Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1410: Be unconvinced

Qin Dynasty.

"It is reported that several prisoners of the Wolf family sneaked in and said they wanted to meet with the adults." In the barracks, a commander reported to Ye Shikai and Shangguan Jianhui. As an officer who is proficient in psychological warfare, Ye Shikai was very clear. A psychological effect is that when a large group of prisoners of war gather together, it is difficult to persuade them, but if they are separated one by one and talked alone, there is a high probability of persuasion. Therefore, Ye Shikai specifically ordered the caretaker If the guard of the prisoner of war camp wants to meet him, he must not be blocked or checked, and he will be taken directly to his barracks.

In addition, the other soldiers expressed hesitation about Ye Shikai's proposal because they were afraid of being known by other prisoners of war and were retaliated. Therefore, Ye Shikai also ordered his sergeants to stop as soon as someone was fighting in the prison camp. Severe punishment.

"It's great, please invite them in." Ye Shikai nodded and said that it seems that Alimu's draw and his strategy have begun to work. It is now late at night, and most of the prisoners have fallen asleep, so some of them dare to take advantage of it. Come this time.

The guards brought in several captives of the wolves. Their faces looked very timid. It seemed that it took them a lot of courage to make this decision. But Ye Shikai was very happy. It was difficult to start everything. With one, there will be a second, with a second, and then there are groups.

"See Lord."

"Get up quickly." Ye Shikai personally greeted him and lifted a few people from the ground.

"Ahem, some of us want to trust you, I hope the two adults can trust us and accept us." Several wolf captives still looked very restrained, they came to Ye Shikai, this is an "can't turn back" This means that they basically broke up with the wolves, so they now pray in their hearts, hoping Ye Shikai can keep their promises and give them preferential treatment.

"Alim, are these people credible?" Shang Guanjian was still a little vigilant and asked Alimu aside.

"Master Shangguan, please rest assured, these are all acquaintances of their subordinates. They were also slaves of the wolf aristocracy. They were also involuntary to participate in the war. I heard that the adults treated the captives and were entrusted with a heavy responsibility. . "

"Some people sit down, come, come and drink meat and meat." Ye Shikai motioned to everyone to sit down, he understood how "horrible" the herd mentality is, and now there are five or six people willing to trust, then there will be fifty or sixty tomorrow, and then Will be more.

"How about a few riders, have you taught soldiers?"

"If you go back to the adults, the little ones would not dare to say that riding is first-class. Before, they used to raise sheep for their host, and they grew up on horseback. Cavalry. "A prisoner of war said that they saw Ye Shikai was not hostile, and seemed quite sincere. Gradually, the" talk box "also opened.

"That's great. I need your help. If it is effective, I will definitely report to General Meng Tian, ​​and you can also get military achievements."

"Thank you, Lord."

"Okay, you go down first, I've made people prepare a barracks for you, I believe you will be satisfied."


The next day.

"Xue San, you take a few sergeants to the prisoner of war camp and let them know that they have trusted us." Ye Shikai commanded, Xue San is a man of rivers and lakes, knows how to read and see, and his head is flexible. He understands Ye Shikai's meaning. The psychological defense line is about to collapse. If Xue Sanzai described it with "adding jealousy", there would surely be many people to come to him.

"Well, sir, just look at it. Someone will come at noon." Xue San nodded and started with someone after speaking.

Ye Shikai also came to the training place with a full warehouse. Sure enough, those wolf prisoners of war have started training these Qin cavalry. Ye Shikai intended to be carefully selected to try to train the 1,000 cavalrymen who have been trained. Basically, but unfortunately, out of these 7,000 people, there are only 500 people who meet the requirements. That is to say, some people have never even rode a horse.

It is quite interesting that Ye Shikai did not let these prisoners of war wear Qin Jun's clothes, but still let them wear wolf costumes, so that when everyone came to the training ground today and saw several wolf soldiers, they almost took The spears shot at them, and after an explanation, they stopped.

"Why make the wolf our instructor."

"Yeah, isn't this the chief captain? It's obvious that he doesn't want to believe us."

"I don't want to learn from them."

"Yes, they have our brother's blood debt on the battlefield. Why should we learn from them."

A lot of sergeants talked and even protested and scolded several new wolves instructors. If there were no special sergeants to protect these "instructors", I am afraid these soldiers would rebel and fight. Ye Shikai would not stand. In the distance, watching every move here, he had anticipated this situation, just outside the fortress, those wolves are still stunned, but now they want their sergeants to recognize these wolves as instructors, I am afraid anyone will resist, as for Those wolf instructors, of course, heard the dissatisfaction and even resentment of the sergeants, but there was no way. They did not dare to scold them. They were originally "in the enemy camp". If they spoke "loudly", I am afraid They were all under siege by Sergeant Qin. Therefore, they could only brazenly talk about riding skills, and they did not dare to understand whether these sergeants understood.

"What are we arguing about here ~ ~ Ye Shikai looks serious and walks in front of everyone and says.

"Thousands ... thousand captains." When the sergeants saw the people, they immediately put away their arrogance and stood in front of him in four lines.

"How are you learning to ride?" Ye Shikai went straight into the subject, and everyone silently lowered his head.

"Since you haven't learned well, why don't you want to go to the battlefield to kill yourself?" Ye Shikai yelled suddenly, shocking everyone, and even several wolf instructors next to him were taken aback.

"Captain, we really don't understand why they should learn to ride from them, and what kind of kind these people can do."

"If you don't learn to ride from them, do you have the ability to teach the whole army cavalry, train them all to become the iron riders of the wolf clan, if you have this ability, apply to me immediately, I will promote you to a hundred generals."

"This ... subordinates cannot."

"Then don't make nonsense, if anyone dared to be half-hearted and deal with all military law."

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