Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1401: Active training

"Captain, if you let us train, then we absolutely have nothing to say, even if we are desperate, as long as you don't stop, we will continue to practice." A bold sergeant could not hold back the resentment in his heart, refuted Ye Shikai.

"Yes, Captain, we don't want to train, we just don't want these people to train us." Another sergeant called to the Wolf soldiers aside.

"We have the same idea."

"Captain of the thousand please order us to catch these werewolves."

The sergeants expressed dissatisfaction, and even many people asked for the execution of all the Wolves of Prisoners of War to commemorate the dead brothers.

"The army is quiet." Ye Shikai did not panic and yelled, the crowd was quiet.

首先 "First of all, I would like to ask you brothers, if the scale is the same, the Qin Army and the Wolf Army will be at odds."

"This ... General Montgomery is a generation of generals. With his command, we have at least 60% chance of winning." This sergeant's analysis is objective, and the odds of winning are four to six. In other words, if there is no major problem, it is basically stable. win.

"Then I continue to ask, if the two armies are at war, if they do their best, after the victory, how many brothers will we be injured and killed." As soon as Ye Shikai asked, everyone looked at each other. They were only grass-roots soldiers. They were not responsible for these casualties. clear.

"Since no one knows, let me tell you, there are 400,000 brethren on this Great Wall defense line. After the victory of the war, there are only 250,000 people who can survive and survive. In other words, there are 150,000 brethren. I ca n’t go home. "

"I ask you again, if the wolf cavalry has no war horses, and we will fight with us, we have a chance of winning." Ye Shikai turned sharply and asked everyone suddenly.

"Captain of the Thousands, if the Wolf clan does not have a war horse, we will definitely win, and we still win." The Qin infantry is good at battles. If the wolf clan has no war horse, then it is his own shortness, and his strength must be defeated.

"Then I ask you now, the riding and shooting of this wolf tribe is not important." Ye Shikai said that everyone was speechless. Just now their answer was the best argument. Riding, shooting, and riding arrays gave the whole wolf tribe a 40% chance of success, and it would also allow 150,000 Qin generals to be buried.

"It is precisely because my Daqin did not have enough good iron riders to compete with the wolf cavalry, so I will use millions of people to build this Great Wall. Otherwise, dozens of counties and counties on the border will be looted. Hundreds of thousands People will become slaves to the wolf. Now you answer me. It is not important to learn how to ride the wolf. "

"Here ... important." When it comes to this, everyone has been persuaded. Ye Shikai's words are very "powerful". Of course, persuasive language is based on correct ideas, and learn from the strong, until he is Stronger, even if it is the enemy ...

"Since it is important, do you want to practice?" Ye Shikai continued.

"Exercise." The crowd answered indifferently, seemingly not determined.

"It seems you are still very unconvinced, so let me order the next military rule, all cavalry sergeants must implement it."

Ye Yekai turned to the soldiers of the wolf tribe and glanced.

"Which of you rides best." Ye Shikai asked. Starting

"If you return to the Lord, if you are the best rider, you must be Wan Rongyuan. He used to be the riding instructor of the wolf tribe."

"Well, which one is Wan Jiyuan." Ye Shikai continued to ask, a man of low stature came forward.

"You are Mangahara."


"How is your riding." Ye Shikai asked in reverse, and saw the man slowly turned around, glanced at the fortress for a week, his eyes were full of fierceness.

"In the fortress here, no one rides better than me, including general you."

"Very good." Ye Shikai took Wan Jiyuan's wrist and walked to the sergeants.

"From today on, if anyone of you rides higher than Mangahara, prove to me that you can be promoted to chief of the ranks, receive military rewards, and do not need to be trained. Just keep practicing until you get past him. "




"Lao Ye, there are a few more Wolf POWs here, and they all want to be loyal to us." Someone came out of the POW camp one after another. Ye Shikai was also a visitor. I took the cavalry to train directly. Ye Shikai planned to have only 100 places. After all, the size of the cavalry team was only a thousand people. He also knew that he could only use these people to teach cavalry, but he must not form them into a team. "Wolf mercenaries", this is not realistic.

"I didn't expect you to succeed."

"Of course, this is herd mentality. With the first one, there will be a second one. If it is not the quota limit, within ten days, all prisoners of war will be obedient." Speaking of it, Meng Tian seems to have given Ye Shikai a more The position of "persuading officials" may play a greater role ...

"And I heard ~ ~ Sergeant training is very enthusiastic."

"Of course, under heavy money, there must be brave husbands." Ye Shikai is very confident. Many Qin soldiers joined the army for more than ten years and have never been the chief of the army. The reward set by Ye Shikai is very tempting, but he is not worried at all. The problem brought by the reward, he also brought soldiers, knowing that people have a "limit", he has witnessed the riding of Wan Yuanyuan, it is indeed quite superb, no wonder he has the courage to say that no one can reach, It is not arrogance. It takes time, but more importantly, talent to want to be able to practice to his level. Ye Shikai determined that among the thousand people who can meet his qualifications for reward, less than ten people.

"I didn't expect you to have a set. In this way, General Mengda will be able to explain to you. If you really have a good iron ride at the training department, Lao Ye, you really are the celebrity around him." Shang Guanjian was very It is exciting, who can think of a plan that was not favored by the generals a few days ago, but now it goes so smoothly, and it also solves the problem of prisoners of war by the way. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"The general, Mongolia, brought in weapons, armor, wine, and military battalions, which are of great help to us. The only thing I worry about is the issue of time." Ye Shikai's face showed a dignified look, looking out to the wolf camp village outside the fortress.

"Helian was a fiasco this time and lost 4,000 wolves. They can't take this breath. I observed carefully these days. There are more and more camps outside, indicating that the wolves are increasing their troops here. I suspect They want to use the number of people to suppress, break through the fortress in one fell swoop, and revenge the fierce defeat, but also to open up this throat. "


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