Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1473: Assault

Ye Shikai led the troops, marching to the mountains and forests. There were many paths in the mountains. If you are new to the road, there is no guide, and getting lost is inevitable. Therefore, sergeants are stationed on the roads into the mountains as a guide.


The sound of the leaves of mother-in-law came from both sides, Ye Shikai tilted his head, and a dark shadow flashed in the woods.

"Sure enough, these insurgents sent their eyeliners." Ye Shikai murmured, the corners of his mouth were raised, the army suddenly burned down the supplies, and all the roads were evacuated. The insurgents must also be embarrassed. After all, the weather cleared, they would think that Qin Jun would take advantage of this opportunity to attack aggressively, so he must have been prepared, but did not expect Ye Shikai to order a retreat, they would naturally send someone to investigate.

Ye Shikai ordered the army to continue marching, all the supplies were destroyed, and the sergeant's rations were enough for a day or two. Ye Shikai believed that his actions would surely blind the insurgents and let them be vigilant.

"Full warehouse, how far are we going to continue to export." Ye Shikai asked.

"Adult, there are about twenty miles left. There is a fork in the road ten miles ahead. Follow the road on the left and go for another ten miles and go out." Mancang replied.

"Very well, tell the brethren, march slowly, restore physical strength, and stop at the fork, I have a new arrangement." Ye Shikai looked at the sky, and it was evening, and the sky was dark, the final battle.


The troops marched to the fork in the road, where the Qin Army stationed. When Ye Shikai led his troops, the sergeant at the station immediately greeted.

"Sir, the road on the left is the road to the mountain, and the road on the right is another road to the mountain. It's getting dark. Let's set off quickly." Man Cang sighed, quite regretted, Ye Shikai saw his appearance and couldn't help laughing. Road.

"Master, what are you laughing at, this time without destroying the thief army, return to the county, that Ma Junwei will laugh at us."

"Okay, get ready, let's go to war." Ye Shikai patted his shoulder vigorously and said proudly.

"What, fight ... fight."

"Yes, that's war." Ye Shikai turned his horse and looked at the sergeants behind him. Everyone's face was written with "unwillingness" and "regret". They came here because of Ye Shikai's "excitement", except They have to prove themselves by beheading the enemy, but they still have to prove themselves. But now, after more than ten days of sin, they have to return without success. How can they leave willingly.

"The whole army stops." Ye Shikai shouted, and the crowd stopped abruptly, looking puzzled.

"The whole army listened to my order, marched from the road on the right, and moved forward at full speed. Tonight, we will kill these insurgents without leaving a piece of armor." Ye Shikai shouted to the crowd. He has estimated the time and the uprising at this time The army must believe that the Qin army was to withdraw, and there must be no defense in the camp. The army suddenly attacked, and then cooperated with the Shangguanjian in the rear.

"What, march."

"You're right, you were talking about withdrawal."

Ye Shikai's remarks were like a bomb, "blasting" in the minds of everyone, withdrawing troops and marching in, just a word difference, but it meant a world of difference.

"Yes, we will kill now. We were caught off guard by the thieves. I can also tell everyone that the Shangguan army has taken people to cut their backs. This battle, none of them can run." Ye Shikai ordered Next, it can be said that all the sergeants shouted, and Mancang also became sad and smiled. He picked up the double knives and came to the forefront.

"We marched at full speed and tried to kill them before dark."



Rebellion barracks.

"Have you heard that Qin Jun has withdrawn today."

"It's true. They didn't attack, but they withdrew."

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes. They burned all the camp, burned the grass and weapons together, and the army began to withdraw."

"In my opinion, Qin Jun's commander general is also a wine bag and rice bag. It must have been scared by the heavy rain, so he quickly led his soldiers and fled."

"Haha, right."

Hey, hey, hey.

"There is something ..."


In the camp, several insurgents chatted halfway and were shot into a "sieve" by the arrow rain falling from the air.

"Another round." Ye Shikai shouted, thousands of arrows descended from the sky. Because of the darkness, the rebels patrolling on the camp wall were not visible at all, and they were killed by the arrows.

"Yes ... it's Qin Army. Hurry up, everyone will come out to fight." The insurgents noticed the anomaly, hurriedly picked up their weapons, and even ran out of clothes before they rushed out of the barracks.

"The whole army listened to the order, and killed the thief." Ye Shikai pulled out his sword and roared loudly. With a command, the sergeant behind him rushed to the camp of the insurgent army like a wolf, and broke through the almost unguarded wall in an instant. At the gate, Ye Shikai took out the signal arrow and shot it into the air. This was the signal he had previously agreed with Shangguan Jian. As soon as the signal arrow was released, they attacked from behind.

"Full positions ~ ~ Let's do that too."

"Well, I can't wait any longer."

Ye Shikai led the pro-guards, rushed into the camp, rode a rebel army in a hurry and rushed to face the enemy. The opposing army was several times the Qin Bing. The rebel army was unprepared and resisted for a while, then began to defeat. They are good at jungle attack, not defense, so there is almost no heavy armor. In the face of the excellent Qin army, their swords do not even pierce their armor.

"There are too many Qin Army, I ... Let's run away." As some of the rebels began to surrender and defeat, the defense immediately collapsed.

"Master, the thief army runs towards the back of the mountain, and there must be their escape route over there." Mancang said immediately, the rebels rushed away, the materials in the warehouse were naturally out of control, Ye Shikai was not panic at all, because ... It has long been filled with Shangguanjian's men and horses.

"Listen to me, don't let one go." Sure enough, Shangguanjian rode on a war horse, and his soldiers rushed to the front, waving his sword, and killed several people in a row. Completely blocked, the insurgents had nowhere to run but could only return to the camp, scurrying around like headless flies. The left side of the camp village was the high mountains, and the right side was the abyss.

"He waited for his weapons to be surrendered, surrendered quickly, and saved his life." Shang Guanjian let the sergeants cry loudly, and persuaded to descend like a cone in the heart of the rebel army. Soon, their psychological defense line collapsed.

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