Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1403: Borrow

"Is there really no way?" Ye Shikai was rather reluctant. He finally managed to overcome so many problems and finally set up a cavalry team, but did not have enough time to train. This is a pity.

"Captain Qian, his subordinates dare to ask if there will be a war in a week." Wan Yuanyuan asked suddenly.

也许 "Maybe, this is only speculation. Your wolf clan is good at attacking thousands of miles. This time you have suffered such a big loss in the fortress, I am afraid it is impossible to swallow it." Ye Shikai teased.

"Helian's reckless husband has only one brute force. If he is charged, he may be a brave general, but this battle is completely caused by his stupidity. If the officers of the Wolf clan are all like Helian, I'm afraid you don't need to Worried. "Listening to Wan Jiyuan's words, he seems to have a lot of resentment against Helian. Perhaps this is the difference between a reckless husband and a conspiracy. A wrong command by a commander will cause the entire army to be destroyed. Therefore, The most taboo on the battlefield is the reckless husband.

"Speaking of it, since you are a wolf, why are you willing to trust us?" Ye Shikai asked.

"You Huaxia have a saying, good birds choose wood to live, wise men choose the master, the wolf arbitrarily appoints nobles, but the soldiers who fight hard can only get a meager reward, and the officers have no courage, even if It was victory, and it was in exchange for the lives of millions of brethren. "Wan Yuyuan's tone was cold, and he could hear that he was not only disappointed with Helian, but with the entire wolf army system. Ye Shikai understood history. After Shang Yang reformed the Qin Kingdom, on the contrary, the first-ranked sergeants on the battlefield could gain military merit, and the more military merits, the higher the knighthood, which greatly stimulated the sergeant's willingness to fight, making Qin Jun Becoming a division of tigers and wolves, the nightmare of the army of the six nations, Ye Shikai is inconvenient to comment right and wrong. It can only be said that in such a troubled world with weak meat and strong food, Qin Guo's decision was "completely correct".

"As long as you do your best, I will report military achievements for you." Ye Shikai has promoted Wan Jiyuan as a hundred generals and appointed the Wolf family as Qin Guojun. Ye Shikai is probably the first. Fortunately, Meng Tian's support, otherwise he is really Without this power, it was because of Meng Tian's strong support that Ye Shikai's plan progressed rapidly.

"Thank you Captain Qian, your subordinates will do their best."

Ye Shikai came to the racetrack. Hundreds of cavalrymen were practicing riding here. Some sergeants who had just learned to ride horses even accidentally fell from the horse. Seeing this, Ye Shikai couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, for a week It is too short. At best, it is enough for the Qin infantry to practice the formation of military formations. It is very difficult for them to learn to ride and slash two skills at the same time, and to fight immediately.

"Full position."

"Captain Qian, what's the order?" Mancang came quickly and asked.

"Bring a few brothers, let's go to Ji County." Ye Shikai said coldly.

喏 "Oh, Captain, I'll arrange manpower immediately."

In the afternoon, Ye Shikai took a full warehouse with dozens of guards galloping, and ran directly to Jixian County. Meng Tian's camp was there. He hoped to meet Meng Tian in person and explain the situation to him. The cavalry is trained and ready to go.

"Captain Qian, can you say that General Meng Tian can agree to our request?" Along the way, everyone saw that many troops were pulling out of Jixian County and heading for the strongholds of the Great Wall defense line. They were marching quickly, and it seemed fast. The tight front line is not a lie. The garrison troops recruited from various counties and counties have rushed to different locations to reinforce one after another. It is hard to imagine that the full 250,000 garrison troops will be put into the battlefield. This seems to be the case for the Wolves. It's blood.

"I'm not sure. I'm afraid that Jixian doesn't have much available troops. I don't know what happened on the front line." The only thing Ye Shikai can determine is that the Wolves should be attacking the entire line, so the strength of each base of the defense line is stretched. .

At this moment, the more you say, the more important the Shifeng Fortress is. Qin Jun and the Wolf Clan are like two brave men. Whoever is weak first collapses.

"Who is coming?"

"Shi Feng Fortress Cavalry Commander, I want to meet General Meng." Ye Shikai dismounted with everyone and passed the token.

"Please wait a minute, Captain Qian, my brother has gone in to report, but recently there have been many battles on the front lines, and General Mongolian is busy day and night and may not have time."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Shikai waved his hand. He now needs reinforcements to deter the wolf army outside the fortress. As long as the stone peak fortress is kept, the initiative of the entire battlefield will still be in the hands of Qin Jun.

"Master Qian, please come in, General Meng is waiting for you in the lobby." Not long after, a messenger came back and said quickly.

"Thank you very much." Ye Shikai let everyone stay in place, and he quickly entered the general's house.

"Ye Xiaozi, what are you doing?" Entering the hall, Ye Shikai saw a group of generals discussing the war and issuing military orders, and it turned out to be too busy.

"General Meng, I need your help." Ye Shikai opened his eyes. Although he was very clear to ask Meng Tian to increase his troop at this moment, it was tantamount to find him a problem ~ ~ but he couldn't care so much.

"whats the matter."

"I need you to dispatch three thousand sergeants and stick to the Shifeng fortress. I need two weeks to train the cavalry, and then I can fight back the wolf."

"Ye Xiaozi, you really gave me a problem." Meng Tian sighed helplessly. "To be honest, in this county, even if I count my 5,000 guards, only 30,000 people can move, and the front line There are 20 or 30 strongholds, and you asked me for 3,000, I'm afraid I can't do it. "Perhaps even Meng Tian did not expect that the battle had reached this point.

"It will take at least ten days for the new garrison to arrive. When they arrive, I'll add them to you as soon as possible."

"General Meng, as long as you can support me for two weeks, you will be guaranteed to defeat the wolf."


"Not good." Suddenly, Xue San rushed in with a few people, panting heavily, the guards on the side thought that someone wanted to stab, and immediately surrounded him.

"Drop the weapon, they are my people." Ye Shikai hurried forward to explain.

"In the end what happened."

"Thousand ... Captain Qian, just before you left the fortress, the wolf tribe approached the city, and Han and Shangguan sent a flying ride notice to let you return to the fortress immediately."

什么 "What." Ye Shikai was startled. In this way, it has been more than half an hour, and he expected that the wolf will attack within a week. Now it seems that the time has been advanced.

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