Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1496: Besiege

Shangshui Village, various intersections.

快 "Hurry up, these robbers want to run away and throw arrows."

"Don't let them go, go after them."

"The general has an order, don't let one go."

"Brothers, kill me."

From the east of the village to the houses on both sides of the dozen lanes, there were ambush sergeants. Some of them were under the command of Luo Li, and some were nearby garrison soldiers. After receiving Ye Shikai's military order, they immediately aided. Water Village, although Ye Shikai's guards are not well-trained and well equipped, they are more than enough to deal with the robbers. The most important thing is that they have enough weapons in their hands, such as spears and bows. Can be built, but most of the inventory is sickle, **** and other agricultural tools, Qin law is strict, if the possession of weapons, but capital punishment, and even sit, so the smithy can not build a large number of weapons.

As soon as the signal arrow was shot, the sergeants scattered in various houses immediately rushed out. First, they shot and then shot with arrows, and the robbers were not trained. Once they hit, the psychological quality was naturally not strong. It is naturally fearless to gang up and bully the people, but now suddenly facing Qin Jun, the staff was scattered again, all of a sudden were snoring, and they all backed up and wanted to escape from the village.

"The general has an order, and while these robbers are dispersed, they will be separated and destroyed. Otherwise, if they let them escape and gather at the village entrance to calm down, the fight will be troublesome. In addition, the general has an order Everyone who kills a robber, rewards one or two, and rewards five pounds of grain, brothers, kill me. "

"Fast, we flee." For a moment, the situation on both sides was completely reversed. The menacing robbers immediately fled, and they were as embarrassed as refugees who fled. Except for the road where the robber's leader was, all other intersections and streets Almost all of the robbers retreated, retreating along the same path, but the road was rugged and restricted the speed of their "escape". All the robbers who were scattered were either shot and killed or surrendered without their helmets and armors. .

Ye Shikai rushed to the main road first, and just happened to meet the leader of the robbers, and the second leader next to him. Xue San has already marked here. Ye Shikai's best tactic is to decapitate and capture the thief, so this time is no exception. His primary goal is to kill the leader of the robbers, so that the remaining robbers are not worth mentioning.


Ye Yekai rides on a war horse to charge up and directly hits four or five people. His spear spears out and kills the robbers blocking the way. The guard cavalry behind him also tears the robber's defense line like a sharp blade.

"Brother, that is the general of the Qin Army."

The robber leader Zhang Bow took an arrow, and an arrow shot out, flying out like a cannonball, making a sound in the air, Ye Shikai leaped sideways, dismounted, the arrow hit the back wall, and slammed one Big hole.

Ye Shikai was holding a spear, one sword, one sword, and one guard, and the guard behind him killed a **** road. Two hundred cavalry rushed. At this moment, the robber was completely defeated, and only a few relatives helped him. The robber's boss wanted to retreat from the back of the house.

"Come with me, don't let him go." Ye Shikai shouted, the guards behind him followed, unstoppable.

"Brother, you take the brethren away, it will be safe at the entrance to the village, and I will block it for you." The second man pushed the robber leader away, turned around with several relatives, and rushed to Ye Shikai.

"I will kill you."

"Look for death." Ye Shikai stepped forward quickly, holding the sword in reverse, pulling upwards, and slamming the head-to-head knife, shocking Er's palms to numb. Before he could react, Ye Shikai shot with his left hand and went straight through. Up his chest.

"Give me." Ye Shikai shook it hard, and threw the person at the muzzle directly.

"Run up and catch the robber leader alive."





"Look at the master, it seems that the robbers came to us." At the same time, Hua Liandie rushed to Shangshui Village with her guard, but they just arrived at the village entrance and saw a group of robbers rushing inside.

"Master, we are relatively small, so let's hide it first." The guard advised.

"Wait a minute, you pay attention, although these robbers all rushed here, the queue broke up, and some people didn't even get their weapons." Hua Liandie took a closer look and continued, "You see, they look very Panic, as if ... defeated. "

"It is true. Although there are many robbers, once they lose their backbone, they collapse and become more useless. On the contrary, there are more defeated people, just like a flood, and they cannot be stopped."

Seeing this, Xunhua Liandie gradually smiled on his face. Ye Shikai in the village was directing the command. Therefore, he must have defeated the robbers.

"Unexpectedly, he is so powerful." Hualian Die muttered.

"Master, what shall we do next."

"Of course it is to help him, oh no, it should be said to be the icing on the cake." Hua Liandie stood up and turned to look at the guards. "Everyone listens to the order and intercepts at the village entrance. A robber cannot escape."

"Yes ~ ~ Yes."

Holding the crossbow, the guards of Nianhua Liandie stood in line and aimed directly at the escaped robbers.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hundreds of arrows fell from the sky, and suddenly shot over a group of robbers.

不好 "No, the door was blocked and we couldn't run."

我们 "We ... we have a lot of people, we are desperate to kill."

"it is good."

The forced robbers jumped off the wall and wanted to rush out of the village with the advantage of numbers. After all, the county now takes severe punishment for these robbers who are kings of the mountains and the insurgents around. If they surrender, they will not escape. capital offense.

"Stop the formation and let the arrows go." Hua Liandie's guard is not simple. As a nobleman of Chu State, her personal guard is also a former soldier of Chu State. With her financial resources, Hua Liandie has equipped her guards well. Weapon.

Hey, hey, hey.

The three rows of guards fired arrows in turn, all arrows were fired, and the robbers were shot into a sieve before they rushed over.

"Hum, keep shooting arrows to see if they dare to come over."

"No, the arrow rain is too dense, we can't rush out. Qin Jun will be chasing it later. What should we do?" A group of robbers hid inside the house, with anxiety and peace on everyone's face. despair.

"Brothers, since they are going to kill everything, we don't have to soften our hands, set fire to burn them all, even if they are dead, we must pull a few backs."

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