Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1474: Return from victory

"Quick, that's the leader of the Qin Army, we can catch him and run away." A group of insurgents saw Ye Shikai on horseback and wanted a dog to jump over the wall and grab him. A dozen insurgents rushed forward without waiting for Ye Shikai's shot. The full warehouse has rushed up, holding a heavy shield and a sabre, and rushed directly to the past. The shield opened up and flew them like a bull, but he was not hurt. He also wielded the sword and forced himself to retreat. Team uprising.

"Who else dares to come up." Mancang is like a tiger, with a roar, these "birds of surprise bow" are completely stunned, looking at the corpses of their companions lying on the ground, they instinctively loose their hands, their arms fall, their legs are soft, Sitting paralyzed on the ground, he didn't dare to move.

"Come, take them all." Ye Shikai ordered, and the guards behind him immediately stepped forward, binding the surrendering rebels.

"Kneeling down all over," Mancang shouted.

"Where is your general?" Ye Shikai dismounted and asked a rebel army. The thief first captured the king. This was a strategy he always used, but in the camp, he could not find the rebel army. General.


"No more nonsense, hurry up, or I'll hack you." Mancang pressed his sword against the neck of the rebel soldiers, scaring him to ask for mercy.

"General ... he ran away from the path."

"What." Ye Shikai was shocked when he heard that he still had a path leading to the outside. This was beyond his expectation. In this way, the leader of the insurgent army would slip away from the path, and the path in the mountain is complicated. Once they escape, there is no possibility of chasing.

"Take me to see," Ye Shikai ordered.

"Yes, General, please follow me." Under the guidance of several surrendering rebels, everyone found a dense forest path leading to the mountains behind the warehouse. It was very narrow, just enough for two people to pass side by side, but the same, It is also enough to hide, outsiders can't find it at all. I am afraid that even many rebels don't know that they still have such an "escape channel", otherwise when the Qin army enters the village, they will crowd like this crazy.

"Sir, do we want to chase?" Mancang inquired, looking at his anxious look. Obviously he wanted to chase. Ye Shikai stepped forward and looked carefully, and found a lot of messy footsteps on the ground. Judging by the degree, they have been away for some time.

"No more, there are too many paths in the mountains. Our sergeant does not understand the terrain. Now it is dark and hastily entered, but we have lost ourselves." Ye Shikai rejected Mancang's opinion and took the guard back.

"Lao Ye, you are here." Suddenly, there was a scream from Shang Guanjian in the distance, and he turned around to see that he had brought someone to ride on horseback, and the two armies successfully merged in the camp.

"What's the situation," Ye Shikai asked.

"It was surrendered. Except for some people who died in battle, most of them surrendered. We won. Now the sergeant is clearing the battlefield and taking inventory of the loot." Shang Guanjian said with a smile.

"Adults have a plan, they attack the camp village, they admire it."

"Okay, now the battle is over. Let the sergeants be ready, escorting the prisoners of war, and taking the booty. We set off for Liyang overnight. In addition, the cavalry team will immediately return the injured brother to the county for treatment without delay. It was a pity that although the victory was won, the leader of the rebel army ran away.

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

After an hour.

"Sir, more than two hundred injured brothers have been sent away by the cavalry. In addition, the two thousand stone grains hoarded by the insurgents have also been counted."

Although psychological preparations have been made, so much grain has surpassed Ye Shikai's expectations. It seems that they "take up the mountain as king" and indeed have robbed a lot of Qin Jun's transport team.

"Very good, take them all back." Ye Shikai rode on the war horse and ordered his army to leave the mountain.


Liyang City.

"Haha, Brother Ye Xian, it's great that you return triumphant. You see, the people are very welcome." As soon as he entered the county, Ye Shikai and his party were "welcomed" by Ma Yao and other generals, and they didn't know who they were. To inform, Ma Yao knew the news of their victory for the first time, and "blocked" and waited for them directly at the gate of the city.

"Thank you, Lord Jun Wei, for welcoming us. This time we won a great victory. We also want to thank you for your help." Ye Shikai was unwilling to fight, and he sold Ma Yao a face. Sure enough, when he heard this, Ma Yao A smug smile appeared immediately.

"Where and where, it is also my responsibility to ensure logistics." Ma Yao took Ye Shikai's hand. "Come and come, I have set up a celebratory feast for the younger brother at the best restaurant in the county. Please, please."

"Master Jun Wei's kindness, I received it, but after the war, my sergeant was very tired, and there are many things waiting for me to handle, this celebration feast is not to eat until the dust is settled." Ye Shikai smiled, I declined politely. Although there were not many casualties in this battle, many things remained to be dealt with after the war ~ ~ First of all, the problem of prisoners of war. Nearly a thousand prisoners of war. If the disposal is not good, it will definitely Cause a great mess.

"It's ... well, Xiandi takes national affairs first, and is a model for generals." Ma Yao laughed, though he was inevitably complained when he was rejected, but he still pretended to be indifferent, and right Ye Shikai praised.

In the barracks.

"Sir, these are the rewards from the county weird house. Look, gold and silver wine, and a bunch of rare treasures." Mancang and the guards moved several large boxes and set them in front of Ye Shikai.

"Unexpectedly, this Ma Junwei shot so generously, look at these rewards, enough soldiers for two months in the army." Mancang said excitedly.

"Of course, because of the existence of these insurgents, Ma Junwei has not slept well for a long time. I now help him except for such a serious trouble, and of course he will re-reward, and, after this battle, The other insurgents in the county in the future will probably need us to annihilate. "Ye Shikai put down the bamboo slip in his hand and said lightly.

"What, that's not to take his brother's life to protect his Ma Yao position." Mancang heard what it meant, and he was quite displeased. If it wasn't for Ye Shikai's proper command, he didn't know how many brothers would lose his life, and Ma Yao is "steady and earns nothing," Ye Shikai worked hard, but the benefits fell to Ma Yao.

"You can't say that either. Since we are now the garrison in East County, it is our responsibility to destroy the insurgents."

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