Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1480: Granary emptiness

"Come on, put these lanterns on. My grown-ups are going to get married and be happy." Mancang took some sergeants and filled the windows and doors of every family with red lanterns and brocade, as if they were going to celebrate the New Year.

"Everyone listens well. My grown-up family will be married in a few days. Each household will be rewarded with two or two silver. At that time, folks will come to drink wedding." Mancang asked the sergeant to bring a box of silver to the whole village. The villagers gathered and announced loudly.



As soon as they heard the rewards, everyone cheered. Ye Shikai can be described as a "legend" in their village. Now Qin Jun is in a high position. With this relationship, the villagers feel safer. After all, the village has kindness to Ye Shikai. Ye Shikai was able to help the robbers, but now what makes them most happy is the two or two silvers. He Linghan also said before that the county frequently collects taxes, food, and **** in the village, so the villagers Now it's "shy in my pockets", and I'm naturally excited to hear that there is a reward.

Ye Shikai and He Linghan returned to the village, just to see Mr. He. Ye Shikai still felt a bit embarrassing. Although this agreement was made by himself and He Linghan, in the final analysis, He Linghan is also the granddaughter of Mr. He Especially in a feudal society, the words of the parents and the matchmaker can even say that whoever He wants to marry and who Linghe will marry, but Ye Shikai returns to marry her like this Everyone knows it with great fanfare, but he has not discussed it with He Bo.

Thinking of this, Ye Shikai suddenly felt guilty. How did he feel that he had “lied” to He Linghan without even notifying his parents.

"Boss He, this time I'm here to plead guilty to you." Ye Shikai stepped off the horse, walked in front of him, and bowed.

"I and Linger did not discuss with you in advance."

"Well, just stop." Although Mr. He has some mustard in his heart, the raw rice is now cooked, and everyone in the village knows that they are going to get married. If he resolutely opposes at this moment, wouldn't He Linghan be in the village? There was a joke in front of people, and then said that Ye Shikai was in a high position. After He Linghan followed him, he must be worry-free, enjoy prosperity and wealth, and walk back 10,000 steps to say that this is a "big" that many people ca n’t ask for. Good thing. "

"I don't have any opinion on the old man, just hope that the general will treat Linger well in the future."

"Please rest assured, Mr. He, oh no, it should be said to be grandpa."

Uncle He also knew that Ye Shikai respected him and gave him steps. He didn't need to ask for himself. Besides, the two young people were also in love, and the fate had arrived.

He Linghan's home.

"After you get married, let's go to Dongjun to live together. I want to stay here alone." Uncle He took out an altar of wine for a long time, poured a bowl for himself, and a bowl for Ye Shikai.

"Grandpa, don't you plan to go with us." Sure enough, as Ye Shikai expected, Mr. He did not want to leave Shangshui Village.

"All my ancestors and fathers were born in Sheung Shui Village and died in Sheung Shui Village. Their roots are here. Naturally, I cannot leave. Besides, I have lived here for more than 60 years, and I am not used to going outside. You don't need to worry about me. "Uncle He took a sip of wine and waved his hands with his eyes narrowed.

"Grandpa, I still want you to think more. If you stay alone in the village, Linger and I will not be at ease."

"Haha, don't look down on the old man, General. When I was as old as you, it was easy to go to the mountain alone to fight a wolf. If it was placed 30 years ago, as long as those young people outside the village came, I would definitely Let them go back and forth. "Uncle He suddenly laughed with a trace of reluctance in the laughter. It was really timeless. I remember when Ye Shikai first came to the Qin Dynasty, he saw a few robbers who defeated Uncle He Earth, if the family is in danger, the heartache is the most helpless ...

late at night.

Ye Shikai walked around the village with the guards. Sure enough, exactly as He Linghan said, the villagers closed the doors and windows, and even blocked the doors. They were very vigilant to prevent the robbers from entering the village.

This is not a good signal. Ye Shikai is very clear. This shows that the nearby "unrest army" has made the villagers a bird of surprise.

"Full warehouse, take the guard, come with me." Ye Shikai looked calmly and said lightly.

"Well, the guards are on and off."

Ye Shikai took the guard on horseback to the cave granary in Shangshui Village. He thought that Ye Shikai was also here to stay overnight and also fought the local robbers here. After seven or eight months, he was very curious. What.

"Stop, somebody." Two watchtowers and a few meters high wall were built around the granary in the cave. When a group of cavalry rushed over, the sergeant on the watchtower called out loud.

"Blind your eyes, didn't you see the general?" Mancang shouted.

"It turned out to be General Ye, forgive sins." The sergeant motioned for the garrison below to open the wooden door and put Ye Shikai and his party in.

"General Ye, I'm the garrison commander here, Luo Li, I don't know what the general is here for." A man who looked like an officer came over ~ ~ respectfully asked, Ye Shikai glanced over Throughout the stronghold, Tun Tun had no more than 50 people in his hands. Even if the defense here is as good as possible, it is bound to be outnumbered when encountering a large number of robbers.

"Take me in for a look." Ye Shikai pointed to the granary and said.


"What's wrong, don't you understand me?" Ye Shikai asked.

"General Ye, there is not much grain in the village ..."

"It goes without saying, just open the door."

"This ... oh." Captain Luo Tun asked a few sergeants to unlock the door, and Ye Shikai walked directly in. The cave, which had been stuffed with grain, now looked "empty" a lot. Ye Shikai glanced around, leaving only The seven or eight bags of grain on the ground add up to a few hundred pounds at most.

"How much grain is there?" Ye Shikai asked directly.

"Reporting to General Ye, the grain in the village ... Only these are left." Luo Li shook his head helplessly. He was only responsible for guarding the grain warehouse, and it was impossible to change the grain.

"What's going on, when I left, there were at least five or six hundred stones." Ye Shikai asked.

"Sir, in the past few months, the grain stored in the village has been requisitioned by the county. We have only these left now, about seven hundred catties." Luo Li explained, "and there are many robbers outside. , Staring at the granary. "

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