Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1509: The coach's decision

"Well, since you say so, I'll go to appease my brother, but ... Lao Ye, if you can't set foot on Beast Mountain within a month, then you will become the laughing stock of the people." Shangguanjian said Of course, it is the oath that Ye Shikai made before the expedition. He is now a "public figure" after all. Since he boasted, but if it cannot be achieved, it will inevitably damage his reputation. If it is because of this, it will be worthless.

"Haha, it turns out that you are worried about this. Those things are nothing but lingering. There is nothing worthy of nostalgia, not to mention, only one week has passed, and the remaining time is enough. However, the most important thing in front of him is whether Xue San Can send map. "

While talking, they walked out of the barracks, but were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Nine thousand captains, dozens of five hundred masters, or thousands of sergeants, kneeling neatly on one knee, whoever saw this scene, would be shocked by its spectacularness.

"What are you doing here?" Shang Guanjian did not expect that they would do so, he scolded and questioned.

"The general will lead the sergeant in the camp today. He is here to fight against the general. I ask the lord to give the general two thousand sergeants. I promise to flatten the Beast Mountain." A leading captain of the Qian said firmly, Ye Shikai knew him, and this man also When he came out of Shangshui Village, when Ye Shikai was still the chief, he was already a commander of his army. Because of his bravery, bravery and loyalty, he had also been promoted by Ye Shikai.

"The generals all have this meaning, and we swear to avenge the nearly one thousand brothers who died, and please complete the army."

"Please complete your army."

"Please complete your army."

The sergeants shouted in unison, Ye Shikai heard the anger that was suppressed in their hearts from the shout. Ye Shikai has never had such a big defeat since he led this army. As a sergeant, they have never suffered such resentment. .

"Generals, I understand your feelings very well. It is my responsibility to sacrifice so many brothers this time." After Ye Shikai finished, he bowed deeply in front of the sergeants. After the Yinglingyingzhai battle, although the sergeants did not scold Ye Shikai, he did not blame himself, but he never had the opportunity to apologize to the entire army.

"General, you have brought us so many victories. We don't blame you. It is a trick set up by those thieves. We want them to pay for their blood."

"Yes, blood debt and blood compensation."

"Tread the Beast Mountain."

"Everyone, be quiet." Ye Shikai shouted loudly when the scene was a little chaotic, and the sergeants were quiet.

"We do n’t have a specific goal right now. We rush into the mountains and take care of ourselves. We will only let you die in vain. The robes standing next to you, friends, fellows, and even brothers, do you want to take their bodies? Leave this mountain? "Ye Shikai shouted loudly.

"General, no one here has come to Beast Hill, so how can we know the way here?"

"Yeah," the sergeants echoed.

所以 "So, we are waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the best time, defeating them all with the least cost, we ..."

"The newspaper ..." Suddenly, a messenger Feiqi rushed over and shouted loudly, everyone's eyes also turned to him.

报告 "Report to General, Xue San's team is back."

"It's great." Ye Shikai waved his fist vigorously, and finally the time for him to wait.


内 Inside the barracks.

"Come in, hurry up." Ye Shikai greeted everyone and hurried in. Each of their faces was dirty. It seemed that they were "stray" in the jungle for a long time. Many people still had scars on their bodies, maybe they were Fighting the enemy.

"Wait a minute, Xue San." Ye Shikai suddenly found that Xue San was missing, his expression changed, and he immediately asked.

"Xue commanded him ... wounded, in order to cover us, he ordered us to return the same way and send the map ..."

"What about others?" Ye Shikai roared loudly. This was a few of his rare outbursts, and even Shangguanjian next to him was startled.

"he does not know."

"Asshole." Ye Shikai furiously, pulled out his sword, Shangguan Jian saw it, and immediately went up to hold him.

"Lao Ye, this is Xue San's decision, the team members just obey the military order." Shang Guanjian shouted, which made Ye Shikai recover from his anger.


Ye Yekai's palm fell loose, his sword fell to the ground, and he made a crisp sound of collision. He slowly returned to his position, his whole body was weak. Xue San is now fierce. If he really sacrificed ...

Ye Yekai cannot imagine that picture.

"General, this is the map that Commander Xue gave us to return. We encountered enemy attacks on the road. After some fighting, we got rid of them." A team member sent the map in his hand, which clearly marked the uprising. The location of the barracks has various roads, and naturally includes that cave.

"We found a cave by mistake ~ ~ This cave leads directly to the enemy camp, but we were later found and we were pursued by the enemy."

"You mean, there is a cave that can go straight to the back of the enemy's old nest." Shang Guanjian heard this and suddenly came to his spirit.


"Nonsense, what's the use now, they found this cave when they were chasing you. Is Yan Yu a fool? Wouldn't he seal this cave to death?" Ye Shikai's anger was still gone, cursing at the players. .

"This is also true." Shangguanjian sighed. Now the insurgents know that there is a channel behind their nest that can be directly inserted into their "heart", how could it be left to Qin Army.

"But with this map, we know the exact location of the enemy, and the distribution of the barracks is also marked on it. Lao Ye, with this map, we won." Shang Guanjian nodded and turned around. Let the team members go down first, he saw that Ye Shikai is very low now.

"Lao Ye, do you really think Brother Xue has already been killed?"

"Of course not." Ye Shikai hammered his head hard. He believed in Xue San's ability, and he didn't want to believe that he was dead. However, after going deep into the enemy, he was hurt by an arrow. Who can guarantee that he is fine .

"Lao Ye, now you are not only Xue San's brother, but also the coach of nearly 10,000 brethren. Now that we have the right place and the right people, we all have it. We can't hesitate any more. Send troops."

Personal King's Wife

Personal King's wife

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