Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1522: Attack

The next day.

Ye Shikai's soldiers were divided into three paths, and the four thousand captains led their men and horses to march from the left and right roads respectively. Xue San, as a pioneer, led the two thousand iron armies to open the way, and Ye Shikai took the army behind. Wan Jiyuan's two thousand iron riders also requested to participate in the battle, but were rejected by Ye Shikai. This is a mountain road, which is not suitable for war horses to charge, and the cavalry has a larger target, which is a live target.

After an hour.

"Old leaf, through this forest, we will reach the valley entrance. According to the map sent back by the team, this camp is located in the valley, so there is only one way in and out."

"Lao Ye, you must not think that Yan Yu will set up camp in a desperate situation." Shang Guanjian teased.

"No, I had this kind of conjecture before." Ye Shikai waved his hand. "I have read the information about him carefully. In Wei Jun, he was an adventurous, good-looking general, bold but careful. Therefore, the strategy used also caused his opponents to suffer. Such a general is a personal talent, but unfortunately, he cannot use it for us. "Ye Shikai sighed, Yan Yu is a thorough" gambler ", but also a If the brain is successful, it will be a fatal blow to the enemy, but if it fails, it will be annihilated.

"Setting the camp village in a desperate situation is the wreckage of Xiang Yu." Ye Shikai murmured. According to time calculation, Xiang Yu has not yet fought against the Qin Dynasty, but if a few years later, Xianyang City will be destroyed by him. One torch, then, as the saying goes, the cunning rabbit three caves, military generals generally do not put themselves in a desperate situation, but Yan Yu's "gambling reverse thinking" may be a good policy in this case. There are only more than fifty in front of the camp The meter is wide, in other words, the sergeants who attack the front wall can only be arranged in these 50 meters, which is too narrow, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The troops slowly advanced into the woods. Soon, they saw the outer wall of the camp and the watchtower. Ye Shikai even saw the rebel soldiers on the outer wall. They also saw the Qin army and went to the wall to meet the enemy. ready.

"Full position, are you ready?"

"General Hui Hui, the general will be ready to attack, please order it." Man Cang knelt in front of Ye Shikai, his tone was absolutely decisive, and he could see that this time he was not only trying to conquer the camp in front of him, but also fighting the gods and spirits .



After receiving the order, Xi Mancang immediately returned to the army and stood in front of the army.

"Sergeants, the mastermind that killed so many of our brothers is in this village, do you want to avenge them?" Mancang shouted in front of the army.

"miss you."

"miss you."

"Are you afraid of death?"

"Not afraid."

"Not afraid."

"Okay." Mancang roared, took off his sabre, and stuck it on the ground.

"The army has 500 people as a team and is led by a 500 leader as the attacking unit, and the other 500 are behind, as the oversight team, bounded by my saber. If the offensive team sergeant retreats, the oversight team Immediately beheaded. After the Siege Squadron was killed, the Overseer team would make up and continue to attack. In the battle, if five hundred masters were killed, they would be replaced by hundred generals. After Mancang finished speaking, he dismounted the war horse and personally held a spear toward Yingzhai.

"General ..."

不要 "Don't stop me, I'm already a soldier in attack."


Ye Yekai took a large army to camp in the forest, and he was fighting fiercely in the front. As a coach, he was naturally tense, but Ye Shikai forced himself to sit in a chair, and the injured sergeants in front of him were sent down for treatment. First https: // https: //

上 "Shangguan, how is the situation ahead?" Ye Shikai asked.

"It's very fierce. The outer wall of Yingzhai changed hands seven times, and the troops also fought several times. Mancang is still fighting with the enemy forces." Two or three hours, arrows were also released nearly 100,000.

"In addition, the left and right soldiers and horses have reached the woods, and several thousand captains are waiting for military orders."

"Let them go to the front and obey Mancang's deployment. After so long killing in front, he is afraid that his troop strength will be insufficient." Ye Shikai sighed. As soon as the end of the war, both sides will be killed by thousands of soldiers. No one can stop it.


Ye Shikai turned around and shoved his fist firmly on the table. If the terrain was flat and he was so stale, he could send a trebuchet and smash the walled gate, but here it is in the mountains, it is difficult for the cavalry. Not to mention the bulky siege equipment, which can only be sent by sergeants.

"Yes, have the members of the team returned?" Ye Shikai asked. According to the plan, the members of the team had already reached the cave. They did not know if Xue San had been found.

"Not yet, but they haven't returned, indicating that Brother Xue San hasn't died yet."

"Also, maybe no news is the best news now." Ye Shikai nodded.

Suddenly ~ ~ A blood-stained general hurried in from outside the door, and the blood had stained his jersey with blood red, and even his face looked like paint, which looked very scary. However, Ye Shikai still recognized the man. He was a thousand captain under Mancang, and he bravely won the army. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"What's wrong with you, are you hurt?" Ye Shikai asked quickly.

"I'm okay with the general, I'm here to preach. Manchu is fighting with the enemy on the outside wall. The brothers are dead and injured. The commander's pro-guards are all killed and urgently need reinforcements."

"What, how could this happen." Ye Shikai suddenly got up from the chair and shouted.

"The number of enemy forces is beyond our expectations, and we are tied together to kill a group and come up again and again."

"Abominable, quickly, everyone will come with me and let my guards gather." Ye Shikai said immediately, he must not let Mancang be a problem again. Mancang is a beast on the battlefield. Without the order to retreat, even the last drop Blood, he will fight to the end, not to mention this time he has issued a military order. With his personality, no matter what the situation of the battle, he will not retreat.

"Lao Ye, wait a minute." Shang Guanjian suddenly took his hand. "You are the coach now, you want to stay in command of the overall situation, the front line to me, you rest assured."

"Well then, Shangguan, you are extremely dangerous in front of you, you have to be more careful."

"Well, no problem." After finishing speaking, Shang Guanjian led the captain out of the barracks, assembled the guards, and went to the front to support the full warehouse.


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