Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1451: Ghost Countermeasure

"I heard that the boss has disappeared, so I came here as soon as possible, and you were too disloyal. When such a big thing happened, no one told me. I still asked the alligator before he was willing to tell me." Ghost I found a place to sit down and couldn't help complaining about the crowd. Although he originally left the Hades, it was because he wanted to accompany Gu Xin, but it did not mean that he ignored the Hades, not to mention, this time Ye Shikai was missing. This is a big thing. As an overwhelming brother, he will come.

Of course, convincing Gu Xin is a bit tricky.

"Now things are very troublesome, but adults haven't found it yet, we are already suffering from internal and external problems." Nightmare's dignified face also showed a hint of lightness, and the ghosts planned. The key is that he has the most prestige in the Hades. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"The alligator told me while I was on the road, thirty-seven dark list masters besieged the three halls, and Doris and Aphrodite have not moved yet, maybe they are planning to collect fishing profits, or maybe ... ... intending to give us a fatal blow. "

没 "Yes, this is what we are most worried about. After the Lord God Conference, almost everyone knows that the adults are missing, and they have no internal strength."

"So, let's transfer some of our staff back to the European headquarters. In my opinion, just let the alligator take some of them to stay in Yanjing. Others, all of them will be transferred back." Ghost chose a compromise method, At the main **** meeting, Hades lost many masters, but it gave the dark list people a chance. This is because they were out of control.

魇 "Nightmare, how many people are still available in your hand?"

"Dark guard thirty, I trained myself." Nightmare replied, after so many things, all the undercover soldiers were killed and wounded, and only Nightmare had some people under him, but the ghost I didn't expect that there were less than sixty people in the dark guard up and down the entire Hades.

"Well, you stay with them at headquarters."

"Okay." Nightmare nodded and said, lowered his head and took out a silver sign from his pocket, and handed it to the ghost. First https: // https: //

"This is the Hades order given to me by others, and others are not present, and I still coexist with the Hades, and now you are back, I think it would be more appropriate to give you this token."

"Well, I will accept this Hades order." The ghost hesitated, took the token from Nightmare's hands, and saw Hades order, such as Hades himself, this is Hades ’rule, now Ye Shikai is not there, who Whoever holds this token is "Pluto".

"Destroy the soul, magic girl, you must call as many people as possible, and at the same time, release the news, and say that the ghost is back."


"A major event has recently occurred in Huaxia, and the ruins of Kunlun Mountain are about to open. Major families, even some families in the West, are interested in this. This is a good thing for us. Their attention is in Kunlun. Not with us. "

什么 "What, is the ruins of Kunlun Mountain going to be opened?" Mo Ji cried suddenly.

"What's wrong, you Kunlunshan."

"Kunlun Mountain is the largest relic site in China. Even the underground world here knows Kunlun Mountain very well. Legend has it that it has the power to reverse time and space, and even immortality. It is the secret of immortality."

"Okay, so mysterious, isn't it a mountain? We have been to many ruins, large and small." Soul killing impatiently interrupted her, and if Ye Shikai was still there, maybe they would too. Go to Kunlun Mountain, but now, it is most important to protect yourself first.

The opening of the Kunlun Mountains ruins can attract the attention of many cultivating families, as well as some foreign organizations. Perhaps the masters on the dark list will also be attracted to the past. As a result, their pressure is virtually reduced. They won a respite.

"Apart from those Chinese families, our biggest threat is Doris and Aphrodite, especially Doris, her martial arts and cultivation are very high, I am afraid that I am not even her opponent, and Aphrodite Di Xi ’s city and imagination are more than Zeus. They are together and it is difficult to cope. ”Nightmare rarely showed a worried expression. The last time at the main **** meeting, the three temples and their group saw what a true lunatic was. Although Zeus died, these two women are more dangerous than ten Zeus ...

"Although Doris is very high in martial arts, she and Aphrodite have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely ambitious. Two ambitious people are together, that is, to seek skins with a tiger. It is okay to cooperate and work, but No one will want to share the results, "said the ghost lightly." You don't have to worry about these two entangled women. I have my own measures. "


Qin Dynasty.

The capital of Hanoi County is Huai County, which is also the location of the county guard. Since Han Hao became the county captain, he has been leaving Huai County to lead troops. Ye Shikai ’s cavalry horses were captured from the wolves. Strong, strong legs and feet, galloping for one day ~ ~ can run for three hundred miles, so they only arrived in Huai County in two days.

"Brother Ye, oh no, I should call you General Ye, haha." Han Hao heard Ye Shikai's arrival and immediately invited him to the best restaurant in Huai County. He set up a table of wine and meat to clean the air for him.

"Master Han is polite. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you more."

"Brother Ye was named General Wing. I wanted to go to Heyang County to celebrate your honor, but unfortunately I was busy with work, and I really couldn't make time." Han Hao spoke sharply. "But this time you come to Huai County, we Come and have a drink. "

After three trips, I have to start talking about business. Ye Shikai is curious about Dongjun. As a man who has "predicted the future results", he is certainly curious about what is going to happen, but he dare not ask It's too direct.

"Sir, is there anything else after the school guards this time?"

"This ... hasn't been notified yet, is Brother Ye so anxious about future things?"

"It's not that, I just want to know in advance and be prepared, and some of my subordinates have asked me one after another." Ye Shikai faltered.

"Haha, brother Ye, don't worry, although the war with the wolf clan is over now, many garrison soldiers have begun to lay off sergeants one after another, but because of your performance in this war, coupled with General Mongolia's Relationship, nothing will be cut to your head. Besides, your cavalry is comparable to a wolf iron rider, and your men will be cut off. Would n’t it be arrogant for the county? arm."


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