Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1494: Village East

"Also, we set up an ambush in the east of the village. When they rushed in, they ran into our trap." Ye Shikai said lightly, "Bring your brothers ready, and set off immediately."

"喏." Luo Li rode on the war horse and went down to the smithy with his hand.

"Everyone, be prepared." Ye Shikai looked at the villagers behind him. Although the enemy is currently, he is not nervous at all. The latest information he just received, the robbers have broken into the village east, but it has been transformed there. It became a "death trap."


"Strange, there is really no one here."

"Second head, didn't you just say that, maybe these people have been scared away." A robber smiled proudly.

"Today is not the same as usual. In the past, we ransacked the village. Many villagers just hid in their homes, and the doors and windows were locked. But now, it is so dead that even the chickens and ducks in the courtyard are gone." To the door of a private house.

"Come here, open the door for me."


A few robbers picked up the large stone next to them and smashed the locked wooden door. Erren led the crowd behind him into the room. They glanced at each other and there was no one inside.

"You look at Er Er, there is no one here."

"Let's search and see if there is anything of value." Two orders from the master immediately rushed in and rummaged through the boxes, but this family was regarded as a family member, and they searched with only a few clothes.

"Second head, this family is a poor ghost, there is nothing of value, these few pieces of torn clothes are left, look, the tops are full of patches."

"Perhaps, they all took away valuable things, hum, but it seems that these villagers have really run away, and the elder brother is too cautious." Robber II turned around and walked out of the house. " Brethren, go searching around to see if anything is of value. "


"Let's go, brothers."

ten minutes later.

"Go, let's go over there." The three robbers walked to a house, which was different from ordinary people. This house was obviously much larger and should be a large household in the village.

快 "Hurry up, open the door, this must be a big family, there must be money in it."

"Yeah yeah."

One of the robbers picked up the stone and smashed the door directly, and the three broke in.

奇怪 "Strange, there doesn't seem to be anything valuable here."

"I didn't expect this family to be a poor ghost." One of the robbers kept complaining, glanced at the surrounding environment, his eyes moved from the living room to the beams above, and then ... a startled expression gradually appeared on his face.

"Yes ... Qin Jun."


An arrow was shot from the beam of the house. In the middle of the robber's eyebrow, the robber who penetrated his head was too late to scream for help, and fell to the ground.

Hey, hey, hey.

Suddenly, a figure jumped off the beam, and then several black men jumped down.

"Xue San, this trick is really good, these people don't even know how to die."

"Well, these robbers have no money when they see the money. Hurry up and collect the corpses. Don't be found. Our goal is not these little fishes and prawns. The general left us a bigger task. Xue San said lightly.


"Yes." Several squad members moved the body to the back room and closed the door again, waiting for the next "unlucky man" to arrive.

"Xue San, since General is asking us to take the opportunity to hijack or assassinate the leader of the robbers, then why don't we start now, but waste time with these young men here, so what will happen to the general's wedding banquet." A team Members asked.

"You are really stupid. These people were just sent by the robbers to investigate. I secretly eavesdropped on their conversation just now. The leader is only the master. The general wants to wipe out these thieves, not to kill the two hundred people. . "

"That's the case, then why don't they come in yet, we've done everything."

"It seems that the leader of the robber is a bit of a brain. If he is a general with a wine bag and a rice bag, he is not necessarily his opponent." Xue Sanyanfeng turned around. "Unfortunately, they met our general and picked a good day. Then, he was destined to leave his life here as a gift to the general. "


After an hour.

"Second, what is the situation, why have you stayed at the east exit of the village for so long?" The robber head and the rest of the man slowly entered the village entrance, just seeing the second master and his men standing in front of the house, as if waiting for something .

"Brother, I don't know why, I asked my brethren to search around, but I lost 30 or 40 brothers. It's been an hour, and I still can't find where they are."

"Forget it, no matter what, maybe you see something, you can't walk." The leader of the robber cursed, and if he waited, it would be dark. When the army of Qin Army came, they could It's troublesome.

"Everyone, come into the village with me."

In a house east of the village.

"They are all in the village, go up and send a semaphore to prepare the general." Xue Sanliang said in a voice ~ ~ Yes. "

Blacksmith shop.

"Hurry up, I have received the signal. The robbers have all entered the village. Go and inform the general so that he can prepare." Luo Li looked at the banner in the distance and said lightly.

"喏." A sergeant rode on a war horse and rushed to the village with a whip.


"Strange, why is the road here so narrow and narrow?" The leader of the robber looked at the path in the village, frowning, and the east of the village was a small hill, although he could not reach the sky, But compared to the flat village west, the paths here are naturally rugged, and some roads can only pass one or two people, which once made the robbers think that they had gone the wrong way.

"Brother, we have a high terrain here. These roads are built along mountains, and naturally they are not smooth."

"It's abominable. Everyone listens to the orders and spreads out. It advances from all paths to the village."


Hundreds of robbers are divided into scattered teams. Starting from a dozen paths in the east of the village, these are the roads leading to the village, but these roads are not easy to walk. .

"Boss, did you catch the villagers?" The robber leader asked.

"Brother, my brethren and I have been searching for a long time. No one can find it. There are no valuables, only a pile of tatters left."

"Anyway, this at least shows that there is no one in the village. There is always something left in such a large village."

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