Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1444: Feelings warm up

After dinner, the two came to the living room, and it was still cold outside. Ye Shikai wanted to move around in the village, but was worried that He Linghan was frostbite, so he dismissed this idea, but used the fire in the living room for heating. .

The ancients worked at sunrise, and died at sunset, and there is not so much entertainment as modern, so they fell asleep very early. After packing the kitchenware, Uncle He went straight into the bedroom, leaving the two people in the living room.

"Ye Gongzi achieved military success and was promoted to military service. I ... I haven't congratulated you well." After a long time, He Linghan said suddenly.

"Linger, the relationship between us, you'll see this outside."

"I have been inquiring about frontiers these days when you were away, but that is not a new situation in the county every day, so I go to the county every day to inquire."

Ye Shikai didn't expect that He Linghan actually ran to Heyang County dozens of miles away every day to find out the news. In fact, in order to prevent people's hearts from changing, even if the front line is tight, the county will tell the people about the front line ’s great success and stabilize the people ’s heart, while strewing The "good faith" lie, while looking forward to the real victory of the front line, otherwise, the paper can't cover the fire, but this time it was lucky, Meng Tian led the Qin army to win, and the wolf tribe retreated three hundred miles. Most of the children from Yang County have also returned.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long." Ye Shikai apologized. There was no phone in this era. Even if he really brought the "phone" from Hyundai, there was no signal at all. He was thousands of miles away and wanted to notify his family. Only rely on messengers.

"I had a letter from the village before. It was a letter from several wounded soldiers. There were probably more than two hundred letters. Almost all the families in the village who had sent out for the military received it, and I also received it." He Linghan suddenly walked to the cabinet, took out a letter from it, and handed it to Ye Shikai. It was exactly what he wrote in the fortress at that time. At that time, he allowed some sergeants and wounded soldiers to retreat to the rear, and took advantage of this opportunity to send the soldier All of their home books were taken home.

"The battle on the front line is urgent and time is short, so ... I just wrote this one." Speaking of this, Ye Shikai was a bit ashamed. After going to the front line for a few months, he only sent a letter, especially when he became a captain. At the time, in fact, he did have the ability to send letters back and forth every day, but he was worried that his sergeants could see it, feel unbalanced, and think about home day and night.

"The son doesn't need to blame himself, I'm very satisfied to hear that the son is safe on the front line," He Linghan said softly.

The time passed by one minute and one second. Unconsciously, the two of them gradually sat together from the two ends of the stove, so that they could almost hear each other's breathing.


The two held their hands together, stared with four eyes, and a person walked into this troubled world. What He Linghan meant to him was not only a woman who resembled "Su Qingyu", but also had other feelings for him. .

"My son." Suddenly, He Linghan screamed softly, stood up suddenly, and was shocked by Ye Shikai.

"What's wrong, Linger."

"Son, it's too late now, you should go back."

"That ... that's okay, Linger, you have a good rest." Ye Shikai's eyes flashed a strange color, sighed slowly, slowly walked towards the door, turned his head, He Linghan was turning his back to the flame in the furnace. put out.

"I go first."

Ye Shikai also seems to feel his own strangeness. He also knows that in modern times, there are also Ji Qian, Chen Yuxin, and even Su Qingyu. They may be searching hard and anxious, but he and another woman in this era " Talk about feelings ", this is a naked scumbag behavior. In the final analysis, maybe he has the feeling in his heart that he is trapped here, he really can't go back, he will stay in the Qin Dynasty forever, from this moment By the time Baidu died, since God sent him to this age, he met He Linghan, and he said that he was reluctant to pass her by, and meet Pingshui.

Or maybe, he always feels guilty of Su Qingyu, and now he is in a "new" era, and he wants to make up this feeling to He Linghan, Ye Shikai is not sure what he thinks Unconsciously, he had already reached his house.


The next day.

As soon as Ye Shikai got up, she saw He Linghan standing outside the door, her body covered with a layer of snow, maybe she has been waiting outside the door for a long time ...

"Linger, why are you standing outside, how cold it is, come in quickly." Ye Shikai hurriedly led He Linghan into the house, setting off a fire to keep warm.

既然 "Since it's here, what do you silly stand outside to do, what to do if it freezes." Although it has been February, the temperature is still very low, the sky is still snowing, and He Linghan's face is already reddish.

"I didn't bother when my son was still sleeping."

"What a silly girl, if you don't wake up, you can wake me up." Ye Shikai clutched He Linghan's little hand tightly. It was cold and cold, and it seemed to be frostbite.

"Ye son, what happened last night ... it's my fault." He Linghan suddenly apologized.

"Linger, what happened last night was that I offended you, and that was still in your house ..."

"This is the cooking cake I made ~ ~ It should not be cold, so please eat while the son is hot." He Linghan put the bamboo basket in his hand on the table, and it was wrapped in a thick cloth.

"Thank you."

"I have to go to the bazaar in the county, I will leave first." He Linghan whispered, turning around and wanting to leave, acting very embarrassed.

"Wait a minute, Linger." Suddenly, Ye Shikai called He Linghan. "I'm going to the barracks in the county. I'll take you there. I have a war horse, or you'll have to go dozens of miles." Xin 81 Chinese website update fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Outside the door.

"Ahem, jolt on horseback, Linger, you hug my waist, otherwise ... you will fall on the horse." Ye Shikai reminded, but He Linghan was very restrained, he did not dare to stretch his hand over, it seemed It's because of last night. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Linger, do I hate you so much." Ye Shikai coughed slightly. After hearing it, He Linghan held out his hand like an electric shock and hugged Ye Shikai's waist tightly. "No, no misunderstanding, I don't hate."

"Then hold tight, the warhorse is not as comfortable as the steed, not so comfortable."

The two men rode on horses and walked to the entrance to the village. Mancang had led the soldiers and guards to assemble, but when they found Ye Shikai's body, He Linghan was still sitting, they couldn't help smiling.

"Full warehouse, let's go." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Oh, subordinates understand, the guards keep up."


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