Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1454: Back to the village

Ye Shikai whispered a place name in Xue San's ear. When the teahouse was separated last time, Hualian Die told him that if there is an urgent matter, go here and Ye Shikai will soon leave Hanoi County. This is also a major event. If you do not notify Hua Liandie, she will chatter the next time she meets, so he asked Xue San to take someone to inform.

"Oh, go here."

Qi Yeshikai took the cavalry with him for 600 days and 300 nights. He returned to Heyang County in just two or three days.

"Why, Lao Ye, why are you all back?" When Ye Shikai led his army back to Heyang County, Shang Guanjian had not even had time to hear from the postman's messenger, and the cavalry had arrived first.

"We received the order." Ye Shikai handed the documents in the package to Shang Guanjian. Meng Tian also wanted to promote Ye Shikai. He could be transferred to the court hall to become his left arm and right arm. Now there are many insurgents in Dongjun. Although the total number is large, the scale is not large. Rather than a rebel army, some rogue robbers are gathered together. If it meets Ye Shikai's cavalry, it must be a touch.

"What, go to Dongjun, when is this news?" Shangguanjian asked.

"I just received it. Within ten days, we will go to the county ward house in East County to report. Shangguan, you go with me." Ye Shikai explained.

"Is it so sudden?"

"Well, we take the cavalry team, and the remaining 3,000 brothers are under the command of General Li Ji. Please prepare a little and do the transfer work with him."

"Okay, I understand." Shang Guanjian nodded and responded, but he was all too sudden and surprised.

"In these days, let the local children go home to visit their parents." Ye Shikai ordered that this time when he went to Dongjun, he didn't know when he would be able to return, so he also had to resign with He Linghan, while he was still in these days When he has time, he plans to take a good rest for a few days.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away, and give them some more money by the way."

Shangshui Village.

Ye Yekai didn't bring the guard, and quietly returned to the village alone.

"Well, General Ye, haven't you taken your soldiers to Huai County, why are you back?" On the way, Ye Shikai met the elderly in several villages, and Shangshui Village was a small village. For Ye Shikai, such a "wing general", of course, one pass is ten, one pass is one hundred. Now the people in the village are all unaware, no one knows.

"Just after receiving the military order, I will be transferred to Dongjun County, and I will serve in the county Wei House." Ye Shikai dismissed.

"Yunwei Mansion, that's great, old man, congratulations."

"The predecessors are polite." Ye Shikai talked with them a few words and then left. He came to He Linghan's house, and saw that she was sitting in the courtyard to sew clothes, until Ye Shikai's war horse gave a horse hissing. Just looked up.

"You ... why did you come back so soon, Grandpa said you only set off for Huai County a few days ago." He Linghan was shocked and even forgot to invite Ye Shikai to come in.

"There is a new transfer, I will bring the soldiers back." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

"Oh, yes, come in hurry."

When the two entered the room, He Linghan poured a cup of hot tea for Ye Shikai.

"Actually, I received a new order. In a few days ... I'm leaving, so I will resign to you specially." Ye Shikai stood up, Zuo said.

"Quit, where is the son going?" He Linghan panicked when he heard it, and the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground. As can be seen, she did not want Ye Shikai to leave.

"Go to Donggun, this time to Huaixian, I just received this transfer order and rushed to Donggun within ten days."

"What, leave in such an anxiety." He Linghan showed an anxious expression, held his wrists with both hands, and clenched unwillingly to let go.

"Well, I'll be gone in a few days." Ye Shikai nodded in response, He Linghan bit his lip gently, as if he had something to say but could not speak.

"Son, will you come back?"

"Of course, but ... it may take a long time." Ye Shikai certainly wanted to leave with He Linghan, but the He family has been in this village for generations. If they really want to migrate, it will be too frustrating. What's more, Mr. He is definitely not willing to leave home, and Ye Shikai is not willing to leave them here.

"Since the son is leaving, he must take care after that." He Linghan turned slowly, with a weeping tone in his tone. Ye Shikai wanted to pull her into her arms to comfort him, but hesitated, but just stretched out her hand to rest on her. On the shoulder.

"Okay, my son is very rare to come back. I must haven't eaten yet. I'll go to the kitchen first." He Linghan quietly wiped away the tears in his eyes, smiled, and went straight into the kitchen without Ye Shikai talking. Let him see.


Hyundai, Yanjing Airport.

From a large passenger plane, dozens of people slowly stepped down. Although they were not dressed in a special “alternative”, the sigh of anger emitted by everyone caused many passers-by to watch.

"Why are we so conspicuous." Mohun curiously asked "Does everyone in Yanjing love Tatars so much?"

"The murderous radiating from you ~ ~ You can smell it ten meters away, don't you feel it?" Mengyun replied coldly.

"You are no less murderous than me."

"Okay, say a few words." The ghost signaled the crowds to disperse, and the Kunlun Mountains ruins are about to open. In addition to the Chinese cultivation family, many foreign practitioners have also come. The Bureau ’s attention, now Ye Shikai is not there. As a “military division” of the Hades, naturally he does not want everyone to have a dispute with the National Security Bureau in Yanjing. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

At this time, a group of people in white clothes slowly walked towards them. A group of "white people" and a group of "black people" were very dazzling.

"Your Excellency is Mr. Gu Li." The old man in white is no stranger. The leader of the Ji Family's Baiwu Army and Chen Ligong are also the most trusted confidants of Ji Tao and Ji Qian. Ji Qian sent him to meet Ming Gong and his party can clearly see its importance.

"It's me, Elder Chen, we met again." Ghost is already familiar with his new name, and in Yanjing, it seems natural to call this name.

"Miss, let me greet you, you have come from a long distance, hard work, the car is ready for you, please." ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Thank you very much." The ghost waved his hand and let everyone catch up. Ji's car was already waiting outside.

"Did Miss Ji come in person."

"The young lady is busy with business, she really has no time to come out, and please forgive me."


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