Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1404: Guardian Army

Although Ye Shikai could not determine whether the wolf soldiers were "offensive" or "bluffing" under the city, since the fortress was dangerous, as a commander, he had to go back to command the battle. If he could not borrow soldiers, he must also take his brother to guard the fortress.

"General Meng, I have to rush back immediately, hoping that the general will take the overall situation into consideration and transfer the reinforcements to the fortress as soon as possible, and the general will leave first." Ye Shikai turned around and was about to leave.

"Ye Xiaozi wait a moment." Suddenly, Meng Tian stopped Ye Shikai.

"I have five thousand guards. I will allocate two thousand to you. After two weeks, you will bring them over again."

"This ... General, this is not appropriate."

"Don't say it, just take it. Jixian is surrounded by defense lines. I don't need to protect me with so many people." Meng Tian handed a token to Ye Shikai "Remember, don't let me down."

"General General, rest assured." Ye Shikai took the token. He didn't expect that Meng Tian even lent his guard to Ye Shikai. Since ancient times, the commander of the army has been the core of the entire army, and the defense is also a priority. The importance of Meng Tian ’s guard army is composed of the children of the Meng family. Its combat effectiveness is even better than that of the Xianyang City ’s Guards. With such a powerful force in hand, Ye Shikai is also at ease.

"Let's go." Ye Shikai suddenly came out of spirit, full of spirits, holding a token and carrying two thousand guard troops, rushed directly to the Shifeng fortress.

"Master Han, Shangguan, what's the situation?" Fortunately, when Ye Shikai returned to the fortress, the battle had not yet started. Ye Shikai hurried to the city wall. Sure enough, there were at least 20,000 or 30,000 wolf soldiers outside, and there were Some siege equipment.

"They all surrounded the North Gate, posing a siege, but they didn't move." Han Hao saw Ye Shikai's return, and his face was lightly relieved.

Xi Shangguanjian looked at these sergeants brought back by Ye Shikai, the same heavy armor and helmet and long sword and lance. This is the elite of Qin Jun's elite. For Han Hao and Shang Guanjian, it was a big surprise.

"This is the two thousand guards. They are all relatives of General Meng." Ye Shikai explained that Han Hao had a strange look in his eyes, which allowed Meng Tian to lend out his own guards, so it can be seen that Ye Shikai was with him. His position in the heart will surely be valued by Meng Tian in the future, and his future is limitless.

"Brother Ye, how is the cavalry training?"

"If you return to Korea, the current training level of the cavalry will increase the casualties if you enter the battle." Ye Shikai is very clear about the gap between a sergeant who can just ride a horse and a sergeant who has grown up on horseback. If it is used now The cavalry, which was promoted by the cricket, was worthless.

"Master Han, do n’t worry, we now have two thousand guards to help out, eighty-foot infantry, and they are all well-trained, well-equipped, well-prepared with rolling arrows, and have a solid wall as a barrier. It ’s not that easy to defeat us. "Shangguanjian was quite confident. The reason why the Wolves could start the battle quickly was because of their warhorses. Even if the troops were thousands of miles away, with the warhorses, they could catch up one day and one night. To help the war, the vast grassland is even smoother and smoother. In contrast, even if the Qin army relies on the road, it will take at least ten days, and the Guards from Xianyang will have to cross the mountains to reach it. It also means that the garrison's garrison must be held for at least half a month, or even longer ...

"The Shifeng Fortress is located to the east of the line of defense. Fifty miles north of the fortress is the steppe of the wolf tribe. There are rich pastures and wide terrain, which is extremely conducive to the training of war horses. Similarly, there is also a resident site of the wolf tribe. Slacking off. "Han Hao pointed at the map in the barracks. Indeed, Shi Feng Fortress is the" bridgehead "of the Great Wall defense line. When the war ends, this place must bear the brunt.

"Let the sergeant strengthen his alert. If there are new actions by the wolves, report immediately."


Modern, quarter home.

"Sister, you have finally returned home, but your father mentioned you every day." After almost a month, Ji Qian finally returned home, which can be regarded as the "happy event" of Ji's family. Ji Yu is also very I miss this sister, but because of Ji Tao's three orders and five applications, she has been unable to leave Yanjing.

"I'm dealing with things outside these days, delaying time." Ji Qian's mental state is very bad, the whole person is very low, and even the tone of speech is weak, it seems that there is no rest for a long time.

"It's okay, sister, now that you're back, let's stay a little longer this time." Ji Yu was very excited. Ji Qian's arrival was really rare, perhaps because Ji Tao was so ashamed of this eldest daughter that he didn't. To say the contrary, instead let Bai Wujun protect himself next to Ji Qian.

"I'm afraid ... I'm going back again soon." Ji Qian laughed bitterly, of course she wanted to go home, but Ye Shikai's whereabouts are unknown ~ ~ Almost the entire underground world, even caused a stir in Huaxia "Since the death of Zeus, the Hades has almost no rivals in the underground world. At least on the bright side, there is no force that dares to directly challenge the Three Temples. In this way, many people naturally want Ye Shikai to" accidentally " "Now that this" accident "has happened, they are naturally eager to act and have even acted.

"It's for that man, sister, you are too dead-headed, why are you so attached to him?" Ji Yu was arrogant for Ji Qian. She still didn't understand Ye Shikai, she only thought that he was a playful person, who was thrown away all the time. The scum man, although quite a bit of strength and connections, has no morality, and it is not worthy of Ji Qian's infatuation with him.

"Xiao Yu, what do you think of the Zheng family son?" Ji Qian suddenly turned and asked suddenly.

"This ... to tell the truth, Zheng Gongzi looks very handsome, and has a great family background and strong personal ability, it is really good." Ji Yu remembered the name, and almost married with Zheng Ye last time, his face suddenly It's red.

"Will you marry him then?"

"Of course I don't want to. Although he is in good condition, it is not the type I like." Ji Yu immediately refused.

"That being the case, why do you persuade me?" Ji Qian smiled slightly. Zheng Zheng was not the type that Ji Yu liked, but Ye Shikai was an irreplaceable person in Ji Qian's heart ...

"How can this be the same, Father Zheng will not cause so many things, and Ye Shikai, it will only be the end of the chaos. There are still so many enemies outside. If you are not helping silently, it will be hard to say whether he can live till now. Then. "

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