Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1455: wait me back

Taking the special car arranged by Ji's family, the ghosts were relieved. At least they didn't meet the members of the National Security Bureau, otherwise they may be in trouble again. Ji's family is Yanjing's big family. With their help, Ming Gong people can safely stay in Yanjing.

"Elder Chen, the ruins of Kunlun Mountain are dangerous, but if you go, don't you worry about your life?" The ghost asked suddenly.

"Oh, Mr. Gu joked. Since I am an elder of the Ji family, I will naturally do my best for the owner, not to mention, the old man also wants to see what is great in this Kunlun Mountain." Chen Li's face did not change, and the ghost listened Since then, he has not followed up. Since he can become Ji Tao's confidant, how can he be a greedy for life and fear of death.

"I am more pragmatic, or rather self-aware. If the risk of the Kunlun Mountain trip is too great, I will not say anything." The ghost spoke sharply and said lightly.

"Is it, but isn't Mr. Gu coming here, and he is carrying all the staff?" Chen Ligong asked in return.

当然 "Of course it's different, we are to save a person, and you families are just for the benefit of the inside." Ghost retorted.

"Oh, if Mr. Gu said so, I would have nothing to say. My mission is only one, to obey the orders of the owner."

Ji quarter home.

"Ghost, you are finally here." Ji Qian walked to the door and greeted the people into the house. There were many eyes in the mansion, so Ji Qian had the waiters clean up the room for them, and all around was white. Wujun's residence.

"Master Luna, I'm really sorry. I was not present at the main **** meeting ..." Ghost apologized to Ji Qian first. Between Hades and Gu Xin, he chose the latter, so Ye Shikai was at this main **** meeting. He feels guilty about the disappearance, so he will return to Hades this time.

"Okay, no need to say anymore, this is not your fault. He originally let you and Miss Gu live in the East China Sea, but did not want you to be involved in Hades. Today you can come back to lead Hades, I should thank you. That ’s it. ”Ji Qiankuan comforted that she did n’t want to go to Kunlun Mountain with her family to find“ treasures ”, but since this Kunlun Mountain rumor has a secret place that can travel through time and space, maybe she can find clues about Ye Shikai. In this way, Ji Qian has to go and see everything.

"Ghost, this time you and the Ji family act together, you must hide your identity. This place is different from foreign countries, and this time to the Kunlun Mountains ruins, in addition to the four major families of Yanjing, there are Changan, Donghai, Jiangnan and other places Family, some of them know you. If they are found, I'm afraid you haven't gone to the ruins, you will be targeted. "Ji Qian reminded, and they followed the Ji family, if their identity was found It is inevitable that some families will be unfavorable to the Ji family, which is not what Ji Qian wants to see.

"This is of course."


Qin Dynasty.

Twenty-three days passed in a flash, and today is the time for the army to set off.

"My son, please take care when you arrive in Dongjun." He Linghan personally put on Ye Shikai's armor. The two walked to the door of the house. The difference between the two close people was long pain but not short pain. Ye Shikai insisted that he only send He Linghan home. Just by the door, or she would have gone even farther away ...

"Linger, you have to pay more attention to your body. I have left dozens of guards in the village, and they will protect your safety." After all, this time I went to the county weird house hundreds of miles away. If He Linghan is in the future What are the dangers, such as meeting some bullies and others, Ye Shikai can't protect him in time.

"It's ... not necessary anymore. I'm a girl's family. If there are so many sergeants behind, the folks will definitely discuss it."

"Let them talk about it." This time, Ye Shikai was very strong and insisted on leaving the guards. He Linghan naturally could not beat him.

"I'm leaving, Linger, I'll wait to return at home." Ye Shikai said softly, suddenly leaning out his head, and gently kissing He Linghan's cheek.

"My son, you ..." He Linghan's face suddenly turned red. Although the two men already knew each other's mind, He Linghan's heart was quite conservative.

"Lady lady, gentleman is good, Linger, when I come back, I will marry you, what?" Ye Shikai said in an astonishment, and He Linghan never expected to turn around suddenly, although the two were intimate for a long time, but When I really heard this, I still felt a little shy.

"If you don't speak, I will agree with you." Ye Shikai said with a smile, turned on the war horse, and shouted "Linger, remember, wait for me to marry you."

Luohe County Campus.

"Lao Ye, I'm leaving soon. Will you say goodbye to your girl?" Shang Guanjian asked.

"Well, of course, it's a great farewell." Ye Shikai remembered the scene just now, and almost laughed.

"Are the troops assembled?"

嗯 "Well, the sergeants of the cavalry are all here, waiting for your order."

"Let's go ~ ~ I hope these brothers will have a chance to return to their hometown."

A large number of cavalrymen set off from the school field. Although Heyang County is at the junction of the two counties, their target is the county government of Dong County and Liyang County. From Heyang County, there are many ways to reach .

交 The junction of the two counties.

"Lao Ye, after crossing the river in the past, even if I entered Dongjun County, speaking, it was my first visit to Dongjun County." Shang Guanjian looked at the scenery in front of him and was quite emotional. A few months ago, he It's just a district chief, and the area under management is just a few villages. It is unexpected that it has now become a military commander with a thousand commanders. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

The river in front of the is relatively turbulent, and there is only a small wooden bridge nearby, just enough to ride side by side.

"The whole army listened to the order and passed through the wooden bridge in turn, and then set off on the opposite bank." Ye Shikai was not in a hurry, and personally tested the bearing capacity of the wooden bridge, which allowed the cavalry to pass one by one.

"喏." After the cavalry heard the order, they immediately lined up in four rows and slowly passed the wooden bridge.

"Haha, they did the trick and let the arrows go." Suddenly, there was a shout in the wheat field not far away. Hundreds of people suddenly came out of the wheat field. Before everyone responded, the arrows were facing He shot over the wooden bridge and shot down a dozen cavalry on the wooden bridge. The horse was suddenly frightened by an arrow and jumped into the river with a person.

"Be careful of enemy attacks, follow me." Shang Guanjian shouted, holding a spear in his hand, and rushed forward on horseback.


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