Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1409: Spying

Jiangnan, deep mountains.

One autumn rain and one cold, the drizzle fell, and the temperature in the air gradually decreased. The autumn in Jiangnan has made people feel a deep coolness ...

Chen Yuxin was kneeling alone at the door of the cave. The rain had wet her hair, and she traced her forehead to her cheek. The gauze on her body had also been soaked. The beautiful face looked a little lower and lonely, which made people Can't help feeling sorry for it.

As a pregnant person, kneeling in this environment for two hours is undoubtedly a huge injury to the body. Even a practitioner cannot toss this way, but Chen Yuxin has no meaning to stand up, her eyes are straight. Looked forward.

Finally, I do n’t know how long it took, the cave door slowly opened, Chen Yaozu came out from the inside, said Fengxian Bone, and waved his hand gently, and the raindrops on the two heads were separated by an invisible energy and flowed to the sides. Like an "invisible umbrella".

"The younger Chen Yuxin, meet grandpa." Chen Yuxin finally saw a glimmer of joy on her sad face.

"Xin'er, I told you to leave for a long time. Why are you still kneeling here?" Chen Yaozu's face was full of seriousness, which was different from that kindness in the past. Although he had already lived in the deep mountains of Jiangnan, but after all She is also the owner of the Chen family. She is also a heroic figure in Yanjing. Her majesty is still inviolable, and Chen Yuxin's behavior makes him quite unhappy. After all, there is a child in her belly, even if she insists on kneeling, Think about it for your child.

"Grandpa, Xin'er hasn't got the answer yet, he would rather die." Chen Yuxin said faintly, she didn't understand why Chen Yaozu asked Dugu Tianke to stop her revenge. That was a good opportunity to eliminate Ji Qian's chance. If it weren't for the shots of Dugu Tianke, she would have succeeded.

"The answer can only be felt by yourself. The husband is not a threatened person, Xiner, you can go back."

"No, if Grandpa didn't say it today, I would kneel to death here." Chen Yuxin was firm and insisted on forcing Chen Yaozu to give him an answer. She was also very clear that she was the eldest daughter of the Chen family and she is now The homeowner has a distinguished and prominent status. The child in the belly is also the future Chen's homeowner. Although Chen Yaozu did not ask about the world for a long time, the future family heir is a family matter. He could not sit by and watch Chen Yuxin kneel in the rain.

"It's raining outside, let's talk about it in advance." Finally, Han Yaozu was still stunned. He could only let Chen Yuxin enter the cave first. Even if he had to kneel, he couldn't get the rain.

"Thank you Grandpa Grandmother." Chen Yuxin was pleased, and she expected that Chen Yaozu would compromise. When she came in, she could continue to question.

In the cave.

Chen Yaozu just stroked the palm of his hand, and a cup of hot tea was slowly moved to Chen Yuxin in the air. For a master of his practice, it is easy to use internal force to move objects. Chen Yuxin took it and took a long sip. The body immediately felt the warmth, and the cold air was quickly discharged from the body.

"Dugu Tianke is indeed my friend. We knew each other 70 years ago. At that time, he was already a great doctor who shocked Huaxia." Chen Yaozu said, many doctors in China, but Dugu Tianke was as early as 70 Years ago, it was recognized as a "sacred doctor", showing its superior strength. General famous doctors can observe the patient's condition, and then prescribe the right medicine, supplemented by acupuncture and other methods. For 70 years, they can be regarded as famous doctors without misdiagnosis. However, practitioners have one more method, which is to check the patient's body with internal force, and even to destroy the lesion with internal force. Therefore, it is a miracle for outsiders to save a terminally ill patient, so Dukuk Tian was also crowned with The title of "Divine Doctor", and with the deep and profound practice of Dugu Tianke every day, his cultivation is already unpredictable. I am afraid that there are few intractable diseases in this world that can make him feel intractable.

"At that time, Dugu Tianke was handsome, elegant, and proficient in medicine. He was often a chivalrous young man. Many families wanted to marry his daughter to him, but he didn't go anywhere and promised nothing. A family request. "

"Grandpa, let's get straight to the topic, why do you want him to stop me in Daizong." Chen Yuxin was so anxious that she didn't want to listen to these "past events".

"That's what I want to say next. Dugu Tian Ke is not only medically sophisticated, but also good at divination."

"Isn't that a trick for rivers and lakes scammers?" Chen Yuxin didn't believe in evil, she didn't believe anyone could predict the future destiny.

"If he was just a liar, I wouldn't mention him to you. It is because he is very accurate and detailed in divination and divination, and even a prophet, so no one dares to offend him at will. Those The family rejected by him can only stop. "

Chen Yaozu said everything about this, and it shows how "dreadful" a person is, Tuguk, a person who can peek into the heavens, who dares to offend easily.

"Grandpa said so much and still didn't explain why you asked him to stop me."

"Xinger, don't you understand now, since Dugu can spy on the heavenly machine, then how could preventing you from harming you? He is helping you." When Chen Yaozu said this, Chen Yuxin's face changed, she Maybe I ca n’t understand. At that moment, she only wanted to solve Ji Qian ~ ~ but she did n’t think so much at all. Since Chen Yaozu and Dugu Tianke are friends, then naturally he will not harm Chen Yuxin, but she still Do not believe that the blocking of Dugu Tianke turned out to be helping her, or that she was unwilling to believe it.

"Xin'er, do you understand now, often what you can't see is the most important thing."

"No, Grandpa, Du Gu Tian Ke and Ji Qian have a good relationship. He must be deceiving you and deceiving me." Chen Yuxin was very emotional and directly retorted.

"Xin'er, what if you really killed Miss Ji's house, would she be happy if she died? Or, Ye Xiaozi would come back." Chen Yaozu said again about Chen Yuxin's heartache. Ye Shikai has been missing for a long time and has no clue.

"Well, Grandpa, wouldn't Dugu Tianke divinate, then he should know where the lower case is." Chen Yuxin cried excitedly as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Maybe, but if he doesn't say it, there is of course his reason." Chen Yaozu said faintly, even if Dugu Tianke can spy on the sky, it must not be leaked.

"No, I must ask him."

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