Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1468: Ominous omen

"Okay, when I take your head off, I'll give it to Hades as a gift." Doris snorted violently, suddenly clenched the trident, turned on her internal force, and gave out a whole body Murderous, sudden change of look, rushed up, and lifted the trident to stab Wang Kai. This was her exhaustion of her strength, and she was bound to kill with a single blow. Even the members of the Temple of War and the darkness on both sides were fighting fiercely. The top players felt a wave of energy.

"Master, run away." Kratos pushed Wang Kai away, pushing him to the side of the wall.


王 When Wang Kai opened his eyes, Doris's trident had been thrust into Kratos' body, running through the entire chest cavity, and the tip of the halberd came out from his back ...

"It seems that the ants around Ares are still very loyal." Doris frowned, not expecting Kratos to block Wang Kai's fatal blow at the last minute, and blood flowed out of his mouth, soaking With the clothes on, they flowed to the trident.

"Sir ... Quickly ... Go ... Go to Yanjing ... Look for Lord Luna." Kratos was seriously injured and knew he was going to die. But at the last moment, he still wanted to delay Wang Kai for a while, He stretched out his hands and held the trident tightly on his chest. Doris waved the trident, but Kratos' hands were held firmly and could not be pulled out.

"Hum, you can't help it. I'll let him go to **** to accompany you later." Doris was so full of strength that he finally threw Kratos out and hit his body heavily on the wall.

"Dorris, kill Ares quickly, so as to avoid night long dreams." Aphrodite shouted loudly, Wang Kai was seriously injured now, and Kratos, who was the right arm of his left arm, was also beheaded and killed. At the right time, she didn't want to give Wang Kai any chance.

"Brother." Sad tears shed from Wang Kai's eyes, and he stood up from the ground with pain, his fists clenched tightly. When Wang Kai first came to the underground world, Kratos followed him, carrying a group of brothers As the brothers were killed, how could he bear this breath and watch Doris's "slaughter", Wang Kai can't wait to rush her to kill her now.

As soon as Xun thought of holding the spear tightly, Wang Kai felt relieved and fell to the ground.

"Haha, I can't imagine that Ares has the current wolf howl." Doris, like a hunter, "patiently" watched the prey struggling to death. After a fierce battle, Wang Kai's internal strength had been exhausted, and at the end of the crossbow And the members of the Temple of War also suffered nine injuries and heavy casualties. In the face of the masters of the Dark List, their resistance seemed very difficult and they could only keep back.

"Sir, let's go quickly. The three sides of the hall have fallen behind, and we will take you from the back." Several confidants rushed to Wang Kai and wanted to take him away.

"Let me go. Today either my brothers and I died here, or I killed the woman and left her here." Wang Kai shook his arm hard, and he was not willing to face the result.

"Sir, stay in the mountains, and we are not afraid that there is no firewood. We will go to Yanjing first, and then come back later." Wang Kai's confidants desperately took him away, and the capture of the Temple of War was already a nail in the nail. Their role is to protect Wang Kai's safety.

"I still want to go, no one of you can go today." Doris flashed a killing in her eyes and rushed over immediately.

"Take your adult away, I will stop her."


Qin Dynasty.

"Sir, do we really want to divide the troops?" Mancang asked.

"Well, this is also a helpless decision. We do n’t know the location of the insurgents. They have long known the mountains and forests, and they have built so many strongholds. If we all move in one place, it is very likely that we will lose everything. For a long time, we were futile. "Ye Shikai explained that three thousand people were divided into eight teams, and at the same time, the leaders were the five hundred masters that Ye Shikai personally selected.

"Sir, we're ready. Are we going now?" Xue San asked.

"Let's go, all of you be careful."


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky, the clouds were overcast, and the sky was dark. This seemed to be the precursor of a heavy rain.

"Shangguan, is it the rainy season now?" Ye Shikai raised his head, his eyebrows tightened, and it was raining before he left. This is not a good time for the expedition. The ancients generally believed in this kind of "symptom". Flying up is generally a reflection of bad luck. At this time, extra attention must be paid.

"How is it possible? Even in this season, even if it is raining, it is also a drizzle. Such an instant heavy rain is quite rare." Shangguanjian replied.

"Our luck is really" good "," Ye Shikai murmured.

"Lao Ye, the rainstorm rushed into, this deep mountain dense forest, the terrain is complicated, the vegetation is dense, once it rains, the sky is dim, it is difficult to watch the road, and we first arrived, and divided the roads. If we start according to the plan, I am afraid ... … There will be accidents. ”Shang Guanjian was worried, right in time and location, and has been the key to the war since ancient times ~ ~ Ye Shikai also feels uneasy. Indeed, from time to time, this rainstorm came too coincidentally.

The raindrops fell from the air, from a little bit at the beginning, to the last pouring rain. It was only a few minutes. The sergeants quickly changed their jackets. Although they could not completely block the heavy rain, it was better than nothing.

"Lao Ye, I suggest to postpone the departure time, at least ... we have to wait until the rainstorm is over and the mud is dry before we start."

"This ..." Ye Shikai hesitated quite a bit, staying in this barren mountain and ridge, every day he dragged, his heart was sad, but later changed, but according to the current weather, the risk of marching rashly is too great, his The goal is to resolve these insurgents at the least cost.

"Well, wait until the rain stops and we will start. Now everyone is back at camp to strengthen our alert."


"Sneak attack."

As soon as the voice of the cricket fell, a sergeant fell from the ground and an arrow shot into his head. He was killed on the spot, and everyone was shocked. He immediately raised his shield.

"It was the insurgents who put cold arrows in the secret, and adults are careful." Mancang held a shield and a sword in front of Ye Shikai.

Dark clouds, flying sand and stones, even things within 20 meters may not be clearly visible, let alone the rebels hiding in the dark and putting cold arrows, the sergeants were very panicked and worried that they would shoot an arrow from the surrounding area, Shoot through their heads.

"It seems that those thieves were eavesdropping nearby. We should have known about the postponement of our actions." Shang Guanjian said coldly.

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