Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1425: camouflage

"Haha, Brother Ye has already had a plan, I do n’t know if I can teach you one or two." Han Hao clapped his palms, his vision has always been good. When he first met Ye Shikai, he felt that this man had an infinite future , Is a rare tactician.

"Of course, but this plan is about the success of the cavalry plan. I also hope that Master Han Hao can keep it secret for me." Ye Shikai nodded.

"This is of course. The military situation cannot be leaked. I know this most clearly."

Outside the barracks.

"Lao Ye, I heard that the task of destroying the Wolf Clan Supply Battalion was entrusted to you. If you have no plans, speak up and listen to it." After Shang Guanjian became a military officer, he was always supporting him by Han Hao. Supervised training, and led the army in charge during the war.

"Of course, but I can't say yet."

"Hey, even I keep it secret, you are too brotherly." Shang Guanjian did not expect Ye Shikai to refuse, quite puzzled.

"Of course not beware of you, but there are some things you can't know."

"Well, since you don't want to say, there must be your reason. I would be too embarrassed to ask again. In a word, if your plan needs my help, despite saying that although the infantry did not have a horse, the long-distance attack also That's okay. "

"Haha, that's good, I'll be sure to listen to you." Ye Shikai patted his shoulders frankly, but he never underestimated his opponents. He defeated the wolves several times before, largely using them. The advantages of terrain and psychology, if he pitted against the wolf on the plain, he may not have full confidence.

Therefore, if you want to attack the supply battalion, you still have to plan.

"Xue San, how is your body recovering?" Ye Shikai came to the medical camp with some meat. Since the last battle, Xue San has been lying here. Fortunately, Meng Tian has appreciated a lot of trauma medicines, otherwise Xue San was seriously injured. I don't know when it will be ok.

"Return to the captain, oh no, it should be a military officer. I am much better." Xue San saw Ye Shikai and stood up directly from the bed. He still wore a thick bandage on his chest. At that time, he was mad at his hair, his life was dying, and several wounds were deep enough to hurt the internal organs.

"That's good, lie down and heal the wound, and when you're hurt, I'll take you home." Ye Shikai handed the stew brought by him.

"Haha, military, how do you know that I want to eat meat, I can only scratch my head in this wounded barracks, drink rice porridge, and my mouth is almost boring." Xue San took the stew and directly stretched out his hand. Take a piece of meat and bite it.

"This time you have done a good job, meat and wine are rewarded, but you are now injured and should not drink." Ye Shikai explained.

"It's okay, it's enough to have meat. I know that with the military, there will be meat every day." Xue San ate a little bit embarrassed. Speaking of it, he is now also a chief and only injured. Eating rice porridge buns shows that the food of ordinary sergeants is even worse.

In this age, meat is not something that most people can eat. At best, only some chickens, ducks, and fish can eat, but the wolf is different. Their food has a lot of meat. Ye Shikai suddenly thought that when going to the supply station, Can you take the opportunity to seize some meat.

"Military, is there any task?" Xue San asked suddenly.

"You're right, I do have important tasks now, but ... Brother Three, Xue is still recovering, this task is still not to participate." Ye Shikai advised.

"Please rest assured, I am the clearest in my body. Although the wound has not healed, it will definitely not affect the action." Xue San immediately got up from the bed and said firmly.

"Xue San, this time the character needs to ride on horseback. Your wound is not fully healed, and it is not suitable for participation. Listen to my order and heal yourself here."

"That being the case, the subordinates obey." Xue San's tone of regret suddenly asked, "Military, what task does the cavalry team have?"

"Sneak attack on Wolf's supply battalion."


After three days.

"Arimu, are you ready?" Ye Shikai came to the warehouse, and saw Alimu and Mancang and others already gathered here.

"Rest assured, military, I have bought some sergeants of the wolf tribe, these things are sent by them." Alimu asked the followers around him to open the wooden box in front of him, which is dozens of sets of wolf uniforms. Most of them are fur armor, the other boxes are made of fur shoes, and the wolf sabers are all a set. The most surprising thing for Ye Shikai is that there are tokens of wolf officers, With this small brand, you can save a lot of trouble.

"Haha, Alimu, you have made a contribution this time." Ye Shikai patted his shoulder and smiled.

"The thing entrusted to me by the military is naturally my mission. I gave them enough money. I am afraid those soldiers have already run away and will definitely disclose the matter."

"That's fine." Ye Shikai nodded. "Mancang, you bring some brothers and put on the wolf clothes."


Late at night, outside the fortress.

"Really, the clothes of the wolf are really rude." Mancang moved his body a little uncomfortably. The clothes were smaller in his body. Ye Shikai looked at his wolf costume, but he felt just right. On the contrary, wearing this fur armor on the body, waving a knife is a lot lighter.

"Military, is this trick really useful for us?" Mancang asked.

"Of course." Ye Shikai made a gesture, motioning to the two thousand cavalry to stop.

"Shangguan, I still need to trouble you this time, change to someone else ~ ~ I'm not assured." Ye Shikai turned his head and said, Shang Guanjian and most of the cavalry were wearing Qin Jun's clothes, only Ye Shikai and Dozens of people, including Mancang, put on wolf clothes and walked in front.

"Lao Ye, you can rest assured." Shang Guanjian nodded and yelled to the troops behind him, "everyone, come with me."

After Shang Guanjian left with 2,000 cavalrymen, Ye Shikai also ordered everyone to follow him and run towards the supply battalion.

"Wan Yuanyuan, I'll see you later." Ye Shikai passed the token to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Please rest assured."

The people slowly came to the Wolf's supply camp. Ye Shikai still clearly remembered the last time that Mapeng and Helen settled them. They wanted to use the supply camp as a bait, annihilate them, and then gave up the fortress. But this time, they are really going to destroy here.

"Stop, who are you?"

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