious. The boss has no internal force, and in his alone What did he do in an hour and why it disappeared as if it had evaporated. "

At ordinary people's pace, if an hour is a normal pace, at most it is only ten miles away, and Ye Shikai is not a fool. What he should do is wait in place. Nightmare does not think Ye Shikai left by himself, then it is most likely to be someone. Take it away and analyze further. If it was found by the enemy, Ye Shikai would have been killed on the spot. Then, the traces of the corpse should still be there, but everyone has been searching for a long time, there is no trace at all, then there is only one It's possible ... Ye Shikai was taken away.

In this case, Ye Shikai should be no longer in the Holy Mountain, but outside.

"Anyway, I'll stay here and continue to find people. If you want to leave, hurry up."

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