Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1420: Chi County

"You are here, don't let a wolf climb the city wall." Ye Shikai shouted. If Xue San is true, then the situation is very dangerous. The wolf cavalry is very mobile, although the people who come in are not It will be too much, but they will attack Jixian County directly, and they will surely endanger Meng Tian's safety. By then, I am afraid that the entire line of defense will completely collapse.

"Master Han, just received the information of the full warehouse, a group of wolves have broken through the line of defense and want to sneak into Jixian County." Ye Shikai did not dare to speak too loudly. After all, if this news is released, it will definitely affect the military heart. The Shifeng Fortress is important Sex is because it is a throat. If the fortress is broken, tens of thousands of wolves will drive straight in. Without two or three hours, you can go to Jixian County.


"How could this be."

The generals were shocked after hearing it. Indeed, if it was not Xue San personally saying that Ye Shikai could n’t believe it, the wolf was onslaught across the board, the purpose was to make the Qin Jun bases unable to support each other, although for the wolf This loss is also great, but as long as the Great Wall can be broken, the wolf cavalry will be able to ride in the Central Plains.

"Master Han, since the Wolves have broken into the line of defense from other places, then we have no sense of defending at the Shifeng Fortress. On the contrary, we may be attacked from the north to the south. We should withdraw from the fortress in an orderly manner and follow the fortress to Jixian was deployed all the way. In this way, not only can it avoid the siege of the siege, but also can stop the wolves and protect Jixian until the arrival of reinforcements. "Li Li said immediately, on the private side, he is the deputy commander of the guard army, the first responsibility Naturally, it is to protect the security of Meng Tian. Now when I hear that the wolf is going to attack Jixian County, he naturally wants to go back for help and talk about the public. What he said is not unreasonable. The general who is clinging to death may not be afraid of death, but it is useless. The generals, even the soldiers and soldiers under his command.

"General Li is right. Now that the Wolves have broken through, we should also focus on Jixian and shrink the defense, waiting for the reinforcements to come." The other generals echoed, not only them, but even Han Hao also supported the plan. .

"No, we can't withdraw yet." At this time, Ye Shikai suddenly shouted.

"Brother Ye, I know that retreating hurts the army, but judging from the current situation, it is the best way to withdraw from the fortress and defend along the way, so that it will not wipe out our entire army." Han Hao advised.

"Please see." Ye Shikai pointed to the outer wall of the city. "There are 20,000 or 30,000 wolves outside the city. If we all evacuate the fortress, they will swoop up immediately, even if we all withdraw. What if they lose the solidity of the wall, they Chasing out of the fortress, we are on the flat ground and will be immediately defeated by the wolf tribe. "

"There is one more thing. The wolves who have broken through the defense line are still a minority. The Great Wall defense line still has nearly 200,000 Qin troops stationed. We can't stand on our own." Ye Shikai ’s consensus is, in fact, if we retreat now, That ’s almost no different from escaping. What the Wolves want is this effect. The army ca n’t support each other and break up. At that time, the Great Wall is completely captured ...

"That brother Yiye mean, what should we do."

"First of all, the fortress cannot be easily abandoned, and secondly, we have to send some people to reinforce Jixian, and it is best to stop them halfway." Ye Shikai suggested.

"At present, our troops are enough to protect ourselves. Where can we have extra troops to reinforce Jixian County?" Many generals objected.

"Yes, General Ye, if we have split our troops, it is not known whether we can successfully reinforce Jixian County. I am afraid that the fortress will not be able to keep it."

"We still have a force intact." Ye Shikai turned to face Han Hao. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Master Han, I am willing to lead the cavalry team to attack." Ye Shikai's words are amazing. The cavalry team has not yet been trained, so they have not joined the defensive battle. But now, Ye Shikai has taken the initiative to lead them to support Jixian County.

"The cavalry force has not yet formed, isn't this what you said, Brother Ye?"

"It's true, but at this moment, we have no other way. If the cavalry is inactive and it has no effect in defending the city, it is better to go out and fight. If we can intercept the wolf, we will succeed. . "

既然 "That being the case, then Ye Ye will go, I hope you can win them." Han Hao helplessly, nodded his head, but the cavalry team was difficult to form, but it is really unwilling to face such a situation.

"Wait a minute, General Ye, I have a proposal, hoping that General will be complete." Suddenly, Li Li stopped Ye Shikai.

"General Li, do you have anything else to say?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"The general will have followed General Mengda for more than ten years and never feared death. Now General Mengda is in danger. I want to follow you to Jixian County."

"It's ... Yeah, but the guards still have to stay to guard the fortress. If you lose here, 20,000 or 30,000 wolves will pounce on Jixian County, and even if you and I have the ability to reach the sky, it will not help." Ye Shikai nodded and agreed. Li Li has protected Meng Tian for more than ten years, and it is natural to want to protect his master.

没 "No problem, I immediately handed the token to Shangguan Qianfu Captain ~ ~ The guard's army obeyed his dispatch."

那就 "Well, let's go now."


"Fast, everyone keeps up." Ye Shikai raised his whip and took a thousand cavalry to gallop to reinforce Jixian. At this time, the sooner he arrives at Jixian, the security of Meng Tian can be guaranteed.

"Captain Qian, I'll take some brothers to the front to investigate." At this time, Wan Jiyuan shouted to Ye Shikai.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Yeah, you walk in front of the investigation, if there is any movement of the wolf tribe, come back immediately to report it." Ye Shikai does not know the exact number of the wolf tribe, and a veteran cavalry veteran led the team to investigate, he can rest assured.


"The whole army stopped advancing." Ye Shikai suddenly called, turned over and dismounted, and there were still many horseshoe marks on the dirt road ahead.

"This is a wolf war riding. They have passed." Li Li and the wolf fight a lot. Naturally, this is the horseshoe of the war horse, and from the width of the horseshoe, it can be seen that the wolf cavalry is marching at a rapid pace. The most important thing is the densely packed horseshoe marks, indicating that the number of wolves is not in the minority.

"They haven't gone far, there are thousands of rides, we have to hurry." Ye Shikai wiped the dust from his hands, his face was frozen, and he immediately rode on the war horse.

"Brothers in Heyang County, Jixian County is ahead, and the Wolf Clan is also there. The generals and I will kill the Wolf Clan together and take revenge for the brothers who died in my hometown."


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