Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1485: Defense in place

"Sir, what should we do? We only have two hundred guards, but there are hundreds of carriages, and there are four or five hundred husbands here, but they are unarmed and can't fight at all. What to do." Mancang was anxious, but After getting the food, all of them were brought back to the villagers. How could they be snatched by these thieves, but there were too few sergeants in the escort. I knew I should have brought more garrisons along with me.

"Otherwise, I'll take someone out and go back to the county to ask for help from Han." Mancang asked.

"We have been out of the city for hundreds of miles. Even if you really go back and bring in reinforcements, it will take at least a few hours. By then, the food will be taken away." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Otherwise, sir, I personally led a team of men and horses, pre-empted, and killed the others behind. You brought the troops to wait in place, they are just some pirates, and the guards are carefully selected to fight the war. That's why you can definitely win. "

"Although they are black people, their number is several times ours, and they are willing to work hard, not to mention, if you rush directly, they must be prepared. In addition, the defender only reports the visible enemy, and the remaining person is lurking. , How many of them, can you win. "

"This ... what does that adult have to do."

"Everyone, go up that high slope." Ye Shikai pointed to the side slope. Although not towering, it was the only commanding point nearby, where he could overlook the entire forest.

"Well, the folks behind are all keeping up." Mancang directed the husband, driving the carriage towards the hillside, and also let the guards monitor the situation behind.

"Order everyone to form a circle with a horse-drawn carriage as a cover, and then use a spear and shield to defend the outermost defense, including the crossbowman." Ye Shikai ordered, here there are hundreds of grain-carriage carriages, which are just fine. In use, the weapons are not enough, and the husband's **** and rake can be used.

"Sir, we have no retreat now. If these thieves came over now, we might not be able to stop it." Mancang looked around, there was a cliff behind, and there was a road in front of him. The defender's position here is a desperate situation. If it fails, it is nothing to leave behind ...

"If we just ran away and dragged so much food, we will be caught up sooner or later, and several times the thief army will engulf us and die, then it will be desperate. On the contrary, we are here to use the advantages of weapons, Enough to resist them. "Ye Shikai also read a lot of" Books of War "these days when he came to the Qin Dynasty. Frankly speaking, if these things can be brought back to modern times, they must be national treasure-level antiques. The most important thing is that there are A lot of matrix diagrams.

Ye Shikai let the sergeant and the husband form a circular line of defense, like a hedgehog shrunk into a regiment, even a powerful enemy could not escape.

"Will we die?"

"I don't know. There seem to be many people chasing us behind."

"What, I heard these robbers dare to kill even the officers and soldiers, let alone us civilians."

"What should we do, or hurry, the commission will be gone."

"But where are we going now."

All the folk husbands also felt abnormal, and the guards waited for them, as if they were close to the enemy, but they were honest farmers, and of course they were afraid of the sword.

"Everyone don't have to panic. My general has fought against the wolf in the north. Tens of thousands of wolf can't help my general. He still saved General Meng Tian's life in the chaos. General Ye is here, so you don't have to be panic. Seeing this situation, he quickly calmed everyone's emotions.

"Since it is a general against the wolf, then we are not worried."

"Yeah, I've heard of General Ye's fame. He was a subordinate of Han Junwei before. He fought in the north and fought a few wins in Dongjun."

"Everyone don't have to panic. I'm here to ensure everyone's safety." Ye Shikai shouted to everyone. Some of the husbands have heard of his prestige, as if eating a "centering pill", as if he suddenly found the backing, Ye Shikai It was clear that at the beginning of the battlefield, Meng Tian shouted at the army. The army of more than 100,000 Qin troops seemed to be hit with stimulants and instantly forgot the fear of death.

"We believe in General Ye."

"Dear folks, these thieves robbed your food, set fire to your house, and even killed your loved ones. Today, how are we going to get revenge together." Ye Shikai continued.

"These thieves have always burned and looted. It is terrible. We are willing to follow General Ye."

"Yeah, big deal ... just fight with them, and my parents died in their hands."

"Yes, they want us to die, and we will never do anything to kill the lamb. General Ye gave me a weapon. The folks are willing to fight with you and fight with these thieves."

Ye Shikai's words are in the heart of everyone. The thief army is not good for the people on weekdays. However, due to the blades in his hands, the people are afraid to be angry and dare not speak, so they have to swallow the bad breath. Now there are elite soldiers around to help them. They also have a bottom in their hearts, plus Ye Shikai's words evoked the anger in their hearts, like a flame thrown into the dry wood, and immediately aroused their fighting spirit ~ ~ Mancang, while they Before you come up, you immediately rush out and ask for reinforcements in the county. Ye Shikai ordered.

"No, sir, I want to stay to protect you, and you didn't say it just now, a few hours, when the reinforcements arrived, did the food be taken away." Mancang refused immediately, he must not take Ye Shikai stayed in such a dangerous place. When he left, he also promised He Linghan to swear to protect Ye Shikai. If he had an accident, how should Mancang return to explain.

"It depends on who is going to direct it. If I say it, it is not a problem to hold for a few hours." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"No, even if we don't need this food, I want to protect the safety of adults."

"If we don't notify the reinforcements, it's meaningless for us to defend here." Ye Shikai spoke sharply and roared loudly, "Full position, I order you to start immediately and go to the county for help."


"Excuting an order."


Mancang only took two sergeants and rushed out. Ye Shikai estimated that it would be enough for him to reach the county seat in half an hour, and the reinforcements needed at least one hour from the time they arrived, counting the reserved time. Ye Shikai needs to block the thief for two hours to be rescued.

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