Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1452: legend

"This time you come here, you just need to show up in front of the county officials. You are a person valued by General Meng. They only praise and praise you." Han Hao smiled proudly. "If you are promoted in the future, don't Forgot my brother. "

"Master Han joked and laughed, you have a kindness to me, I will not forget it, but ... I have a sentence, I want to ask Master Han." Ye Shikai suddenly looked dignified.

"Brother Ye, have something to say directly."

"Have Master Han considered that leaving Qin Army means leaving the army?" Ye Shikai said suddenly.

"The Qin people are still in the army when they are 40 or 50 years old. If I retire, I would have to wait at least another ten years." Han Hao was a little curious, wondering why Ye Shikai suddenly asked this question because he was appreciated by Meng Tian. As a commander, Han Hao was naturally promoted. Otherwise, how could he be promoted from the defending army commander of a county to the county captain so quickly, it can be said that it is largely because of Ye Shikai. Since he has a bright future, how could he plan to retire now? Yet. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Brother Ye, what do you ask these for?"

"Recent rebels are often heard in various counties and counties, and they are getting more and more frequent. I feel a little uneasy. If several rebels are easy to solve, but if the insurgent team blossoms on all sides, even if there are more troops, Nothing helps, "Ye Shikai explained.

"Haha, it's because of this." Han Hao seemed to hear what he said. If the rebel army really overthrew the rule of the county, then Han Hao, as a county captain, must be the nail of the rebel army. Ye Shikai hoped that he had suffocated the gold and silver, and kept the young and old in his family, so he left the army and left the Qin Army to become a reclusive citizen.

"Brother Ye is really thinking about it. The insurgents can only be arrogant when our army is fighting the wolves in the north and the rear is empty. Now that the war is over and we are back, these people ... can't stand any waves." Han Hao didn't seem to look at these people at all. The Qin Dynasty ruled all six countries. With so many counties and counties, there were no less than 300,000 garrison troops. There were also troops in the northern border, treating the rebels like ants.

But only Ye Shikai knows that in four or five years, the rebels will become the "fire" of this land, and the rule of the Qin Dynasty will be overthrown by the princes.

"Master Han, I still hope that you will consider my words. The situation has begun to change now. In the imperial court, the taxation of the people's **** was heavy.

"Brother Ye, no more to say." Han Hao interrupted his words directly. It seemed that he was a little angry, and Ye Shikai seemed to say too much "redundant".

"The quantification of the levy tax is the work of the civil servants in the court. Since we, as soldiers of Daqin, should serve Daqin, and the generals let us attack the city, we must obey unconditionally. Those rebels are just a few flies beside Daqin. Just pat it a little, it won't be a problem. "

"Since Master Han's words have come to an end, I won't say any more." Ye Shikai sighed. The truth sounded hurtful. He thought that Han Hao had the kindness to carry him, so Ye Shikai didn't want him to die in the future. During the rebellion ...

After drinking.

Han Hao was so drunk and drunk that he was brought back to the county government house by several guards, while Ye Shikai and Mancang returned to the barracks.

"Full position, why did you come to Qin Army?"

"Of course it is for the people. My father and mother gave me this name. I hope that the granary is full. People can have food and live and work in peace. If anyone wants to destroy it, I do n’t agree with it first."

"If ... the people who want to overthrow you are the people." Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Master, what do you mean, the subordinates are dumb and do not understand."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, full position, would you be reluctant if I retire you now?"

"This ... My lord is my benefactor, what do you want me to do? There is absolutely nothing in Mancang, let alone my current military status is given by an adult, Mancang is not so greedy."

那就 "That's good, listening to you is enough."

"Sir, you ask me these things for what is it, do you want to retire?" Mancang asked.

"This Qin Army, we will not be able to stay very long. I will leave at most one or two years, full warehouse. If you can trust me, go with me." Ye Shikai's words are amazing, who can think of being only a few days ago The young general named "Wing General" will say such things.

"Master, what does this mean?"

"You don't need to know, just listen to me."



报告 "Report to Master Ghost, one hour ago, the Dark Guard led by Master Nightmare ambushed the comer in the forest ten kilometers away, killing five masters of the Dark List."

报告 "Report to Lord Ghost, a latent attacker was found outside the headquarters, and Lord Maggie has solved it."

"Report to Lord Ghost, the headquarters is fifty miles away, and no trace of the lurker has been found."

In the Hades, the ghost spirit sits idly in the conference room ~ ~ Some members come in to report to him. Although the Hades are understaffed now, the ghosts are not panicked and deal with them in batches. Solve the invaders little by little, there is a "think tank" sitting, everything is arranged in an orderly manner, coupled with the news that the Kunlun Mountains ruins are about to open, attracting many experts, the crisis of the Hades is temporarily relieved. .

Suddenly, Ghost's cell phone rang, looked at the caller ID, and he was immediately connected.

"Master Luna, I haven't answered the phone for a long time. How are you recently?" Ghost said lightly.

"Ghost, I heard that you have returned to the Hades, but unfortunately I don't have time, otherwise I will definitely go." At the end of the phone is Ji Qian, but at this time, all the members of the Ji family are busy preparing to go to the Kunlun Mountains ruins , Ji Qian is naturally inseparable.

"Kunlun Mountain is the largest relic site in China. If I have a chance, I really hope to see it." The ghost smiled bitterly. "After all ... Kunlun Mountain ruins are a paradise for adventurous practitioners."

"It is rumored that there is a secret place on the top of Kunlun Mountain, where there is a force that can tear time and space, and even shuttle time and space."

"Wait a minute, Lord Luna." The ghost opened his eyes and jumped from his chair, revealing a startled expression. "You said just now that the secret place on Kunlun Mountain has the energy to travel through time and space."

"Yes, but that is also rumored. No one has even reached the summit of Kunlun Mountain." Ji Qian responded. Starting

"There seems to be a legend that travels through time and space in the holy mountain."


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