Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1486: Repel robbers

"Everyone listens, take the grass from the car, and spread it on the road in front." Ye Shikai made a plan and asked everyone to remove the hay from the car and spread it in front. He wanted to light the grass. A flame barrier was formed to block the robbers who came up. These were originally intended for horses, but now they ca n’t care much about it. It is better to burn these forages than burn food.

"Come on, let's do it together." Everyone worked together and quickly piled up a tall haystack. At the same time, many people had faintly appeared in the distance. It seemed that the robbers had caught up.

Ye Shikai also remembered that there was a good car, which was originally intended to be brought back to the guests for a wedding banquet. It seems that now they can only drink soup.

"Come, open all these wines and pour on the forage." Ye Shikai ordered.

"What, general, how much to pour."



Seeing all the fine wines poured on the forage was really a violent thing. Not only Ye Shikai was distressed, but even the sergeant and the husband were distressed, but in order to save their lives, they could only bear it.

"Hurry up, pour it all on," Ye Shikai urged, and the spirits were soaked in hay. It only needed a Martian to ignite instantly.

"Wait a minute, leave some." Ye Shikai suddenly wanted a good idea, quickly stopped the sergeants around him, and collected the remaining dozen altar wines back.

"Sir, what are you doing?" A sergeant asked curiously.

"Everyone listen, pour all of this wine into smaller vessels, stop the bottle tightly with fabric, and wait for my order." Ye Shikai took out a cup-sized vessel, poured white wine into it, and then He stuffed it into the bottle mouth again. He planned to make a simple "flame bomb". Although this liquor is not a high-concentration alcohol, it should not be a problem to temporarily "guest" the combustion bottle.

"Well." Although everyone was puzzled, they did as they ordered.

After a joss stick.

Everyone looked at the robbers who came from far away, and their hearts were also trembling. Sometimes, the horrible things did not suddenly appear in front of them, but they came closer and closer, and came step by step, which caused the defender. With great psychological pressure, if the person with poor psychological ability can even collapse and escape at the last moment when the enemy approaches.

"Everyone don't have to panic, they all listen to my orders." Ye Shikai kept shouting, appeasing everyone, especially those defenseless husbands, who had never been on the battlefield, not even killing chickens and ducks. It's killing, so Ye Shikai needs to keep calming.

"Look, the food is in front, brethren rush." ​​At this time, a group of robbers had rushed up with a spear and a knife in their hands. The clothes they wore were also very messy, and some were tattered. Light armor, under the leadership of them, they rushed directly to the hay.

"It is now." Ye Shikai took out a torch and threw it away.


The flame ignited the dry grass drenched with wine in an instant, like a fire dragon, instantly lit all the dry grass ...


The robbers on the hay were devoured by the fire instantly, screaming in pain, constantly swinging their bodies, trying to shake off the flames on their bodies, and others, rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames, some People took out the kettle to extinguish the fire, but after all, it was a slack job. After a while, many people fell to the ground.

The hay was ignited, forming a flame barrier of several meters high. The sky was also "loving" Ye Shikai, blowing the northwest wind, they were at the upper wind, and the black smoke was directed at the thief army.

"Haha, this is a good move for the generals, so they can't get close to half a step at a time." Everyone saw this, and they were overjoyed. Their number was at a disadvantage. Naturally, they had to make use of all the conditions that were favorable to them, including the time and place.

"Don't speak, listen to me." Ye Shikai shouted, the wind was quite strong, the black smoke billowed directly at the enemy forces below, and it should be able to kill them half-life.

"Do we still have hay." Ye Shikai asked.

"Oblique General, and two carts of hay."

"Good, come up with a few sergeants, add grass, don't let the flames go out," Ye Shikai ordered.

"Well." Several guards picked up the remaining hay and threw it into the fire.

"Everyone listens well. After the forage is burned, throw the grain in to burn." Ye Shikai looked at the grain in the car, and there were some straw in it, which could be used as fuel, but the wheat was burned out in the same way.

"What, General, this is all grain. We can't burn it." Many folk husbands heard the words, they were so distressed that the people took food as the sky, let alone the people at the bottom. It is already a big wish, but now Ye Shikai has ordered them to throw the food into the fire, and it feels like modern people throw banknotes into the fire, their hearts are bleeding ...

"Do you want to die? Everyone listens. This is my order. After the forage is burned, I will take the food and burn it." Ye Shikai shouted loudly. Although everyone wanted to persuade him, he saw that Ye Shikai was determined If they do n’t say anything, they also want to save their lives.

Speaking of which, these foods cost Ye Shikai a lot of money ~ ~ and his heart was very distressed.

"Everyone pay attention, hide behind the grain bag and the carriage, don't reveal your body." Ye Shikai shouted as if suddenly remembering something, and the crowd went into hiding. It didn't take long for them to say that dozens of arrows shot through the flames. When he came over, he hit the bulging grain bales, blocking the deadly arrow for the people behind.

"The arrow will still come, everyone should hide, don't show your head." Ye Shikai shouted, and everyone shrank behind the carriage and blocked it with a grain bag.

"The general really is as good as God. If we were outside just now, I'm afraid it has been shot into a sieve." A crowd of people saw this and sighed. Ye Shikai knew that since these thieves could not come, they would definitely Fortunately, they have so many grain bales.

"Master, look at the front." Someone shouted, pointing at the front, these thieves put arrows to cover up, so that everyone could not go to add hay. At this time, they sent someone to use a lance to lift the burning hay away. There is a way to go.

"It's this time." Ye Shikai took out the "simple combustion bottle" that he had made before, ignited the cloth on the mouth of the combustion bottle with a torch, then rounded his arms and threw it out forcefully.

The bottle shattered, and the white wine inside was scattered on the robber, and then encountered the flame ...


After listening to a horrible cry, the robber who had just arrived was burned to the body and immediately fell to the ground.

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