Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1497: Do bad things with good intentions

"Yes, we burned this village. Even if we die, we can't make these Qin army peaceful."

是 "Yeah, we took a torch and burned everything here."

"Burned the village, these villagers can't live, burn."

A group of robbers took out the torches and threw them into various houses in the east of the village. A fire soon set off. Here on the hill, there are many trees around. If it is lit, it may ignite all the surrounding woods. If the fire broke out at the gate of the city, and the pond fishes were burned, I am afraid that not only the east of the village, but the violent fire will destroy the entire village.

"General, these robbers seem to ignite the house." Xue San came to Ye Shikai and shouted.

"What." Ye Shikai looked away. Sure enough, the black smoke had risen from a distance and could be seen far away.

"Asshole, these people even jumped over the wall and set fire to the village." Xue San cursed loudly.

"Quick, Xue San, you immediately let all the villagers prepare water sources and go to the village to extinguish the fire." Ye Shikai also saw the consequences of the fire. If it was not handled properly, the entire village would be burned. By then, his The wedding is not a trivial matter. Thousands of villagers are displaced, lacking clothing and food, and suffering from hunger and freezing are major events. From a result perspective, the consequences of setting fire to the village is more serious than letting robbers into the village to plunder.

"Oh, subordinates do it."

"Luo Li, you immediately chase with the remaining garrison, and solve the robbers as quickly as possible, not one." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Hey, brethren, follow me and wipe out all these thieves." Luo Li, also a warlike commander, rushed down the road, quickly broke through the robber's defense line, came to the east of the village, and touched Get on the robbers who are setting fire.

"Hurry up, stop them." Luo Li took out his long bow, shot an arrow at it, and killed one person directly. The garrison behind him also rushed over, and the robbers saw this, and they put down their torches and ran away.


"Look at me, these **** actually want to set fire to the village." The billowing black smoke also made Hua Liandie and the guards startled, and the fire was not small.

"No, stop them quickly." Hua Liandie cried immediately.

"Yes, master, hurry, all the guards go in. Be sure to stop them."

With an order, Hua Liandie rushed into the village with her guard, and the remaining robbers were unable to resist, either being killed or surrendering. When some robbers found that they were not Qin Jun, but private armed guards, Immediately gave up the resistance and surrendered.


Ye Shikai, holding a sword, followed by the guards, forced the last band of robbers into a dead end. The front row guards held a large shield sword, followed by a crossbow guard, pushing forward little by little. In the end, the robbers had no Luke back ...

"You have no way to retreat, surrender quickly." Ye Shikai walked to the front and shouted loudly, he is not a killer, now he has a winning ticket. If he wants to kill, he only needs to let the archer let his arrows go. They have fallen into a desperate situation, not even the ability to resist, even the courage.


"Surprise ... I'm afraid it's also a capital crime."

喂 "Hey, your boss is here, so why not come out and say a word." Ye Shikai said lightly, and sure enough, when he said that, a big man came out of the robbers.

"You are their boss." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Yes, my name is Su Li, and they are their leaders." Su Li was also a man. Facing this predicament, he did not kneel for mercy, nor did he hide in the robbers' pile.

"Su Li, you are dead, your men have been captured, I am not a killer, you put down your weapons, and I guarantee your life." Ye Shikai advised, and signaled the guards to put down the crossbow and let Out of a way.

"What guarantee do you have?"

"If I want to kill you, I do n’t need to talk nonsense with you. Two random arrows are shot down, and you have no living mouth. I am the Qin Army and are against the wolf tribe. Although you have done a lot of evil, you said In the end, they are also from Hanoi County. I won't kill them all. If you drop your weapons and surrender, I promise you will not die. "

"This ... can you guarantee it."

当然 "Of course." Ye Shikai said firmly. "To show my sincerity, I let the guards make way."

"Well ... well, I hope the general keeps his promise." Su Li sighed and fought to resist, which made these people die in vain, and saw him kneel on one knee, put his weapon on the ground, and signaled surrender.

"Brothers, thank you so much for believing in me, Su Li. I did not let you live a good life, but put you in a desperate situation. The general in front of you is still loyal, and everyone will fall."


"Master, we ..."

"Come down, don't make senseless resistance." Su Li said again, the robbers behind him put down their weapons one by one.

"Take them away." Ye Shikai said lightly, the guards behind him immediately took them away.

"How is the situation in the village?" Ye Shikai turned and asked.

"Lord Tun Tun has defeated all the robbers with their garrison ~ ~ They died, wounded, and others all surrendered." The guards around him reported.

"What about the fire?"

"We repelled the robbers, and the villagers immediately took out the water to extinguish the fire. Now ... we have controlled the fire and lost about dozens of houses. Fortunately, the general ordered the fire in time, otherwise, if the fire burned into the woods, it would be burned directly. The whole village. "

"Okay, let's go and take a look at them, and bring the robbers captured at the intersections to the village entrance." Ye Shikai ordered.


"Ye Shikai, where are you?" Village East, Ye Shikai suddenly heard someone calling himself, turned around and turned out to be Hua Liandie.

"Why are you here?" Ye Shikai stepped up and said, he never expected that Hua Liandie would come with a guard at this time.

"Nonsense, I heard the robbers entered the village, of course, to see if you are okay."

"Rest assured, these robbers can't help me." Ye Shikai said lightly, and the words turned around, asking her "when did you come."

"Just now, my guard and I arrived at the village entrance to help you stop the robbers."

"What, it's you." Ye Shikai heard this and suddenly understood why these robbers didn't even care about fleeing, so they set off the fire. It turned out that ... the escape route was blocked by someone.

怎么 "Why, I came here to save you kindly, are you going to blame me?" Hua Liandie heard Ye Shikai's tone, and the resentment in her heart suddenly came up.

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