Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1407: Delay offensive

"Who is the leader of the guard army?" Ye Shikai walked into the army and said aloud, as soon as the words fell, a man in heavy armor came out.

"The general, Li Li, is the deputy commander of the General Guard of the Mongolian Army." The man Zuo said, Meng Tian's guard army totaled 5,000, and he suddenly allocated 2,000. Naturally, he would send a deputy commander to lead.

"Li Li, from now on, I want you to fully obey my orders." Ye Shikai must first ensure that the army fully obeys his command; otherwise, the force's execution is weak, and no matter how good the tactics are, it is useless.

"Before the end of the general's departure, General Mongolia specifically instructed to obey General Ye's arrangements."

"Very good." Ye Shikai nodded and said that it was fortunate to have the token given by Meng Tian, ​​otherwise it would not be so easy to control such a powerful force.

"Deputy commander Li, I need your guards to go to the wall and obey my orders to defend, do you dare?" Ye Shikai tempted.

"Since I am now obedient to General Ye, even if it is a sword and a mountain of fire, there will be no word at all in the end, not to mention, more than a thousand brothers and I have followed General Mongolia for a long time, and I have never seen anything before. Please also General Ye Rest assured, my brothers and two thousand guards are here, and the wolves do n’t want to step through the fortress. ”Li Li said firmly. Ye Shikai was relieved. There were 2,000 elites in the fortress, and the odds were 70%.

"Brother Ye, what do you think of bringing the cavalry into battle?" At this time, Han Hao suddenly walked down the city wall and found Ye Shikai. He was the commander-in-chief of the garrison. He naturally hoped that he could mobilize everyone and reduce the pressure on the infantry, not to mention This is a thousand cavalry.

"No, with the current cavalry's combat power, rushing out from such a narrow city gate is tantamount to death." Ye Shikai immediately retorted that he was never a man of great joy. The thousand cavalry, they now have potential, not strength. The war was fierce, and maybe they would not live the day they went home, but Ye Shikai would never let them die for nothing.

"Then, if the wolf retreats, can the cavalry chase it?" Han Hao asked afterwards.

"Master Han, you should understand that the wolf is a well-trained army. Even if they are defeated, they are retreating in an orderly manner, and they will not withdraw, and their wolf riders have not lost. Let the current cavalry team Pursuing it is tantamount to killing him. "

All in all, Ye Shikai will never let the cavalry attack until he is trained.

After a fragrant incense time.

"Captain of the thousand, the wolf clan seems to be moving."

Ye Yekai walked up to the city wall. Sure enough, dust was raised in the Wolf clan camp, and the horses began to regroup. They also brought in new siege equipment. They took a break a while ago, and after they recovered their strength, they began to assemble the siege.

"The whole army, prepare for war." Ye Shikai pulled out his sword and shouted loudly. Thousands of sergeants immediately picked up their weapons and waited for them. During this time, Qin Jun also received valuable "breathing opportunities."

"The front of the crossbowmen, the entire army pays attention to avoid throwing rocks." Ye Shikai reminded that, sure enough, the wolf's trebuchets also began to "run". The megaliths slammed heavily on the city walls. Ye Shikai could feel a trembling at his feet. The attack is a parabola, and there are two types of results. One is that they did not cross the wall and were blocked. The other was that they flew over the wall and smashed directly into the fortress. Therefore, Ye Shikai kept the sergeants under the city close. The inner city wall will not be hit by the boulder that comes in.

After a period of "furious bombing", the heavy infantry of the wolf began to slowly rise. Unlike before, they opened their roads with shields, especially the soldiers responsible for pushing the siege hammer and the ladder. They were all shielded. It was strictly protected in order to prevent being shot and killed by Qin Jun's strong bow.

"Captain, how should we fight."

"The crowds listened to my orders. The bed crossbow pointed at the siege hammer, and the crossbowmen were ready." Ye Shikai looked dignified, but he was still unhurried. Although the ladder is the most direct way to climb the city wall, everyone knows If you want to attack such a solid city wall, ten people go up the ladder, maybe one person can touch the city wall, and the siege hammer is the most threatening device.

Therefore, as long as the siege hammer can be destroyed, Qin Jun can hold the fort.

"Bed crossbow, let go." With a command, the thickness of the finger, a few meters long bed crossbow shot directly, with great force, directly penetrating the shield of the wolf tribe. Compared to crossbow arrows, bed crossbow arrows need to be both quality and speed. Higher, the kinetic energy it brings can even take the entire human body out ...

"While now, the crossbowman is aiming the siege hammer and throwing his arrow."

The bed crossbow disrupted the shield formation of the wolf tribe, and the thousands of crossbow arrows that came later directly shot the soldiers without shields to the ground, and this time, Ye Shikai let everyone concentrate the "firepower" and only shoot the siege hammer. Many soldiers were dozens of arrows in their bodies, and they fell to the ground directly.

"Don't worry about others. Change your bow and crossbows to destroy the siege hammer." Ye Shikai was ready to fix the fire source in front of the arrows. Although the damage to the sergeant became smaller, the range was also much shorter. But a burning flame can destroy a wooden siege hammer. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /


Buzz ~ ~ Buzz, buzz ...

"Retreat, retreat."

Suddenly, there was a golden sound in the Wolf Clan camp, which was a signal of retreat. Sure enough, tens of thousands of Wolf clan stopped suddenly and slowly backed away. Ye Shikai did not let the sergeant chase and release arrows, but just watched its changes. .

什么 "What, the wolf retreat."

"The wolf tribe really retired."


Seeing this, Sergeant Qin Guo couldn't help but feel a great joy. I didn't expect that the two sides would retreat before the two sides had short arms.

"Captain, why are the wolves retreating?"

"Without the siege hammer, the wolves would have lost the siege of the siege. Do they want to use their bodies to break through the gates of the city?" Sure enough, Ye Shikai grasped the point and the wolf lacked heavy siege equipment Naturally, there will not be so many siege hammers, this time it is considered "surprisingly winning."

"This is the case, the captain is brilliant, and his subordinates admire it."

"Don't be too happy, prepare for the whole army, and don't relax." Ye Shikai knew that the Wolves will be ready for the next time, such as wet the siege hammers, so this time it was only to delay their offensive and provide reinforcements. Arrive for time. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky. Unconsciously, dark clouds had gathered over the sky. This was the precursor of a heavy rain. Ye Shikai looked up at the sky, his face could not help but be heavy, and the reinforcements had not come to hear the news. What was the situation?


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