Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1453: we agree

Ye Shikai disappeared in the holy mountain without any trace. There are only two possibilities. One is that he was swallowed by the giant beast. The other is that he disappeared out of thin air. Through the previous observation of the beast by everyone, basically The first possibility has been ruled out. The giant beast lies on a cliff every day to sleep in the sun, and it seems that it doesn't need to eat at all. Its temper ... is also very gentle. At least in front of the members of the Three Temples, it didn't show its fierce appearance.

As for the second type, disappearing out of thin air is also the biggest doubt. There are many ways to make disappearing out of thin air. Time and space travel is also one of them.

Although it sounds nonsense, isn't the practitioner facing some strange things, at least this is a reason that can explain Ye Shikai's disappearance.

"Crossing through time and space is really fake, and it's incredible to think about it," muttered in the ghost's mouth, but speaking, no one has ever experienced such a thing through time and space, so no one can deny it, let alone say It's in the holy mountain.

"Yes, there are such legends in the records of the Holy Mountain for hundreds of years, but it is also because of oral rumors that no one has even seen it, so it has not been verified so far." Ji Qian has seen many materials He also said a lot to Ye Shikai, but he didn't listen to it at the beginning.

"Time and space travel, Lord Luna, whether the conditions for this situation are recorded in the information, or under what circumstances is it possible to travel through time and space."

"Energy, very strong energy, although it is not clear what the specific matter is, if there is no energy, it should not trigger space-time crossing out of thin air. Conversely, if there is a very strong energy wave, there should be a probability to open a tunnel through time and space."

If you let others hear the conversation between them, you might think that they are crazy, and talk about some good things ...

"If nothing else, I'll hang up the phone first, and then, after I come out of the Kunlun Mountains ruins, I will go to Europe to find you."

"Master Luna, please wait a moment." The ghost suddenly shouted on the phone.

"Do you have anything else?"

"I decided, the ruins of Kunlun Mountain, I will bring the Hades with me."

"What, how does this work, the masters on the dark list, and Doris and Aphrodite, they all stare at the Hades, you brought all the people over, who stayed at the headquarters." Ji Qian immediately refused. .

"No one left, we don't need it here," said the ghost lightly.

"what did you say."

"We all evacuated the headquarters and left an empty base. As long as we are still there, we can build ten, twenty, thirty bases like this, but if there is no boss, what's left of the base? Use. "Ghost's tone was firm, and he could hear that he was heartfelt. First https: // https: //

"Time and space travel is just a possibility for me to talk to you. Maybe there is no such secret place on the ruins of Kunlun Mountain." Ji Qian couldn't bear the destruction of the Hades, and still persuaded.

"Even if it is only 1 in 10,000, I want to try, haven't you said it, it's possible, don't you want to find the boss." Ghost asked rhetorically.

"of course."

"I don't think it's too late, I'll discuss it with Nightmare now."

"No need to discuss, we totally agree." Suddenly, a voice came from the door of the conference room, and the ghost slowly turned his head, and the nightmare, the magical spirit, the soul destroyer, and the leader of a group of Hades were standing at the door, staring at him.

"We all agree to go to the ruins of Kunlun Mountain, as long as we can find adults, this base, we do not want to." Nightmare said coldly, always indifferent like his style, but this time, his words are serious.

"Tomorrow, after you arrive in Yanjing, call me and I will let you pick you up"


Qin Dynasty.

什么 "What, go to Higashi-gun."

A little unexpected but expected news.

"Yes, the transfer order we just got, our cavalry team is going to Dongjun." Ye Shikai said lightly, when Han Hao received Meng Tian's order, he was also shocked. The only thing that should be shocked, Ye Shikai, was bland. Like water, it was like ...

"Master, what's going on?"

"Speaking of which, it has something to do with me. General Montgomery promoted me to the county ward's office, but Hanoi County already has an adult Han and the post is full, so we are transferred to Donggun, and there are recent insurgents there. Activities, I think General Mongolia wanted me to lead the army to suppress. "Ye Shikai explained.

"Are you going to be the county captain?" Mancang asked immediately.

"I want to be beautiful. The county captain is the commander-in-chief of all the troops in the county. He was appointed by His Majesty the Emperor himself. Not to mention, my military skills are not enough, so I was transferred to the county captain and ordered by the county captain."

既然 "Since the adult is going, then we will of course go together." Mancang said.

"Yes, sir, my subordinates have sworn to follow." Xue San also echoed.

"Master, we are all willing to follow you, wherever you go, we will go." The brothers of the cavalry cried.

"Sir, in addition to the two thousand cavalry, there are three thousand infantry in our county, do they not go with us?" At this time, a sergeant asked curiously.

"If all of us have left ~ ~, isn't there no soldier in Heyang County? My position in the Heyang County Defense Army is taken over by Li Ji."

"Li Ji was originally Han's subordinate and had some friendship with us. The three thousand sergeants were entrusted to him, and I and Shangguan also rest assured." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Okay, we can go back, hurry up and clean up, we will return to Heyang County immediately."

"What, sir, shall we not accept the review in Huai County?"

"No, we will rush to Dongjun within ten days, so the time is urgent. We will now start, return to Heyang County, and leave for Dongjun within five days."



Late at night.

"Everyone move quickly and arrive at Heyang County earlier." Ye Shikai asked the sergeant to go back day and night, and rushed back as soon as possible. Many of these people were local children of Heyang County. Their families were in Heyang. They will be transferred to Dongjun County, where they may find it difficult to meet with their families for a year. Ye Shikai hopes to go back early so that they can spend more time with their families.

"Yes." Ye Shikai suddenly wanted something and called Xue San over.

"Sir, what do you command?"

"Go to Hualiandie, explain the situation to her, and then go to Heyang to find us directly." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Master, I can find someone, but Hua Lian Die is not ordinary. Without an address, I would not find her at all."

"Relax, I have an address."


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