Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1467: Perk

"Quick, take away the poisoned sergeant." Mancang commanded the relatives, and several people carried the poisoned sergeant on a stretcher. In order to save their lives, they also tried hard to vomit, and it was still a bit useful. A lot of The river water was spit out.

"Medical doctor, hurry up." To detoxify, you must know the main components of the toxin, but now the situation is urgent, it is too late to check the ingredients carefully, so the medic quickly rushed to the sergeant with the usual antidote, although The effect is not good, but it can relieve the urgent need.


"Reporting to the general, the medics did statistics on the poisoned brothers. A total of 87 brothers were poisoned, five of whom were poisoned ... died." Xue Sanjiang passed the bamboo slip in his hands, and Ye Shikai heard the result and couldn't help it. With a sigh, I didn't expect that the first brother to die was poisoned and died.

"I know."

Suddenly, Xue San knelt on the ground with one knee and folded his hands.

"It was the subordinates who did not report in a timely manner that caused these brothers to be poisoned. It was their subordinates' responsibility. Please also ask the army to punish me." Xue San firmly said that it was very different from his past smoothness. Waving.

"As the commander, I have not been able to remind the troops in advance. This is my responsibility. As a scout investigator, you must pay more attention in the future and be clear about the points. Today's events are **** for you and me. Lessons. "Ye Shikai, as the commander, is naturally responsible for this, but the insurgents poisoned the river water, which is indeed insidious. However, the two armies confronted each other, which is the rule of the battlefield.

"Report, the Shangguan army came to Yingzhai for a meeting."

"Hurry up, invite him in." Ye Shikai immediately stood up from his seat, while Shang Guanjian walked in.

"Shangguan, why are you here?"

"I heard that the sergeant was poisoned and worried that something went wrong, so I hurry up." Shang Guanjian explained.

"I was too careless, and I expected that these people would not simply abandon Shouyingzhai." Ye Shikai sighed in his chest, and blame himself very much.

"This can't blame you, Lao Ye, you are now the commander of the command. Your eyes must look forward. Although this time the thief army blocked our brothers, I just saw it because of this matter. The brothers outside now hate the thief, and morale is soaring, which is in our favor. "Shang Guanjian advised," We should not blame ourselves now, but face the things at hand. "

"Things before you," Ye Shikai murmured.

"Yes, now the river has been poisoned, and the sergeant has blocked it. I sent someone to look for it nearby. There is no other water source. To find a new water source, we must go further into the mountains, but we are three thousand When troops enter the mountains, drinking water is only enough for three days to drink. This problem must be solved as soon as possible. "Shang Guanjian poses a new problem. Since ancient times, logistics has been the lifeblood of the army. Compared with military food, drinking water is actually more important. Without water, troops may not be able to persist for a week.

"Shangguan, what suggestions do you have." Ye Shikai knew clearly that Shangguanjian wanted him to cheer up. He couldn't be depressed because of the death of several sergeants. He had to command the remaining 3,000 people.

"I have asked Wan Jiuyuan to lead the two thousand iron riders outside the mountain and send water from the nearest village. The cavalry has good mobility and the horses can carry loads. The water supplied is sufficient to meet our needs, but this is only an emergency. Strategy, we still need to find water in the mountains. "Shang Guanjian said in detail.

"Well, you're right." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Also, although it is late at night, I have sent scouts to investigate. These insurgents are good at night battles. We need to know ourselves."

Early the next morning.

"Lao Ye, I have sent some poisoned sergeants back to Liyang. Besides, the detoxification formula given by the military doctor, I also asked someone to send me to the drug store in the county, so that the doctor can expedite the solution. Medicine, these thieves have used these negative tricks to achieve results, they will definitely use the second, third ... "

I have to say that Shang Guanjian handles the issue in great detail. Ye Shikai is sighed. On the battlefield, he has the courage and the courage to be brilliant, but on the battlefield, he still needs the assistance of generals like Shang Guanjian.

"That's good."

"General, just a few strongholds I took my brother to explore last night. These thieves are very cunning. In the past few months, seven or eight camp strongholds have been built, and they are all scattered. I and my brother ran for a long time to get He learned information. "Xue San wanted to be guilty of guilt, took the team awake all night, ran long distances, and marked the location on the map.

"Three holes in the cunning rabbit, I expected it."

Ye Shikai led the team into the dense forest of the mountains. The insurgents built so many strongholds for two purposes. One was to stay in the back road. Even if one stronghold was destroyed, there were a second one, a third one, and then a little bit of the Qin army. In the absence of water and rations, they can only choose to retreat. Second, they want to disperse the Qin army and leave multiple empty villages for the Qin army, and then assemble all the forces to storm one of the Qin soldiers ~ www. ~ This strategy is very applicable to "mediocre" county captains such as Ma Yao. No wonder the Qin army has besieged soldiers several times and returned without success.


Modern, Temple of War.

"Master, are you okay." Kratos made a scar, his blood was stained with red blood, but he still waved his double sword, and killed him by his side, holding him up. Wang Kai, as a **** of war, was always warlike He is good at fighting, not afraid, but Doris is better in combat and cultivation. The two main gods are shaking hands, the members of the temple of war are desperately fighting, but facing the dark list that was brought by Aphrodite The master is still hard to beat with four fists.

"Relax, I can fight all day long." Wang Kai sneered, propped up with a spear, and glared at Doris in front of him.

"Aris, in the underground world, it is rumored that you are blessed by the God of War, and you are invincible. Even if Hades is singled out with you, you will not fall into the wind, but in my opinion, they are overestimating you, you and Hadi. What's the difference between that derelict person? "Doris mocked. She was deep in her own strength and had fully developed the power of the trident. Wang Kai could not beat her on her own.

"Che, it's just your effort. If you run into Lao Ye, you won't even have the chance to ask for mercy." Wang Kai sneered, and suddenly aroused Doris's anger. She was a proud and arrogant woman. Person, what she wants to do now is to defeat Ye Shikai directly, then destroy the Three Temples and become the king of the entire underground world.

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