Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1495: Start counterattack

"Yeah, we are coming so fast. It is impossible for these villagers to take away all the valuables, and the livestock in the village. They must not take it away too much, my second child, and ordered my brothers to do a good search." The gangster rode a horse and smiled proudly.

"Brother, and I heard that a general in the village got married today, then there must be money, we are menacing, they must leave the money and run away."

"Yes, we are going to get rich after today, haha." The two robber chiefs led their troops towards the village, without realizing the danger around them, and approached them.

In the village.

"General, the robbers are approaching us from various roads as expected." Luo Li's men reported to Ye Shikaihui.

"Very well, according to the plan, I want to let them go back alone." Ye Shikai said coldly.


Ye Yekai took out a signal arrow and shot it into the air ...


The signal arrow flew into the air, making a harsh and sharp sound, which could be heard by the whole village.

"Brother, what is that."

"I do not know either……"

Huh ah ah ah.

After the sound of the signal arrow, a scream came from all over the village. This was the scream of the robber, and the sound came from everywhere, northeast, southwest, and everywhere ...

"The robber's boss is there, brethren, kill me." Suddenly a dozen black men came out of the roof on both sides, wearing light armor, holding crossbows in their hands, and a short knife on their waist. The leader was Xue San. Along the way, he led the team members to follow the two robber leaders. The signal sounded as the beginning of the slaughter.

Hundreds of crossbows fell from the sky and shot directly at the unprotected robber, immediately shooting down a large area.

"Brother, we met Qin Jun ambush."

"Abominable, call people fast." The robber's leader pulled out the crossbow that had penetrated his arm, and shouted with a long knife.

"No, our staff has been scattered, the road is rugged and complicated, and it is difficult to assemble for a while." Erjia replied that now the robbers are scattered all over the village, and they should also be heard when they hear this scream. Qin Jun's ambush.

"Don't panic, they are just dozens of people, many of us, listen to me, and quickly find a place to hide the crossbow." The robber leader shouted, and there were still more than a hundred people beside him, and Xue The third team, but more than 20 people, in the shout of the leader, a group of robbers also slowed down from the attack just now, picking up wooden boards, bamboo cages, and even coarse cloth as shields from the ground. In front of him, after all, Xue Sanhe's squad was underpopulated and had to shoot with a crossbow first to hit low. : //

"Hurry up, give me the bow and arrow." The robber's chief took the long bow, endured the pain in his arm wound, and pulled the bow and set the arrow.

Hey, bang.

Xue San faced the long arrow that was shot and dodged to the side. Although the arrow did not hit, it penetrated directly through the earthen wall, and shot a large hole like a cannonball, followed by wooden. Roof.

"I'm going, so hard." Xue San couldn't help but exclaim, this arrow was more like a cannonball. What I have to say is that this robber leader is indeed a big man, and his arms are larger than many villagers. Your thighs need to be thicker and stronger, so you can naturally open a harder bow.

大 "Master, what shall we do now, the robbers have already reacted, we have lost the meaning of the attack." A squad member asked.

不用 "Don't worry, it's time for us to retreat, and the next battlefield will be handed over to the adults." Xue Sanda shouted, "All members, retreat at once, we will go elsewhere."



In the village, I heard the screams from the east of the village. Ye Shikai probably knew the situation. The members of the ambush garrison team had launched an attack. Then, it was time for him to take a large army.

"The guards listened to my orders and got on the horse." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, two hundred guards stepped on the war horses, ready to go, and there were hundreds of villagers in the back. Some of them were wearing light armor made in the smithy. The thick cloth was wrapped around the body and made a set of simple cloth armor. Some villagers did not have spears and knives, so they took a sickle, a hoe, a rake, or even a kitchen knife at home in Tanaka. They were ready to fight the battle.

"Brothers, you and I have gone through hundreds of battles. Today is my day of great joy. We are fighting again, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid."

"Not afraid."

Although the number of puppet guards was small, they were full of vigor and roared, and the whole village echoed.

"Very good, wait for us to win, then come back to drink and eat meat." Ye Shikai pulled out his sword, turned the horse's head, and pointed to the village east.

"The guards are in front, the people are behind, rush with me." Ye Shikai gave a loud scream, the horse galloped, and rushed straight out. The guards behind him immediately followed and rushed to the village east.

"Folks, let's go together and drive all these robbers out."



At the same time, on a river twenty miles outside the village, a woman was sitting by the river, blowing gusts of wind, and not far from her, there were two or three hundred guards ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ All wear long sword and crossbow bows. In this place, only those who have such a posture can have butterflies.

"Today ... is the day of his great joy, huh, this **** is so superficial, but I still liked him so much before." Hua Liandie pursed her petals and murmured in her mouth. I haven't seen Ye Shikai for a few days, not even a letter. (¥ 新 速 ¥ 度 最 &>

"Master, I just received the information. An hour ago, Shangshui Village was attacked by a group of robbers. The situation is unknown." Suddenly, a guard came to Hualian Die and said. Computer: /

什么 "What, how many people." Hua Liandie was shocked when she heard the news, and the flowers on her hands fell to the ground.

"It is estimated that there are no more than a thousand people."

"Oops, how can this be." Hua Liandie hurriedly stomped her feet, but she was rarely dysfunctional, as she is now. Even the guards who had been with her for a long time were the first time she saw her.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

"Of course I went to Sheung Shui Village. With so many robbers, even if he mobilizes all his staff, I am afraid there will be danger."

"But ... we have 300 people here. If you want to mobilize people from the county, I'm afraid it's too late," said the guard.

"But together with them, it is enough to deal with these robbers. Don't say more, we set off immediately." Hua Liandie stood up. Instead of riding in a sedan chair, she rode to the village.


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