Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1426: Burning camp

"Let ’s check it over." Wan Jiyuan responded to the guards in the wolf language, because Qin Jun and the wolf language are not communicated, so if you want to mix in, you must have someone who understands the wolf language. It is right, Ye Shikai There were a group of wolf instructors under his command, so he asked Wan Yuanyuan to participate in the operation together.

As he said, Wan Yuanyuan took a token from his pocket and handed it to the guard. These were all "purchased" by Ali Mu from the wolf officer. The wolf management was not Qin The army is so strict and regulated, the sergeant slips away from time to time, no one will doubt them, Alimu gives them a great "interest temptation", take some money enough to buy a few slaves after returning to the grassland, comfortable Served the second half of their lives, so they even "tossed their hands" with the token.

"Please come in."

"Military, there are three thousand wolf guards in the camp, what shall we do next?" Wan Yuanyuan asked.

"We're going to set fire to it, but we alone can't stop 3,000 of them because of our fifty or sixty people, so we have to attract them." Ye Shikai pointed to the back of Yingzhai.

"Wan Yuanyuan, the wolf tribe usually stores food at the end of the camp, right?"

"Indeed, look at the military." Wan Zhengyuan pointed to the warehouses behind him.

"Grains and forages are different from armors and weapons. If it is rainy or rainy in the rainy season, it will mold and deteriorate if the food is contaminated with rainwater. Therefore, the warehouse where the grain is stored is covered with thick hay to prevent rainwater from penetrating Wooden boards. "Looking in the direction of Wan Yuanyuan's fingers, sure enough, dozens of wooden barns in the back were covered with hay, while other barns were not.

"Grass and forage are the most important for the wolf. Without food, they will be hungry. Without forage, the warhorse will have no strength. If the forage is on fire, the wolf will be fully rescued." Ye Shikai sneered.

"Let's go and see."

"Wow, military, the forages here are so big, there are dozens of them, how much forage is this?" Mancang said in surprise.

"At least there are tens of thousands of stones, enough for tens of thousands of people to eat for a month." Ye Shikai said lightly, the information provided by Alimu is accurate, this supply battalion is not destroyed, the wolf tribe comes whenever they want.

"You are all around." Ye Shikai gathered everyone together and took out a "short wooden stick" from his pockets, a bit like a grenade.

"This is a lighter. I got it in the hands of each of you. Let me show you the example below." Ye Shikai unscrewed the lid, opened the pull ring inside, and the port immediately burst into flame. Ye Shikai threw it into a warehouse. The hay soon lit.

"See it all, you go and light the other barn immediately."



ten minutes later.

"My lord, it's all done. There are dozens of granaries, one is not leaking. This lighter is really easy to use." The full warehouse was the first to come on horseback, and then everyone gathered together. At the same time, the lighted warehouse was also distributed. The smoke came out, and the fire ignited, as bright as day.

"Not good. The forage is on fire. Quickly fight the fire."

"Come, save the fire."

The Wolf Sergeant in the guarding village also found the anomaly here, and immediately organized people to come over to extinguish the fire. Ye Shikai signaled that everyone should not panic. They are now wearing wolf costumes, they cannot recognize them, and they will not realize that there is Qin Jun. Infiltrating into it to cause damage will only be considered as an accidental fire in the warehouse.

"We don't need to panic, everyone follows me." Ye Shikai turned his horse's head, and everyone rushed towards the door. Along the way, he saw many wolf sergeants carrying a bucket and rushing over.

"Fight the fire fast." Wan Jiyuan shouted in the wolf language. In this way, they are more like fire sergeants, and have not caused people's doubt at all.

"Haha, it's so easy." Everyone rushed out of the camp, and said loudly, full of excitement.

"Now, it's time for a big fire." Ye Shikai took out a signal arrow and shot it with a crossbow.


"Okay, everyone change clothes and wear armor to avoid accidental injury."



"Lao Ye, are you ready?" Not long after, Shang Guanjian arrived with 2,000 cavalry, and Ye Shikai put on his armor, calmly.

"Of course, how about it, let's get rid of it."

"no problem."

"The soldiers of the cavalry, let's rush in and burn them out." Ye Shikai shook his head with a spear.


Ye Shikai and Shangguan Jianchong were at the front. When the Wolf Sergeants in the guarding village came to the back to rescue the fire, they led the cavalry captain to drive straight in and broke through the Zhai Gate.

"Hurry up, light up their warehouse, leave them alone, burn me."

"Burn them down."

The cavalry held a torch and called hundreds of warehouses "one by one." It was difficult for the wolves to stop the defense. After they assembled the team, the entire supply battalion fell into a sea of ​​fire. The fire spread quickly. It is also difficult to fight 10,000 people.

"Everyone retreats." Ye Shikai saw that the fire was almost set, and he was not in love. He immediately rallied the team and evacuated, leading the warehouse. The cavalry team moved in and out almost without any obstruction.

"The wolf's reinforcements will arrive soon. Let's go quickly." Outside the supply battalion, everyone was very excited. The wolf was seriously injured. On the contrary, they lost no more than dozens of people, and the whole supply battalion, thousands of stones Thousands of pieces of weapons and armor were destroyed in a torch, and the losses of the wolf clan were great.

"Everyone, follow me." Ye Shikai shouted, and everyone was rushing, and soon returned to Shifeng Fortress ~ ~ Mancang, what are you all about? Ye Shikai faintly felt that Mancang's body was "big" in a circle, and he couldn't help wondering.

"Military, you say this." Mancang took off the cloth bag wrapped around his body, and it was full of jerky.

"Good guy, when did you get it?"

"This, brethren, just now when they were cooking the grain silo, they found a warehouse full of meat, and then ... the brethren all made it easier."

"You guys, but that's fine. Instead of burning these things, it's better to send them to the brethren."

"Brother Ye, you're back." At this time, Han Hao greeted with his troops. "If you don't come back again, I'll take the infantry over."

"Mr. Han has bothered, but it has been delayed for some time, and the operation is smooth."

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