Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1405: Night raid

Ye Shikai is different from Zheng Ye. One is a civilian and the other is a wealthy family. To reach the top level, the efforts of the two people are completely different. Ye Shikai needs thousands of times of effort. Only ten or twenty years is possible. It is a reality to reach Zheng Zheng's status, but Ye Shikai seems to have always been a favored side of the sky, and it is not a miracle to reach the status from an ordinary person.

Ji Yeshikai's efforts can only be seen by people around Ji Qian, Ji Yu does not understand it is normal.

"By the way, I heard Elder Chen say that the surname Ye disappeared, didn't he?" Ji Yu asked suddenly.

"You're right." Ji Qian seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked curiously, "How did Elder Chen know this?"

"Sister, this matter is already a public secret in Yanjing. He is not an ordinary kid in Yanjing City now, but he is Chen Yuxin's husband. He disappeared. Do you think the Chen family will not move?" Ji Yu explained, Although the city of Yanjing is large, there is almost no knowledge among the major families, let alone a large living person has disappeared.

那么 "So ... has any reaction from the families?"

When Ye Shikai was in Yanjing, he had already left a deep impression on several major families, not to mention that he changed two "beautiful past" like two beautiful wives in one year. His identity and This action even caused many families to use their strength to investigate his details, such as several families in Chang'an and the East China Sea. Among the four families in Yanjing, Ye Shikai's identity is no longer mysterious.

"So many of his enemies have disappeared now. Of course, some people are secretly happy. If it wasn't for the face of the Chen family's woman, they would probably have set off firecrackers to celebrate, especially the Tang family and Gongsun family in Chang'an. In Bai Qi's ruins, they hate Ye Shikai. "Ji Yu is not in Ye Shikai's situation, but after all, her sister cares, so she goes to understand the situation a little.

"Xiao Yu, if you know his whereabouts, tell your sister."

"Okay, I know, and I don't know what is good about him." Ji Yu mumbled her mouth, expressing her dissatisfaction. As a loved one, Ye Shikai delayed Ji Qian's life, and Ji Yu was naturally unhappy. comfortable.


Qin Dynasty, late at night, Shifeng Fortress.

"See captain."

"What's the situation." Ye Shikai and his guards patrolled the city walls. The garrison of the Wolf clan was too close. It takes only five minutes for the Wolf clan to reach the city, and if there is a trebuchet in the city, , Can hit the door of the Wolf clan camp, so Ye Shikai can not rest assured, but the sergeant is also a human, not a machine, they cannot eat, sleep and sleep on the city wall, they will also be tired, so they can only take turns to patrol.

"Report to the captain, the wolf clan hasn't moved yet," replied the sergeant of the city guard.

"Well, keep monitoring, if there is any movement, immediately light the beacon." Ye Shikai nodded in response.


Xie Yeshikai was uneasy in heart, the movement of the wolf clan was unpredictable, and there was no movement outside the city of Jubing. Perhaps they were waiting for the moment when Qin Jun was exhausted, biting their "fangs" around Qin Jun's neck.

Another thing that makes him most disturbed is the other strongholds on the front. The advantage of the Shifeng Fortress lies in the cliffs on both sides, which is equivalent to "blocking" the entire valley directly. The south gate is inside and the north gate is outside. It is impossible for the wolves to bypass the mountains and surround the fortress from north to south. In other words, they can only attack from the north gate. Even so, the garrison can still withdraw from the south gate. However, if any of the strongholds on the defense line fail, they will Can detour, South America surrounds the fortress, when the fortress is surrounded, they are difficult to fly ...

No wonder, Meng Tian always said that the army is the cause of honor and disgrace, and now it looks like life and death.

Ye Shikai prayed in his heart, hoping that no second Mapeng ...

In fact, Ye Shikai still has many methods to determine whether the wolf race was launched. It is late at night, but the moonlight is bright, the torch camp is lit by torches and tens of thousands of people, and the rising dust alone can be in the miles. See clearly outside.

"Reporting the captain of the thousand, there is movement in the Wolf Clan camp." Suddenly, a loud scream stunned everyone, and the exhausted Ye Shikai suddenly came to the spirit, suddenly stood up from the ground, and came to the edge of the city wall, sure enough, Suddenly a torch was lighted in the Wolf Clan camp, and it was very bright, lighting up the sky ...

The dust was flying in the camp, and many people were faintly seen moving. It was already early in the morning. The only explanation for why the wolves assembled on a large scale was that they planned to attack the fortress at night.

"Hurry up, knock on the drums, and everyone will immediately enter the fighting state." Ye Shikai was shocked in his heart, and shouted loudly. On a silent night, a roar made everyone a stimulus. The drummer immediately beat the drum, and the sleeping sergeant immediately lit the lamp. , Put on the battle armor, quickly assembled.

"The archer is in place, if the wolf raids ~ ~ put the arrow right away." Ye Shikai said loudly, the archer on the wall placed a box of arrows on the ground, and some bed crossbow, this Meng Tian assigned it to the fort.



"Drummer, urge them." Ye Shikai motioned for the drummer to speed up, the rapid drum sound sounded above the fortress, and a sergeant had rushed out and boarded the tower.

"Guard troops, keep the city gates." Ye Shikai commanded the troops to prepare for defense. Meng Tian ’s Guards were really well trained, and they assembled quickly. Ye Shikai did n’t want them to sacrifice too much, and they belonged to heavy armor. Army, used to guard the gate below would be more suitable.

"Lao Ye, was the wolf attack?" Shangguanjian hurried over, so at the same time, the wolf camp village also opened the door, and the first cavalry had rushed out.

"The situation is urgent. Prepare the whole army."

"Leave it to me." Shang Guanjian personally commanded the troops to assemble, while Ye Shikai stood on the wall and directed the crossbowman.

"Arrow the arrow." Ye Shikai found the right time, thousands of arrows fired together, and the night became the best cover. The cavalry in the front row was shot down quickly, and the remaining cavalry turned their horses and left the bow. The range of the crossbow.

"Another round." Ye Shikai ordered another army to send all arrows. Although the cavalry was fast, it was difficult to withstand the "arrow rain" of the crossbowman. This round of arrows was considered to retreat the wolf. The cavalry and the garrison took advantage of this opportunity to hurriedly gather together and take up their weapons. The Shangguanjian organized various thousand captains, five hundred masters, and one hundred troops with their subordinates into the place of defense.

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