Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1439: See you later

If it is said that lucky people are able to meet the nobles at the crucial moment in life, then Xue Sanhe and Mancang are lucky enough. One is a former officer of Wei Wuzu, and the other is a thief who breaks the rivers and lakes. If he did not meet Ye Shikai, None of them will have today's achievements. Everyone is walking on the streets of Xianyang. It is very lively and there are many acrobats.

Suddenly, a group of black guards walked in front of the crowd. Ye Shikai only glanced at Yu Guang and knew the person who was coming.

"Hua Liandie, why is she here again."

Although the market is very large, the posture of Hua Liandie is really not small. With so many guards carrying sedan chairs, the nearby people avoided each other. I do n’t know, but I really thought that the princess was “on the street”. First https: // https: //

"Sir, he wouldn't bother you." Mancang stood in front of Ye Shikai vigilantly, took out his sword and confronted everyone.

"Rest assured, if she really wants to deal with me, the tea house in Yang County can do it, but here is Xianyang City, the capital city of Her Majesty, no one dares to be so arrogant, and hands on officers in the downtown." Ye Shikai waved Of course, he wouldn't tell the story of Hua Liandie sneaking into his room, and he was terrified to think about it, also because the woman didn't kill him, otherwise he would die in his dreamland that night.

"Forget it, leave her alone. The road is so wide, we just have to go the other side." Ye Shikai didn't want to have any dispute with Hua Liandie. This woman has a strange heart and a mysterious identity. If he is asked to choose again, maybe He would not care about Yang County.

Xie Yeshikai turned around and wanted to leave, unexpectedly the black guards came over and surrounded several people.

"What do you want to do, dare to stop us." Mancang took out his sword and kept Ye Shikai behind him.

"Hua Liandie, what do you want to do? Just tell me, don't pretend to be a ghost, there is really trouble." Ye Shikai sighed, gently opened the full warehouse, and went straight out.

"Military, downtown is not a place to chat. I don't know if you, the general who is charging on the battlefield, dare to sing in the small woman's sedan." The curtain of the sedan was suddenly opened, and Hualian butterfly sat upright. Inside, there was still a white gauze in front of them, making the people nearby "quite disappointed."

"Master, this woman is not a good person, but she can't take things for granted, let's leave." Xue San looked dignified and had been in the rivers and lakes for a long time. He saw many things more thoroughly.

"Yes, sir, just in case, let's go." Although Mancang has always been brave and fearless, he puts Ye Shikai's safety first, and the woman in front of him suffered a big loss in Yang County. Ye Shikai would "treat" kindly, maybe trying to get revenge.

"As General Qin Guo, if I got into the sedan chair of my daughter's house, I would lose my status. If you really have something to say, we still have the old rules, find a tea room, and talk slowly. What?" Ye Shikai is not so stupid. He doesn't do irrational things like "going to the meeting with one hand", but he doesn't want to just turn around and leave, and he also wants to know about Hua Liandie.

"It's the best, there is a teahouse near here, please wait for the army." Hua Liandie waved her hand slightly, the curtain fell, and eight strong men raised the sedan chair, and Ye Shikai let the guards keep up.

Xianyang is not a place where tea is produced, but as a capital, there are treasures and treasures from all over the world, not to mention famous tea.

"Come, military, the little girl will make tea for you." In the tea room, Hua Liandie took off the veil, and her white delicate hands skillfully brewed fragrant tea. This is definitely "Master" Enjoy, but don't be deceived by this "illusion".

"Hua Liandie, can you stop following me in the future?" Ye Shikai took a deep breath after drinking the tea in the cup, and said something coldly.

"If you say that you are retaliating for what I did in Yang County, then I fully recognize that you lost money, I will pay you back." Ye Shikai stood up and pulled out all the gold and silver in his pocket. On the table.

"If it is not enough, Your Majesty will have a reward tomorrow, I will give it all to you."

"What do you mean, don't you think I care about this money." Hua Liandie's hands suddenly trembled, and her face showed a panic that never appeared. Although it just passed away, Ye Shikai saw it. very clear.

"Why are you following me all the way, Xianyang is so big, don't say that we met at the fair is a fate." Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Don't you really think that there is a fate between us?" Hua Liandie's answer made Ye Shikai momentarily speechless. If he said, he crossed the Qin Dynasty with a very small probability, and met tens of millions of people Hua Lian Die is doomed to heaven, then he will recognize it, after all, "crossing" alone can be called heaven and earth.

"Well, even if it is fate, then."

既然 "Since you hate me so much, why did you deal with me in Yang County at the beginning?" Hua Liandie seemed to be very wronged ~ ~ The voice was a little trembling.

"I said everything, but I can't stand the traitors' behavior, and who can think that the latter is a woman."


Xun frankly said that, except for the treacherous behavior, Hua Liandie is not bad, but Ye Shikai is very confused about what she wants to do.

"At least, let me know you better. I sent someone to check your information. For the past twenty-five years, you were almost blank and you were hostile to me. As an opponent, I also want to know." Hua Liandie said suddenly.

"I dare to say, but I'm afraid you can't believe it." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly. "Hua Liandie, you and I met, it was an accident. We are not people of the era at all."

"It turned out that you have been tossing for so long just to know my identity. I knew it so long, and I'll tell you directly." Ye Shikai explained, maybe a woman like Hualiandie likes to "hold the big picture." Wanting to know everything, she met Ye Shikai, who had no solution. He happened to have dug Hualiandie's granary in Yang County, sold all the grain, and for various reasons, she began to wonder about Ye Shikai. Starting

"Now that you want to know, I said, so can I go now, if there is nothing in the future, don't look for me anymore." Ye Shikai looked outside, and the night came, and he unknowingly talked here. After so long, we still have to face tomorrow.

"Ye Junhou, you are the first man to interest me, and we will meet again in the future."


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