Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1504: lost heavily

"What, there are only more than a hundred people." Ye Shikai and Shangguanjian looked at each other, both of them were shocked when they heard the news. Yinglingyingzhai is the gateway to the entire Beast Mountain. The terrain is steep. Ye Shikai is Yan Yu. At least 2,000 people will be deployed here. If properly commanded, it will be enough to stand for more than half a month. However, Yan Yu only deployed more than a hundred people here, which is equivalent to leaving an empty camp.

"Yes, and most of the enemy troops guarding the camp are old, weak, and sick. At the touch of it, General Manchu has now taken control of the entire camp and is preparing to send someone to inform you."

"Go, let's go and see." Ye Shikai rode directly into the camp. As the soldiers at the door said, there were really no traces of fighting. A team of Qin Jun was escorting the prisoners of war. Ye Shikai stepped forward and looked carefully. Sure enough, the youngest of these prisoners of war were only children around the age of fourteen, and several others were as skinny as if they hadn't had enough food for a long time, just like a group of refugees.

"Is this a prisoner of war?" Shang Guanjian stepped down and looked at each of them carefully. They were holding their heads in their hands, their faces were full of fear, and they were not like soldiers at all.

"It was them who returned to Shangguan's army. After we entered, they surrendered, so they did not kill them."

"Okay, take them down." Shang Guanjian nodded and instructed the sergeant to strictly guard.

"Lao Ye, it seems that our first step has been successful. When we won the Yingling Village, they lost the commanding heights. We can also use this place as a base camp. The initiative on the battlefield. "Shang Guanjian turned his head and said with a long sigh of relief, thinking that a **** battle would be inevitable tonight, but he did not expect it to be so smooth.

"What's wrong, why is there only so many guards here?" Ye Shikai is still puzzled. Yan Yu was also a general of Wei State, and should not be so stupid.

"Lao Ye, will it be Yan Yu who heard that we are coming and intends to retain our strength and dare not take the initiative to face it, so he has withdrawn from Beast Mountain." Shang Guanjian guessed.

"No, it's a warrior's taboo to fight before war. If I am Yan Yu, if I want to save my strength and leave Beast Hill, I will send more soldiers to guard Yingling Camp, and one of them can delay us for evacuation. Fighting for time, the two are also confusing us, let us think that they have not left the Beast Hill. "Ye Shikai analyzes, in short, Yan Yu has almost no reason to actively abandon the camp.

The two continued to walk deeper with the guards, and suddenly there was a pungent smell in the air.

"Shangguan, what smell did you smell?" Ye Shikai looked dull and said coldly, Shangguanjian inhaled hard. First https: // https: //

好像 "It looks like ... oil."

"What, it's not good." Ye Shikai suddenly yelled, went into a warehouse next to him, pushed open the door and walked directly in. Inside the room, the smell of the oil was obvious.

Ye Yekai pulled out his sword and slashed hard at the beams of the warehouse. Many dark solids fell from it.

"What is this?" Ye Shikai asked, and a guard stepped forward, took the solid in his hand, and looked at it with the help of firelight.

"Sir, this is charcoal."

"Oops." Ye Shikai looked up. The beams on the house were covered with black charcoal, and the walls were spilled with oil.

"The whole army is withdrawing from the camp, quickly." Ye Shikai ran out of the house and shouted loudly. The troops did not respond at the beginning, and Mancang, not far away, heard the shout and ran over immediately.

"Sir, what happened?"

"The camp is already full of flammable materials. The enemy forces are trying to trick our army into it, and then burn the camp, and quickly let all the sergeants evacuate," Ye Shikai shouted.

什么 "What, but there are already many sergeants camping."

"Less nonsense, quickly withdraw." Ye Shikai anxiously dropped Mancang to the ground, hissing shouting exhaustedly.


听到 The entire army heard the order and ran out of the camp village, but after all there were 3,000 troops here, the camp village was rugged and the road was narrow.

Hey, hey, hey.

Suddenly, the woods outside the camp wall suddenly raised numerous burning arrows, like a meteor, and fell into the camp.


The burning arrows fell on the roof, and immediately lit the charcoal laid on it. The flames swallowed the house in a blink of an eye. Countless arrows fell. Soon, the entire camp was caught in a sea of ​​fire. Many sergeants who did not run out instantly Surrounded by flames, the flames fell on them, causing them to roll all over.

"Quickly, take off the burning clothes." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, there were a lot of ignitions in Yingzhai. In addition to charcoal, there was a barrel of barrels of fuel. When it touched a spark, it was directly fried in a full barrel. On, the ignited fuel splashed on the sergeant's body, and the flames burned on their clothing, but it was fatal enough.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Master, be careful." Mancang picked up the shield and blocked Ye Shikai's head. They had not yet left the camp, and were also exposed to the range of the enemy's arrows. Arrows like raindrops fell from the sky and the sergeant took off his armor Without protection, the arrows fell to the ground.

"Fast, leave the camp." Ye Shikai shoved a full warehouse ~ ~ shouted aloud, three thousand sergeants were fatally attacked, the army was disheartened, and the orderly withdrawal turned into a hasty retreat and panic Countless deaths and injuries.


When an arrow fell from the air, Shikai's left arm was in the middle of the middle, and a sudden pain came, and he found himself in the arrow.

"Master." When Mancang saw this, he immediately stepped forward and seized Ye Shikai, "Shield soldier, protect the master."

A group of guards held a shield and set up a shield array in front of Ye Shikai. Ye Shikai resisted the pain, held his breath, and pulled his arrows from his arm. The blood immediately flowed down, flowing down the arm to the palm.

"Lao Ye, it's too dangerous here, let's quickly withdraw." Shang Guanjian advised.

"No, there are still many brothers who have not withdrawn. I will stay here to command." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Lao Ye, give the command to me, Mancang, you take the general first." Shang Guanjian shouted.

"Oh, sir, let's go." Mancang yanked Ye Shikai and evacuated the camp village under the protection of the guards.

After an hour.

"Medical doctor, is it poisonous on the arrow?"

"Fortunately, the arrow is non-toxic and does not hurt the general's bones. It is just a flesh wound. You can rest for half a month." Ye Shikai was anxious. I am afraid that the pain of the arrow injury is less than one tenth of the pain in his heart. The army was attacked by fire and suffered heavy losses. Until now, the casualties have not been counted.


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