Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1408: War stalemate

The raindrops floated down from the air, drenched on the sergeant's body, the moon was hanging in the air, the cold light was on the iron coat, and the temperature suddenly dropped. Ye Shikai couldn't help but shivered. After a while, the rain gradually became stronger and the rain fell. On Ye Shikai's head, the battle soon encountered this battle, I'm afraid ... not a good omen.


Suddenly, a violent vibration came from the wall, and Ye Shikai stood up from the ground in shock.

The wolves' trebuchets began to bombard the city walls again, and Ye Shikai quickly let the sergeant dodge. If such a huge boulder was hit, it would be almost dead.

"Squat down, watch out for boulders."

Boom, boom.

The sound of clashes and thunder staggered, making people scared to hear.

"Captain, they seem to be hitting the gate with a catapult." A sergeant said.

"What." Ye Shikai looked down, and sure enough, the wolf tribe obviously aimed the trebuchet at the gate, and a huge stone hit the gate. Vaguely, a small opening had been made. I lived in the city gate, I'm afraid I was smashed open.

It is raining heavily now, that is to say, it is impossible to use fire. Even the fire on the beacon tower was extinguished by the rain. Fortunately, it did not rain before. The reinforcements should have received their call for help.

It seems that the Wolf Clan was taught by Ye Shikai a bit, and they can be regarded as clever. They no longer have a brain charge, but their siege equipment is of average quality and not as powerful as Qin Jun's equipment, but this is also Qin Jun The advantages.

"Full warehouse, Xue San hasn't returned yet." Ye Shikai shouted.

"Captain Qian, Xue San and a dozen brothers haven't returned yet. Would I like to send some people out to urge the reinforcements," Mancang replied.

"Alright, you can arrange manpower." Ye Shikai looks dignified, scorching fire, flying rides and passing books. Ye Shikai has used all the available methods. Why the reinforcements have not been reached so far, the only explanation is that Meng Tian cannot send reinforcements. Indeed, he had just returned from Jixian. He knew that Qin Jun was in short supply and that there were not many troops to be transferred. It was also very likely that he could not send reinforcements for a while, but if he had never been to reinforcements, the situation would have been bad.

There are so many brothers here, Ye Shikai dare not tell them easily. As a commander, shaking the army ’s heart is equivalent to let the sergeant “self-kill”. Without the fighting spirit, they die faster and even surrender the wolves directly, so Ye Shikai This matter can only be concealed. Starting

"Mancang, take a few brothers out of the city and move lighter. If anyone asks, they say they are going to welcome the reinforcements."

"Oh, subordinates understand."

"The whole army pays attention, avoid the boulder." Ye Shikai turned around and continued to command the troops to face the battle.



"Listening to Elder Chen, this time Qian Er encountered danger in the holy mountain, but there is such a thing." At the dinner of Ji Jia, Ji Tao's face looked slightly better. How cherished my daughter is.

"My father doesn't have to worry, it's just some young people. I can handle it." Ji Yu is in the Ji family, and he knows the foreign underground world quite well. Originally, Ji Tao didn't understand the Western shrines, and he didn't bother to understand them. However, because of Ji Qian, he began to understand, and even sent his men to investigate.

"If the niece has a problem, despite saying to some of our elders, I want to see who dares to bully our Ji family." Ji Feng echoed, as Ji Tao's third brother, he is also Ji Qian's Uncle San, but his reputation is far worse than Ji Tao. Whether it is Ji Qian or Ji Yu, they all despise this uncle, but because of their seniority, they dare not rebel.

"Thank you three uncles." Ji Qian said coldly, Ji Feng weighed a few pounds and a few tens, and everyone knew that if it wasn't for Ji's identity, who would want him.

"Although our Ji family is a famous family in Yanjing, but abroad, after all, it is different from domestic, so we should act low-key." At the dining table, another elder of the Ji family said that Ji Yu immediately showed a look of contempt. These people are so timid and afraid that they have lived decades longer than the two sisters.

Moreover, Ji Yu clearly felt that these elders expressed their dissatisfaction with Ji Qian. First, as the young lady of the Ji family, she became the main **** abroad, and also caused a lot of enemies. Second, if she could not return to Ji Home, maybe the position of the owner may not be able to turn to Ji Yu's head. Then, these uncles have a chance, so Ji Qian is tantamount to them, but she is the heir to the owner after all, And it is not a soft persimmon, which makes everyone quite frightened. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"I seem to have heard that the niece and the kid with the last name Ye went very close, oh yes, it was the husband of Su Qingyu, the president of Tianya Group, but now he is the son-in-law of the Chen family."

When Ji Qian heard this, her palms gradually clenched. This is also natural. If anyone describes her sweetheart like this ~ ~ I'm afraid I can't wait to hit it with a fist. Everyone thinks Ye Shikai is a soft rice eater. Only those who know him know that Ye Shikai broke through the sky on his own, and its size is not inferior to any other family in Yanjing.

"The eldest niece is the eldest daughter of the family, after all, it is better to beware of some people who don't know where they are coming from." The uncle on the side echoed.

"Several uncles and uncles are right, but some of his subordinates have special identities, and even the National Security Bureau dares not to despise them, and asks some elders to leave some ethics on their lips, in case of unexpectedness." Ji Qian coldly She said that her words were already a threat, but Ji Tao regarded it as inaudible. A few uncles just wanted to be angry, but they couldn't help it. There was nothing capable under their hands. Out. "

"Yes, not long ago, seniors from Dugu came to visit the house." Ji Tao suddenly said, if it ’s about seniority, Du Gu Tian Ke and Chen Yaozu are peers, and Ji Qian and Chen Yuxin are peers, then Ji Tao calls Du Gutian. It is natural and reasonable for Ke to be a "predecessor", but Ji Qian did not expect that Du Gu Tian Ke would come to visit Ji's house. Decades have passed. Most of the practitioners who had been with Chen Yaozu's generation had already passed away. Master, to any family is the presence of guests.

"He told me something. You got poisoned in the holy mountain and were sent to 蛊 宗 for healing, right?"

"Well, that's true."

"Qian Er, if this kind of thing happens again in the future, you must tell me." Ji Tao, from the standpoint of a father, her daughter is poisoned, and her heart is naturally anxious.


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