Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1445: High-profile appearance

Ye Yekai didn't ride very fast. It took an hour to reach the county seat. The guards behind him followed, but he didn't dare to be too close, for fear of disturbing the two of them ...

"Yes, we're here." Ye Shikai sent He Linghan to the gate of the bazaar and carefully helped her off the war horse. Many people in the bazaar set their sights here, looked at He Linghan curiously, and asked each other who knew each other. This girl.

"Son, you have official duties, you should go to the barracks quickly." He Linghan took two steps subconsciously, and she also found that many people's eyes had been cast, she did not like this feeling. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Well, I'll pick you up after you've finished the purchase." Ye Shikai nodded, not giving her a chance to refuse.

"Xue San, you bring a few brothers into casual clothes to protect her. People in the bazaar have many eyes. I worry about her safety." Ye Shikai said softly.

"Relax, military." Xue San nodded in response. He was originally a man in the rivers and lakes, and there were a lot of good people in his hands. With him, He Linghan would not be in danger, maybe the bully left to Ye Shikai before. The shadow, I am afraid that in Heyang County, there are far more than one person who covets her beauty. In this case, Ye Shikai will also use his power.

"Full position, how did you deal with those rambling yesterday." After He Linghan left, Ye Shikai turned and asked.

"Those who foolishly oppress the common people in the ordinary days, but in fact they are bullied and afraid of hardships. The folks have long been resentful and dare to offend He Girl. Please be assured in the military service that they will not have the opportunity to return."

"It's okay." Ye Shikai hesitated for a few seconds after hearing it, and then said something lightly.


Ye Yekai led the "victory division" back to Heyang County, so the magistrate ordered people to arrange their military camps and wait for their presence. The end of the war meant that there was no heavy taxation and food was sufficient.

When I came to the training camp, Shang Guanjian was already training in the command team. After all, the war was over. There was no need to maintain a high tension on the battlefield. The intensity of the training was significantly less.

"In Xianyang City, we separated from Han with 5,000 soldiers each, and the sergeants we brought included the children of the original Heyang County and some other counties." Ye Shikai found the roster, and the ancients first Seek to be selected later, so it is common for most of the sergeants in a team to be in the same town. Such an advantage, when one army joins the army, can reduce a lot of friction and the cohesion of the army is strong. The two are when they return home. Conveniently, Han Hao was still very considerate of his sergeants, and he allowed Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian to bring back all the children from Heyang County. Of course, in addition, Ye Shikai's team also had some sergeants from other counties.

"Since we have given our children home for the holidays, we can't take advantage of each other and send some 饷 silver to the remaining sergeants to improve their food." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Well, I don't have any opinion on this." Shang Guanjian agrees that whether the army can win depends on whether it is up and down, and cohesion needs to be formed in the usual way. Who will be desperate if they are unfair.

"It's so hard to go home, they are all very excited."

"Yeah, speaking, this battle with the wolf race is really too hanging. If it is not your strategy, I am afraid we will all die in the fortress on the night of Mapeng's rebellion." Shang Guanjian said "True If Mapeng succeeds, these people's families in Heyang County will have to wear white clothes and set up new tombs. "

"Ma Peng that bastard." Thinking of this, Ye Shikai could not help but yelled. After returning from the battlefield, the suffocation on his body became very heavy. When he was on the battlefield, he didn't think too much, but now he got off the battlefield. The more he wanted to get angry, the actions of Mapeng would directly kill the lives of thousands of Heyang children, and once the fortress changed hands, the war situation worsened, and more people would die. Thinking of this, he regretted that he was too "forgiving". Then, just a crime of "attacking the enemy" is enough to fight against the Jiu tribe. As a result, only Mapeng was executed.

"I estimate that with the strength of the wolf tribe, it will take at least three years to restore the strength, and the training of warhorses will also take at least two years. It will also take the supplement of grain and ordnance. At least three or four years will be needed before there will be a new war. "Shang Guanjian said, Ye Shikai can only laugh bitterly at this, in other words, this kind of battle only takes place once every five years, and Ye Shikai encountered it just after crossing it. Is this luck or bad luck?


Evening, market.

Ye Yekai brought the guard to the gate of the bazaar. A cavalry stood in a mighty row, which was spectacular.

"Linger, let's go." Ye Shikai found He Linghan in the crowd and came to her by horse.

"Ye son, you come here with such great fanfare, what to do if it is seen by the folks." He Linghan is very embarrassed. Ye Shikai seems to have forgotten that the ancient women were very conservative, far less than modern times, even if they show love, they cannot use it The direct way ~ ~ Hetinghan will naturally be shy.

"It doesn't matter to let them see it." Ye Shikai personally picked a horse and helped He Linghan to pull up, pulling his reins with his war horse, and pulling his reins with He Linghan's horse, for fear of the horse being frightened.

"Ye son, otherwise I will go to the market alone. Today, the hawkers are asking me, so that I dare not go forward to buy." As he was on the road, He Linghan complained to Ye Shikai.

"Haha, I can't think of such gossip." Ye Shikai couldn't help laughing.

"Eight ... Gua, Ye Gongzi, what does this mean?" He Linghan was confused and did not understand what Ye Shikai was talking about.

"Well, this is my hometown, probably referring to people like long tongue women, or those who like to inquire and talk about right and wrong." Ye Shikai explained that if he was right, those matchmakers in the market should be They were all asking about He Linghan's identity and family background, and after a short time, they would tell Ye Shikai that if they could make a successful match, they could still get some rewards. First https: // https: //

Ye Shikai ’s identity is different. He is already a military officer in his twenties and is highly appreciated by others. In the future, he will be fine, and even the magistrates of Heyang County will be in awe of him. At this time, Ye Shikai can It is said that everyone wants to be tied, but he doesn't greedy money, he doesn't pursue power, and he doesn't care about these things.

原来 "That's the case, don't the boy be so high-profile anymore, otherwise ... how can I go to the market in the future." He Linghan was a little bit angry and patted his shoulder lightly.


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