Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1409: Bypass the line of defense

Ji Qian is naturally unwilling to trouble Ji Tao. The matter between the main gods is so simple and easy to solve. The beach is already muddy enough. Ji Qian does not want to involve Ji's family again. Poisonous things. She He also specifically told Ji Yu to hide from Ji Tao. As for how he knew it, it was probably because of Chen Ligong.

Ji Qian has no appetite. One of the toxins has just been clear and her body is weak. In both cases, Ye Shikai is still silent. How high is the status of Hades in Europe, but even if the power of the Three Temples is used, one cannot be found. Ji Qian, an internal force, always wonders if Ye Shikai is really dead, but when she thinks about it, she doesn't have the courage to think about it. She also kept asking herself, but in fact, she didn't Courage to face this reality. If she had known it would be the result, she would not have let Ye Shikai go to the holy mountain to see the Lord God Assembly. Not only that, she would never go.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"When it comes to business, the Chen Group has recently put pressure on our family's businesses, even malicious competition. I don't know if the young lady knows this." Someone suddenly said at the table that there were many people in the Ji family. But they are all sidelines. Ji Tao is a direct line, so he is eligible to inherit the Ji family.

Sure enough, this is obviously directed at Ji Qian. The marriage between Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin is unknown to everyone in Yanjing's family, but Ye Shikai and Ji Qian are ambiguous. Many people also know that at the critical time when Ye Shikai disappeared, Chen The family suddenly put pressure on Ji's family, and the "interested person" would naturally point his finger at Ji Qian.

"I have rarely been involved in family-owned companies, and I need the help of a few uncles for all kinds of business matters." Ji Qian said faintly. Ji Tao was sitting at the table, and naturally, these people did not dare to say "Ming "You can only strike side by side. In this case, Ji Qian fights Tai Chi with them, neither admits nor denies.

"I have already made an appointment with the Chen family to meet and discuss with the Chen family. Yuxin ’s child will still sell me a little face, so you do n’t need to worry about it." Ji Tao said, and other people were naturally afraid to talk more. I had to sit silently next to him. Ji Tao had a strong voice at home, not only because of the identity of the owner, but all the elders and guards of the Ji family were in his hands. In the final analysis, it was because of his "authoritarianism". The owner, in order to deal with the hidden dangers of the family, will choose this method to concentrate power in his own hands and distribute the obligations to others. Isn't Chen Yuxin the same, with such young qualifications to run the Chen family, it is natural to remove Only by dropping a lot of people can we strengthen our position.

After a meal.

"Sister, those uncles just now are too much, obviously against you." In the garden, Ji Yu found Ji Qian, with a displeased expression, her mouth narrowed.

"Those people are fighting for power, naturally they have to do everything, you don't have to ignore them." Ji Qian is already commonplace, power struggles, what about her brothers, those uncles most hope is that Ji Qian disappears, so Then, they can compete for the position of the owner.

"But you will be the owner in the future, don't you just watch them mess up now."

"What kind of father is he? His means are far above you and me, in fact he already has a way." Ji Qian pretended to be mysterious, and after leaving, left the garden, leaving Ji Yu alone with a look of confusion.


Qin Dynasty.

"Captain of the thousand, the city gate was severely damaged by the siege hammer, and a gap appeared on the gate." On the side of the Shifeng Fortress, the fighting continued, and the wolves rushed madly, and boarded the city wall several times. Ye Shikai Led the garrison and the wolf to start a white-blade battle. Although it was fought fiercely, the city walls were still in their hands and morale was still high, but the losses were not small. The wolf slinger was running all the time, even as a wolf soldier. Already attacked the city wall, the boulder still smashed one by one and carried out the indiscriminate "bombing" on the killed Qin Jun and the wolf tribe.

It is naturally impossible for Qin Jun to turn over the city wall to the wolf tribe, so the fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce.

"Go tell Shang Guanjian and let him take the guard to guard the gate. If the door is broken, use a spear array to block the gate." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, panting, blood on his body, and the gate If it collapses, you can only use the spear shield as the "gate".


"Captain of the thousand, the wolf retreat." At this time, a soldier reported.

"Everyone, take a break and prepare to roll your arrows." Ye Shikai glanced at the city wall, which was already potholes and could not be repaired in a short time. Ye Shikai had to let the sergeant prepare the arrows first. The most important thing in the battle was to be aggressive and the most taboo The only thing is to fight on the defensive line and the defensive side. The wolf tribe has repeatedly attacked the city wall. At this time, giving up shows that its casualties are heavy.

"Captain, are you okay?"

"Relax ~ ~ It seems that the wolf tribe is strong enough to take down the fort, otherwise it is impossible to fight like this." Ye Shikai sighed, he thought he was not afraid of death, but now The situation made him doubt again. If he really died like this, what should Ji Qian do, and Chen Yuxin, then she thought of He Linghan and Su Qingyu. Why, in ancient and modern times, there can be two People look so similar. In modern times, Ji Qian should be looking for him frantically. If he really died here, what would they do, at least ... should give her a description.

At this time, Mancang and several brothers helped a seriously injured person to the city wall. Ye Shikai could not help but tremble when he saw the person coming.

"Xue San, why are you covered with injuries?" Ye Shikai stepped forward to see why, did not Xue San send him out for help, why he was seriously injured, Ye Shikai looked carefully, and Xue San had an obvious scar on his abdomen, although Bandaged, but blood was still seeping out.

"Captain Qian, my brothers and I ... were attacked by the wolf cavalry, and they ... have bypassed the line of defense and headed for Jixian County." Xue Sangang passed out and fainted, Ye Shikai's head seemed to be Suddenly being "blasted" by people, it was blank, and there was no response.

"Captain, if the wolf bypasses the line of defense, they will form a siege from north to south. At that time, we will be difficult to fly with wings." Mancang also realized that the situation was not good, and the wolf's offensive was so severe. And, if They rushed straight to Jixian County, and Meng Tian's safety was probably difficult to guarantee.

"Captain Qian, what shall we do?" Mancang asked.


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