Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1472: Rain is coming

Speaking of Ye Shikai, there was a loss in Ji Qian's eyes. Indeed, she disappeared for so long, but she still ca n’t see anyone, she ca n’t see her body. Everyone has sweated for him. There is more and more in the underground world. Many people believe that Ye Shikai is dead, otherwise he should have appeared.

"Ji girl doesn't need to worry, Ye Xiaozi is a lucky man, not to mention, with his life style, he encountered some strong winds and waves in his life, even if it would endanger his life, it is normal." Du Gutian Ke Realizing that he seemed to be talking about Ji Qian's sadness, he quickly relieved.

"Senior, are you sure he's okay?" Ji Qian asked back.

"It is inevitable to kill the wolf's life, and it is inevitable to change constantly. The ups and downs are inevitable. Although some of these disasters can be described as a life of nine deaths, facing life and death, I believe he will be fine." Du Gu Tian Ke has always been "part-time "Fortune telling, and claiming to be a **** of fortune telling, his words really made Ji Qian relieved a lot, after all, he is a senior master with Chen Yaozu's generation, so you can't believe it.

"Senior, what is the life pattern you just said."

"Well ... you still don't need to know. With the scientific knowledge of modern people, these life forms are nothing but subtle things. Don't talk about it." Seeing Dugu Tianke unwilling to elaborate, Ji Qian did not follow up, She also reads ancient books, has researched many documents, and knows a bit about life, so just go back and check the information.

"Remember, girl, you are the one behind Ye Xiaozi. He is not here now. You have to bear everything for him."

"Senior, I ... I'm afraid I can't do it."

"Remember, if you really like him, don't be afraid. In my opinion, the next time you meet him again, he will have a new change."

Tianya Group.

"Qing Yu, recently ... do you have any news from him?" In the office, An Lan and Su Qing Yu are sitting on the sofa and chatting, and the "he" in An Lan's mouth naturally refers to Ye Shikai. Since Su Qing Yu and After he divorced, there was no other man in his heart, and he became even colder. He was more absent-minded and perfunctory in the face of those wealthy children who came to "please".

"Miss Ji said, he seems to have something." After the divorce, Su Qingyu never took the initiative to talk directly with Ye Shikai, but not because she really didn't care about Ye Shikai, but because she didn't want to disturb Chen Yuxin, more generally, She wants to avoid suspicion, so she got some information from Ji Qian, including Ye Shikai's recent situation.

"There is an accident, no, there are so many people around him, how could there be an accident." After listening to this, An Lan was panicked. When he first met Ye Shikai, he was a "playing pig and eating tiger" person, but the same Yes, the people who came to attack him were also wave after wave, both foreign and domestic, and she was reminded of timidity every time.

"This time I was abroad, not in Huaxia, but in other cases Miss Ji did not say, Elena ... is also indifferent, there seems to be something inexplicable." Su Qingyu is good at checking the color and never asking for Elena. From time to time these days, she is absent from work and absent from work. Rarely is she whispering when she is at work, especially when facing Su Qingyu, or even avoiding it. This makes her feel a little uneasy. Is something wrong with Ye Shikai, so Elena was afraid she asked about the situation.

"Qin Yu, or ... Let's go to Ji's house in person, we will go to Miss Ji, she will be able to tell us the real situation." An Lan advised, but Su Qingyu still hesitated.

"Pour rain, something, don't regret yourself."


Qin Chao, three days after the blink of an eye, the sky was clear, and the stagnant water began to disappear. The sergeants left the barracks and came out to bask in the sun.

"What, do everyone have to withdraw?" Ye Shikai's order to withdraw the army was passed down, without a little preparation, all the sergeants looked dumbfounded, no one expected that the withdrawal order would be made so quickly, it was too late reaction.

"The generals have orders, the entire army has to evacuate quickly, the tents, grain, ordnance, burned on the spot, there must be no mistakes." Chuan Lingbing shouted in the camp, although it is not clear what is going on, but since the order has been issued, they also No reason for refusal.

"What are you still thinking about, don't do it yet."

A group of sergeants dismantled the tent, gathered all the remaining forage and food, and piled up extra weapons in the center of the camp.

"This is what to do."

"It seems to be burning. You see a dozen brothers pouring oil on it."

"What, is it all burned? Isn't that a pity, there is so much food."


"What do you guys know, bring so much food, how to march at full speed without leaving these thieves, the general wants us to bring only food rations and move forward light."

A lot of sergeants talked, and sure enough, a torch was dropped, and the fire was instantly lit, torch these materials ...

Ye Shikai rode to the front of the army, but saw no trace of Shang Guanjian. When he saw him, the sergeants lined up and waited for orders.

"Sir, do we really want to go?" Mancang still couldn't believe it ~ ~ The weather finally cleared up. I thought I would start the offensive, but I didn't expect Ye Shikai to order the withdrawal, in order to ensure that he really cheated the uprising. Army, only Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian know about this plan. If you count one more, it is Xue San who is responsible for early investigation.

"Of course, do you think I'm talking about fun, full warehouse to listen to orders, and lead the team along the route to leave."

"Subordinates understand."

At the same time, the back of the mountains.

Shang Guanjian took a thousand sergeants and the pro-guards to detour around the trail according to Xue Sanjian, and "hidden" the large troops to the back of the mountain. These sergeants were carefully selected because the troops were scattered before Stationed, even if a thousand sergeants were missing, the large troops could not find out.

"Look at the Shangguan army, all the thieves are at the base below." Xue San pointed to the camp below, and sure enough, there were many insurgent patrols on the camp, and the intelligence of the investigation did not differ.

"Adults are really clever. These thieves are sneaking on us, this time letting them see the taste of being attacked." The sergeant at the back saw Yingzhai and suddenly understood the layout of Shang Guanjian, secretly proud of himself Now, they are at a high place, and they can see the whole camp village at a glance. Once they rush down, it is "the tiger goes down the mountain", and it is unstoppable.

"The whole army is quiet. It is not the time for us to attack. Stay here and wait for the signal of the attack."

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