Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1505: Self-blame

"Well, thank you military doctor." I heard that the arrow is non-toxic, Ye Shikai is not in danger of life, and Mancang was relieved. He is the coach, and the war has just begun. If the coach has an accident, the entire army will fall apart.

"you are welcome."

大 "Sir, please rest assured, the military doctor said, just rest."

"What happened to the casualties." Ye Shikai closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with firm pressure, his face was dignified, and the army suffered such a loss. Where can he feel his concern for his injuries.

"It's not finished, but the injured brothers have successively rescued Yingzhai, and now it's raining again. The fire continued for only half an hour, and then gradually extinguished." Mancang said, turning and glancing at the general with a full account , Suddenly kneeling on one knee in front of Ye Shikai.

"Master, this time it was attacked by the thief's fire. It was an oversight by the generals. Without a clear understanding, he led the army into the camp, lost their tricks, and killed so many brothers. All were the fault of the generals. Take off the head of the general and use the military method. "Mancang said a word, and his tone was absolutely decisive. As a vanguard and a commander on the front line, it was indeed his responsibility not to carefully check the camp.

"Master, General Man is the first brave general in the army. This time, he misunderstood the thief's treachery. He also asked the army to let him do his crimes." A captain came forward and interceded.

"Yes, sir, it is a taboo for soldiers. It ’s a big deal for the military. The army suffered heavy losses and morale is low. If you kill the general at this time, then ... the consequences are unthinkable, and I ask the grown-up to give General Man another chance."

The generals present all pleaded for Mancang. In fact, they knew the relationship between them. Mancang was Ye Shikai's right arm and confidant. How could Ye Shikai be willing to chop him, but the military order was set up by Mancang himself. Q. I am afraid that there will be a loss of military hearts, so the generals naturally begged to give Ye Shikai and Mancang a step down.

"The military order you set is that you can't attack Yingzhai and take your head, but you didn't miss it, it was my fault. I didn't expect Yan Yu to plan to burn all the jade and stone, and I want to join this Yingling Yingzhai with three thousand troops. It was my fault to burn them without seeing their tricks. "Ye Shikai stood up and said to the generals. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

大 "Master, now we are just suffering losses, but there is no vitality. We are still twice as strong as the thieves. We also ask the adults to cheer up and their subordinates are willing to go to the fire."

"Okay, go back to the battalions first, count the troops, appease the sergeants, and wait for my military order."



After everyone was gone, Ye Shikai's face was heavy again. After this painful lesson, he could understand it. The opponent he met this time was not the former pouch and rice bag. When Yan Yu was in Wei Jun, he had true Only learned.

"Master, I ..."

"Okay, Mancang, you don't have to be too decadent. This time, I also have a responsibility. You have to work up your spirits, be brave and brave, take down Yan Yu's head in the future, and honor our dead brother." Ye Shikai slapped him. Shoulder "Now I need you to do one thing."

"Lord, please tell me."

"You immediately bring the guards back to Poyang County and check the information about Wei Yan Yanyu at the county government house. Poyang was originally Wei's territory. The information should not be difficult to check."

"Oh, go here."


It didn't take long for the sky to gradually brighten, and the rain continued, just as Ye Shikai felt at this moment ...

"Lao Ye, I'm back." Ye Shikai stayed awake all night in the camp, Shang Guanjian walked in from the outside, his face was smoky and his jersey was burned off.

"How's it going, what's the situation, and how much has the army lost."

"A total of 753 people were killed, and about 800 were added with minor injuries. The rest of the soldiers were returning to camp." Shang Guanjian looked very tired. He worked all night and got such a casualty result. He I feel very heavy.

"A quarter of the three thousand iron armies led by Mancang were killed in a quarter, and more than half were injured." Ye Shikai looked at the bamboo slips in his hands, his chest seemed to be severely smashed, and the pain was endless. Most of the injured brothers were burned and needed to be slowly Healing, at least this battle of the Beast Mountain, it is impossible for them to participate, and the environment in the mountain is complex, and it is not suitable for healing. They need to be sent back to the county.

"You immediately send someone to send the injured brother back to the county to heal the wounds, and let the family members of the deceased brothers distribute their pensions. Go and do it." Ye Shikai said with pain.

"it is good."

Xie Yeshikai walked out of the barracks and this happened. As the commander of an army, he must personally inspect the barracks to appease the army.

"My lord, my villain has something to report." At this time, a sergeant suddenly ran over and said Zuo Zhe. Although Ye Shikai didn't know him, he was wearing the costume of the "Special Squad". In this case, it should be Xue San's. Subordinates, then, since last night, Ye Shikai has not seen Xue San, nor do he know where he went ~ ~, let's talk directly. "

"Lead leader Xue asked me to report. He led the team deep behind the enemy and investigated intelligence so that the adult need not worry about his safety." Said the sergeant.

"Okay, go ahead and rest." Ye Shikai waved his hand. Xue San was smart. Last night, at such a dangerous time, he didn't lead the team. Instead, he lurked in the chaos and penetrated the enemy. This is too important. Ye Shikai didn't know about Yan Yu and his army, not even the location of their old nest. First https: // https: //

Ye Yekai brought the guard to the barracks. All the injured brothers were here because there were too many people and the military doctors couldn't get busy at once.

"Military doctor, what's the situation now."

"General Hui Hui, most of the injured brothers are burns and arrow injuries. If it is just an ordinary arrow injury, there is no problem. After bandaging, wait for time to heal. Yes, many sergeants were burned by the fire, and some sergeants even burned their bodies, which was terrible. "

Ye Shikai knows how terrible it is to hurt the internal organs in an era without modern scientific surgery. In addition, if a large area burn is extremely dangerous even in modern times, even a little carelessness will lose his life, let alone It is ancient. Looking at these dying brothers, Ye Shikai felt as if he was suffering from a needle stick. He was so weak that he could only watch it. This was the case when he was in Longya. As a commander's decision, Will lose so many brothers' lives.


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