Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1523: Escape path

Ye Shikai was sitting on a chair, uneasy. There were only a few deputy generals left in the barracks. Almost all the troops in the barracks had already entered the battle. The outer wall of the barracks was like a "meat grinder". Among them, then ... only countless corpses remained.

Both sides are very clear that this outer wall is the last line of defense. Without it, Qin Jun could drive straight into the camp and turn it into a "slaughterhouse". Therefore, the insurgents also fought hard to resist, Ye Shikai also The insurgents fought a hundred times, and this was the first time that they had seen such fierce resistance.

At this time, Wan Yuanyuan walked in from outside the barracks. Ye Shikai looked up and saw the person, his solemn expression finally revealed a touch of relief.

"Vendor Wan Wanyuan see General."

"Hurry up, the situation is urgent during the war, so there is no need for so much politeness." Ye Shikai nodded.

"General, Man Sui turned up for the cavalry."

"Your courage is commendable, but it makes sense for me not to allow the cavalry to participate. The cavalry is my old team. I know how easy it is to train such an elite iron rider. You as the leader of the cavalry It should also be clear how much effort it took us to build an iron ride for two thousand people. Your battlefield is an empty plain. In this mountainous terrain, the rugged mountain roads will "bound" your war horses. Not only cannot you charge, but you can only Was slaughtered. "

"General, as a leader, I will naturally think about my brothers, but as a soldier, I can't just ignore the battle ahead." Mangahara was not humble, and his voice was not loud, and he didn't yell directly. Come out, but Ye Shikai can see the perseverance in the eyes of this wolf man, just like the wolves on the grassland, forbearance, tenacity ...

"Wan Yuanyuan, you always do things calmly, come to me today to fight, I'm afraid you already have a plan in mind." Ye Shikai heard the meaning of Wan Yuanyuan's words, if there is not enough planning preparation, he How come he rushed to fight.

"General Ming Ming, the general will indeed have a plan, I hope the general will give pointers to one or two."

"Say it."

"General, please look at the map." Wan Jiyuan said, pointing to the map on the wall, which Ye Shikai asked the sergeant to redraw according to the distribution map of the enemy camp sent by the team members.

"What's wrong with this map."

"Does the general think that the thief will put eggs in a basket?" Wan Jiyuan said suddenly, and caught Ye Shikai's attention.

当然 "Of course not, the team report said, this is just one of the big camps."

"General Hui Hui, according to the investigations of these days, there is a hidden road behind the camp. If the bandit in the camp knows it is difficult to resist, they can slip away."

"What did you say?" Ye Shikai heard this, his nerves were tense and his fingers trembled. The news Wan Wanyuan brought to him was tantamount to a "head shot". If the enemy really slipped away, the thousands It is meaningless for people to fight in front.

"Is this news accurate." Ye Shikai turned his back and said coldly, "You should understand that if you are telling lies, what will happen."

"The last general is willing to guarantee his life, and every word is true. If there is a half-sentence, the last general will confess his sins."

"Wait a second, how do you know." Ye Shikai asked. First https: // https: //

"Since the army entered the mountain, the generals have sent men to explore the trail on fast horses. After learning about the enemy's camp, I sent a light ride around them and found this path by chance." Wan Hagiwara explained that after speaking, he suddenly fell to his knees on one knee.

"What are you doing?"

"The generals are worried that the enemy forces will flee early, so they have no time to explain to the adults. They arbitrarily mobilized the iron riders under the battalion, bypassed the enemy camp, and blocked the road. At this moment, they should be almost there."

原来 "That's it." Ye Shikai sighed and patted his shoulder gently. "Okay, you are also thinking about the big picture. I won't blame you. If the cavalry can intercept the enemy, I will remember you."

"Thank you Lord."

"Yes, you go and call Shangguanjian back."




"General, why did you clear the army and let us all withdraw."

"Yes, General, all the brothers have been fighting for a day, and they will soon be able to take down the outer wall."

Ye Shikai's barracks were packed with generals, all of them were bloodied all over, complaining constantly, and in the evening of the fierce battle, he let the sergeant clear the army. Several red-eyed captains and five hundred masters were even guarded. " Pulled off the battlefield.

Mancang sat alone in the corner without saying a word. He didn't want to blame, but ... he was too tired. He had two stab wounds and one arrow wound. When he was pulled down by the guards, he was already divided. He did n’t know which was the enemy ’s blood and which he shed himself. He killed dozens of enemies. His sword was rolled and his spear was broken, so he picked up weapons from the ground. ~ Www.wuxiaspot .com ~ continue to fight ...

"I just got a message. Behind Yingzhai, there is a path to escape." Ye Shikai said lightly. The news from Wan Jiyuan was enough to change the whole situation, and Ye Shikai had to readjust his plan. Starting

"What, general, what do you do?"

"Wan Yuanyuan has taken the cavalry to stop it. I worry that if you fight to the end today, you will force them to flee in advance." Ye Shikai explained.

"This ..." The generals looked at each other face-to-face, but there was nothing they could do. They were just not willing to fight for a day, but in exchange for such a result.

"How many casualties did our army have?" Ye Shikai asked.

"More than 800 people were killed, more than 500 people were injured, and more than 2,000 were killed or wounded by the enemy. In addition, the outer wall of the camp wall has been damaged. It should be much easier to attack the wall tomorrow."

"Hou bury the brethren who died, and in addition, send the injured brethren to the rear for medical treatment." Ye Shikai instructed.


In fact, Ye Shikai let everyone back down, and he was also unwilling to do so. He damaged morale, and paid the price of thousands of people. He has not yet won the camp, which is hard to accept, especially the hot temperament. Generals, and one more thing, the most particular thing about attacking is to be aggressive. If they fight for another half an hour, they can break through the outer wall, but now withdrawing, it is equivalent to giving the rebels a breathing space and waiting for the attack tomorrow , It will have to make great efforts to break through the outer wall. In this way, it will lose more sergeants' lives.


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