Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1440: Meet Your Majesty

"Sir, the woman is gone. According to our scouts, after she left the teahouse, she took people out of Xianyang and headed east." Mancang walked up to the teahouse, Ye Shikai was standing at the window, watching the scenery outside, silently Silent.

"Sir, the curfew is about to go. In Xianyang City, after the curfew, no one on the street can walk freely, otherwise he will be fined and we will go back."

"Let's go, we go back to the barracks." Ye Shikai said lightly, still thinking about the figure of Hua Liandie in her head, this woman, I don't know when the "future" in her mouth will be.

I forget, don't worry about her.

The next day.

Han Hao brought Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian to the gate of the palace. They came from the outside. Without His Majesty's order, they could not enter. The court etiquette of the Qin Dynasty was complicated. They waited outside the gate for a long time. The **** came out to spread the word and asked the three of them to go to the palace to meet Qin Shihuang.

"When you meet His Majesty the Emperor, you must pay attention to etiquette, do not offend Your Majesty." Han Hao reminded softly.

"Master Han, rest assured." Ye Shikai could see that Han Hao was also very nervous. He used to be only a county garrison leader. He suddenly had the opportunity to meet with Qin Shihuang in person. Of course, he would be a little bit helpless. .

Ye Shikai looked at the splendid palace in front of him, and couldn't help but feel sighed. It is indeed "an emperor of all ages". In present words, it is "upscale in high-end atmosphere." Will "swell", this is a symbol of power, sitting on this palace, and even the whole world, at this time, Ye Shikai can also be understood, why the wolves deliberately want to go south ...

两侧 Both sides and around the entrance of the palace are covered with the Guards. Looking up from the bottom, the palace has a strong sense of oppression. The three stepped on the stone steps and stepped up.

Stepping into the palace, Ye Shikai only felt a strong sense of oppression. This feeling was like going to a temple to worship the Buddha, and his expression could not help but be tense and serious, for fear of insincerity in his heart, which caused the fairies to complain, but this time is different. The "immortal" he wanted to meet, but Qin Shihuang.

"I will wait and see His Majesty." Ye Shikai knelt on the ground and performed a great gift. He didn't expect him to come to the Qin Dynasty. He even had the opportunity to see the appearance of Qin Shihuang. , But the point is, this "trip" is a one-way ticket ...

"Three Ai Qing, let's calm down quickly." Qin Shi Huang's voice was uploaded from the temple. He was indeed the emperor, and even his voice was majestic and domineering.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, this is the young general I mentioned earlier, Ye Shikai." At this time, Meng Tian stepped out of the queue of ministers on the right and marched to Qin Shihuang.

"This time the Wolves wanted to sneak attack on Jixian, it was his leader who repelled. This allowed the officials to let go of the command and defeat the Wolves three hundred miles." Meng Tian, ​​in the presence of Qin Shihuang, strongly recommended Ye Shikai. They were all surprised, but Meng Tian was few others, and Ye Shikai and Meng Tian were not related, how could they get his attention.

"Really, Ye Aiqing, how many years have you been in the army and what position do you currently live in?"

"Back to His Majesty, the minister has just joined the army for a few months and is now serving in the military." Ye Shikai returned to his martyrdom.

"Since you can get Meng Aiqing, Ye Aiqing must have the ability, I heard that you also saved Meng Aiqing's life."

His Majesty "His Majesty, when the wolf was vacant in the city at that time, they attacked the city in a big way. If it was not for his urgent need, Chen would coexist with Jixian and die." Meng Tian said solemnly.

"Meng Aiqing is the backbone of my Qin Kingdom. He hit the wolf tribe, guarded the mountains and mountains, and martial arts. Ye Aiqing saved Meng Aiqing's life. It is a great achievement. Han Hao commanded a good way. He struck the wolf tribe in Shifeng Fortress, captured the wolf generals, rewarded hundreds of gold, was confiscated, and Shang Guanjian fought bravely. The three Ai Qings continue to contribute to the cause of the community. "

"Thank Your Majesty Ron."

"In addition, our battle was a great victory, but the meritorious ones were all rewarded. Those who made meritorious service can be exempted from enlistment, and this matter will be supervised by Meng Aiqing."


"Lao Ye, how long did you think of this, you have already risen to the left, and the military knight rank is higher than me. I will see you in the future, and I will be polite to you." Promoted several levels, of course, of course, there are reasons for Meng Tian to recommend in person, otherwise as the three of them, I am afraid that even Qin Shihuang will not be able to meet.

"You will laugh less, I just want to hurry back to Heyang County now." Ye Shikai said faintly, Shang Guanjian is indeed a brave general, but compared to Ye Shikai's strategy, it is still a lot worse. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"Your Majesty will allow us to stay in Xianyang City for a while and then go back." Han Hao reminded, speaking of ~ ~ This time he went to the wolf tribe, his military skills have also been upgraded several levels, and also played a few games Xiang Dangdang's victory has now been rewarded by Qin Shihuang, saying that it is not too much to return to Yijin.

"I don't have much interest in Xianyang." Ye Shikai shook his head. Xianyang is prosperous, but after all, it was in ancient times. He came from modern times. He has seen what is known as the city's paper drunk gold fan. This is not the ancient "Zhumen wine and meat". Than.

Originally, they were promoted to the rank of military merit, and their military positions would also be improved. Therefore, the military rank is no longer promoted.

"Brother Shangguan, Ye Ye, the people in Heyang County will be given to you in the future." Han Hao said suddenly.

"Master Han, what do you mean by that?"

"His Majesty the Emperor has promoted me to be the captain of Hanoi County. When I return this time, I will report to the county guard house. The position of the garrison commander of Heyang County will naturally be taken over by Brother Ye, and may be appointed by the imperial edict It will come in a few days. "Han Hao said a shocking news. The county captain of a county is equivalent to controlling all the people in a county. Han Hao was promoted, and Ye Shikai would naturally congratulate him, but he seemed to Not ready to serve as a county's garrison commander.

"Brother Shangguan, you picked it up by my hand. It stands to reason that I should take you with me, but if that is the case, Brother Ye may be overwhelmed and unable to help."

"I know this, I will cooperate with Lao Ye in the future to protect Heyang County."


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