Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1520: Pioneer

"If the three brothers Xue were not captured, he should now be hiding behind the enemy and waiting for our arrival. In addition, the team members all carried a week's dry food. So, as long as he was not caught by the enemy, he must be alive. We can only save him by sending troops now. "

"Lao Ye, we are here to worry that the safety of Brother Xue San is useless, and the longer the delay, the more dangerous he is. If we want to rescue Brother Xue, the best way is to break the current deadlock and take the initiative to send troops. When Shang Guanjian saw Ye Shikai hesitant, he kept persuading.

"OK." After a long time, Ye Shikai finally said something.

"We will send troops now. According to the guidelines of this map, we can arrive before dark. At that time, we will talk about how to break the camp." Ye Shikai said with his teeth. In the end, reason still defeated his impulse. Shangguanjian made sense. If you want to find Xue San, you can only send troops, but this is also an extremely risky decision, even a "big gamble", betting on Xue San's life, Ye Shikai betting that Xue San was not captured, as long as he defeated Yan Yu's You can find someone in Yingzhai, but on the contrary, if Xue San has been captured, then Ye Shikai's decision to enter the army is Xue San's "descendant", Yan Yu may be beheaded and killed for venting his anger, one life, one life, and one death ... … (¥ 新 速 ¥ 度 最 &>


"General, the general will be the vanguard, if you do not break the enemy camp, willing military law."

"Please also give the army a chance."

A group of generals took the initiative to take the initiative and volunteered to be pioneers. Everyone seemed confident and inevitable. They recently took the initiative to Ye Shikai almost every day. Now they have finally waited for the opportunity. Of course, they want to fight and have a good time. At the same time, This is also a good opportunity to make achievements and gain military achievements. No general is willing to give up.

At the same time, Mancang was standing behind, silent, Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian both noticed the dark-skinned tall man, and they both knew that Mancang was guilty because of the last thing.

"Full position, you stand in the middle." Ye Shikai said lightly.


Xi Mancang slowly stepped forward, and the generals next to him looked like acupuncture, making him feel uncomfortable.


"Mancang, are you willing to take the position of forward?" Ye Shikai asked. Mancang trembled after hearing. He did not expect Ye Shikai to ask that.

"The general ..." Mancang was slow to speak, maybe he was still hesitating, or maybe he felt that this pioneer position was deserved.

"The full warehouse I once knew was the mighty Wuzi who dared to fight shirtless and fight with the wolf tribe. Among thousands of enemy troops, he won the first rank. Why, after a defeat, did he die?"

"Report the general, the end will be worried ... improper command ..."

"What's the word." Ye Shikai sighed and interrupted Man Cang's words.

"As a vanguard, you only need to charge with the sergeants and defeat the enemy. How many sergeants will be injured or killed? No one can control it." Ye Shikai snapped sharply. He knew that the last time Yingling camp was attacked, there was one more warehouse. Demon, this demon made him afraid to lead soldiers to kill the enemy, and has been decadent. If he wants to cheer up, he must go to this "demon."

"I now give you a chance to avenge the dead brother, and also give you a chance to be ashamed. You come to be the vanguard. We arrive at the enemy camp at night and launch an onslaught overnight. At noon tomorrow, I want you to clean the enemy camp. Clean, can it be done. "R>

"Well, the general will take the lead." Man Cang knelt down on one knee and said as Zuo, being so scolded by Ye Shikai, his head seemed to be sober, eating the enemy's fire damage, Man Cang may not be as ignorant as before. Regrets, killing the enemy crazy, but from a certain point of view, this is also a good thing. In the future, the full position will be more careful, thick and thin, but this price is indeed a bit larger.

"The whole army listened to the order and marched hurriedly. Be sure to arrive at the designated location at night. There must be no mistakes. This time I went out myself."




Beast Mountain, Forest.

"Some bastards, don't shoot, I have to shoot my legs." Xue San found a clean place from his clothes, tore a piece of cloth and twisted it, and rewounded the wound on his thigh. This is not modern, after all. It is impossible for Ye Shikai to equip each team member with a medical bag, so if he is injured, he can only use a clean cloth to bandage the wound.

When Ye Shikai and Xue San were chatting, they had mocked Xue San's "stealing chicken and dog" days. As a thief, he was still stealing and stealing, and often walked by the river. How could there be wet shoes? Watching the guards at the hospital, the most feared thing is to hit both legs, otherwise it will be difficult to move in the future, how can you steal?

Xue San was lying on a grass, and it was still raining in the sky, which was not conducive to the recovery of the wound, so he had to change the cloth strips frequently and eat the dry food left on his body. Xue San was waiting quietly. He was waiting for Ye Shikai. Coming in.

快 "Hurry up, look carefully. General Yan has orders. Be sure to search carefully ~ ~ No one can be let go. There is blood in the cave and they must have been injured."

"Oh, go, spread out, look carefully."

At the same time, there was a sound in the distance. Xue San raised his head and glanced at it. It was the Rebel Army of Beast Mountain. It seemed to be on patrol. It stands to reason that since Yan Yu knew that there was a cave here, it was impossible. For the Qin Army, Xue Sanben thought they would seal the cave to death, but what he didn't expect was that for two days, they did n’t even do anything. On the contrary, the patrolling insurgents used this cave every day .

"Why, why do you say that the generals should keep this cave? What if the Qin army used it to sneak attacks on us?" Xue San hid in a bush and just heard the conversation of seven or eight patrol soldiers a dozen steps away. .

"Haha, you don't want to think about how big this cave is. It is difficult for two or three people to pass side by side. How many people in Qin Jun want to come in from here, it doesn't take an hour or two."

"If the Qin Army sent a team to attack and assassinate, wouldn't it be an opportunity." Another soldier asked.

"Relax, but I heard that General Yan has sent many people to ambush outside that cave. If Qin Jun dares to come, he will certainly die." Computer side: /

"This is the case, General Yan really is a coup, waiting for Qin Jun to throw himself into the net."

哈 "Haha, of course, in my opinion, those Qin Army will not be able to hold on for so long. So many people, how much food will the camp provide each day, at most a month or two, they will all withdraw to the county."


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