Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1479: Get married

Ye Shikai this time can be described as "returning clothing to his hometown." As a magnificent general Qin Guo, he came back to marry He Linghan. This is indeed a very beautiful thing, especially many people in the village know Ye Shikai. Seven or eight months ago, he was just A small soldier, and later was only a chief of the Tun, experienced this time and the wolf war, he "green light" promotion all the way, hundred generals, captain, military ...

"Well, isn't she home?" Ye Shikai led his horse to the door of He Linghan's house. There was no one in the courtyard, but she might be in the room.

Ye Shikai tied the war horse to the door, went straight in, pushed open the wooden door of the room, and He Linghan was cooking in the kitchen.


He Linghan turned around and saw Ye Shikai, the spoon in his hand fell to the ground, and the two looked at each other, but no one spoke.

A hug.

The two hugged for five minutes. He Linghan held her arms very hard. It can be seen that she also missed Ye Shikai. When the robbers came to the village, it was Ye Shikai who stepped forward to save He Linghan and Uncle He, maybe a hero. Things like saving the beauty, in the ancient times, it was easier for the woman to fall in love.

Ye Shikai likes He Linghan for a very simple reason. One is naturally because of her appearance. He Linghan is exactly the same as Su Qingyu. Although Ye Shikai is not a person who values ​​appearance, Su Qingyu has special meaning to him. In addition, He Linghan has a good temper and good temper. Although he is not a boudoir, but he is also a small family. There are many men who came to Hejia to propose a family. Some were rejected by Mr. He, and some were rejected by He Linghan himself. Waiting until Ye Shikai arrives, it can be regarded as the fate of the two.

"Linger, do you remember what I said last time?" Ye Shikai opened the door to see the mountain and gently passed the tip of her nose.

"My son, don't make jokes." He Linghan turned around sharply, from blushing to ears all at once, it seems ... she still remembers the agreement between the two.

"Why, you are too late to regret it now." Ye Shikai bounced her head. "My welcoming team, but it is coming soon."

"Master, you ... don't say anything about how you came back." After all, the ancient women were still very "conservative". They suddenly came back to get married like Ye Shikai. Although He Linghan longed for a long time in his heart, he must still be "excluded" at once , Or rather, it takes time to accept it.

"I'm not too late to speak now." Ye Shikai took her little hand and sat back in position.

"Linger, since I have already said, I will marry you next time I meet, then I will not break my word, Linger, are you ... will you?" Ye Shikai confessed boldly, but said it was rather impatient. When he got up, he was really anxious. Mancang should have already told the three old men. Then, the people in the whole village will know it, and Shang Guanjian and the sergeant with a colorful gift will also come over. People, that is a "great embarrassment" to her and to Ye Shikai.

"My son, my heart is already yours." He Linghan summoned his courage, and finally responded to his will. As soon as the words fell, she was taken into Ye Huai's arms.

"I'll accompany you well these days." Ye Shikai estimated that Shang Guanjian's team would need at least five days to arrive, so these five days are the opportunity for the two to be alone.


Sheung Shui Village.

"Have you heard that General Ye returned this time to marry Ho?"

"It's true, it's the girl from He's family."

"Of course, the old man in the village said that there can still be leave. General Ye is now a big man, and even Han Junwei is his former boss."

Sure enough, as Ye Shikai said, Mancang told the old man about this great event, and then ... every household in the whole village was discussing this matter.

"Linger, how's the situation in the village these days when I'm away." Ye Shikai made a special trip to accompany He Linghan to go fishing and boating by the river. When chatting, Ye Shikai asked the village's situation. Many things should also happen.

"Well, the village ... is not very good." Speaking of this, He Linghan sighed suddenly.

"What, what's going on." Ye Shikai asked immediately.

"Since you went to Jixian County, the county has continuously adjusted the grain and young people stored in the village, and another wave has been adjusted these days. Now the village has lost a lot of vitality." He Linghan looked very lost, and Old Man He was no longer Small, naturally it is not necessary to be transferred for puppet service, and He Linghan is a woman, so naturally she will not worry about it, but other villagers will suffer. Once there is no stored food in the village, if you encounter a drought, locust disaster, and famine, you can Starve to many people.

"How I don't know about this." Ye Shikai seemed to realize that something was wrong, and immediately asked.

"Grandpa didn't let me tell you the last time you came back. Actually, in the month you went to East County, the county came to draw food again ~ ~ And, there have been many uprisings recently. Army and robbers, villagers in the village are afraid of being affected, dare not go out at night, and dare not even open the window to sleep. "He Linghan said something in detail. The more she said, the more serious Ye Shikai felt. The situation is no wonder why When they entered the village, the garrison troops would be so vigilant that the situation of the insurgents not only occurred in the East County, but also the insurgents in Hanoi County became more frequent.

"Since you left, I have been very worried." He Linghan looked up, eyes like water, watching Ye Shikai, the tender expression was really pitiful.

"Relax, we won't be apart in the future." Ye Shikai held her thin waist. "Linger, after we get married, you and grandpa will follow me to Dongjun, I can arrange there."

"Where you go, I'll go, but grandpa ..." He Linghan stopped talking.

"Grandpa may not be willing to leave the village. His ancestors have lived here for generations, and he may be reluctant to leave."

"Then please persuade him." Although Ye Shikai wanted to take Uncle He along, he still had to follow his advice. If he insisted not to leave, then Ye Shikai would have no choice.

"Well, I will." He Linghan nodded, Ye Shikai looked at the beauty in her arms. If she was with Ye Shikai, it would be a good thing. At least, Ye Shikai didn't need to worry about her safety. The thought of the village last time The Chinese bully wanted to "rob the people", and he was full of anger.

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