Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1524: Yan Yu

"Full warehouse, are you okay?" Ye Shikai asked.

"The general is assured that the general is only slightly injured, and he can fight again tomorrow. He will win the camp, and he will get it. Please give me half a day for the army." Regardless of the wound on his body, Mankang kneeled on one knee and said to Ye Shikai, He issued a military order before the war. If Ye Shikai did not clear his army in the evening, he could capture the entire camp in a maximum of two hours.

"You have done a good job and set an example for your brothers. Now that you have an injury, go ahead and heal yourself." Ye Shikai couldn't bear the accident of Mancang. Frankly, among his subordinates, Mancang was his most important. Trust is also the most important. There is such a strong general. No matter how the crisis is, Ye Shikai will not panic, and Mancang's prestige in the army is also very high. With him in charge, the sergeants behind him are willing to fight for death. He was an army officer who had stroked Wei Wu, and knew how to line up his troops. If he had lost such a confidant for the sake of anger, Ye Shikai would never have been willing.

Through today's fighting, both sides suffered heavy losses, but the insurgents suffered even greater losses. Their equipment was not as good as that of the Qin army, and they were less protected by heavy armor. Moreover, the Qin army also had a strong bow and crossbow, which the insurgents did not have. In addition, after the fierce battle today, the outer wall of the enemy's camp was also mostly damaged. Therefore, it is already a matter of nailing the camp tomorrow. Ye Shikai does not want to take any more risks.

"General, at the end of the day, he will lead his subordinates to kill a few hours and wound more than a thousand brothers. The general will ask the battle to kill the enemy and personally defeat the camp. Please complete the army." Mancang retorted immediately after listening, he valued the battle too much. Now, only by defeating them completely, he can be regarded as revenge for the brethren of Yingling Cottage, but now Ye Shikai has replaced him, which makes him bear. Starting

"Okay, but you must pay attention to safety. The medic has said that your wound cannot be split again, otherwise you will be in trouble." In the end, Ye Shikai still had the will of Mancang. For a man like him, The significance of this battle is not just about annihilating the rebels ...

"General Xie is complete."

The next day.

After a night's rest, the sergeant regained his vitality again. Before the war started, he was already full of murderous intentions. The so-called "Yu Yangxian Yi", Ye Shikai's resignation of troops last night, they took a long breath in their hearts.

"Brothers, today is the last battle. Come with me." Mancang stood at the front of the line, pulled out his sword, and shouted loudly.



Ye Shikai stood at a commanding height behind, looking at the entire battlefield. The rushing Qin Army rushed into Yingzhai like a turbulent wave, like a bamboo, and in a short time, it broke through the outer wall of Yingzhai. Ye Shikai noticed The enemy's defensive strength is far less than yesterday. Coupled with the uplifting of the army, many sergeants ignored the arrow wounds after smashing the arrows, rushed up the rash, and even two people slammed on the ground and bit the enemy directly. On the neck, the intensity can only be described as "crazy".

"Lao Ye, it won't be long before this camp is what we have in our pocket." Shang Guanjian stood beside him and said something lightly.

"Yes, you are right. Compared to yesterday, the enemy ’s defense today is weak. I think they can withdraw most of them." Ye Shikai analyzed that he ordered the world to delay the offensive in order to Wan Xiyuan arranged an iron ride to block the retreat to win time, but this does not mean that the enemy forces will stay in the camp obediently. Maybe Yan Yu had arranged the troops to leave the "Escape Path" last night, but it was from the evening By these few hours in the middle of the night, it should be enough for Wan Yuanyuan to arrange.

"Let's go and see." Ye Shikai nodded.

"it is good."

After an hour.

In the camps, the shouts of fierce fighting have disappeared, the entire camps have fallen into silence, and the fighting has ended ...

Xie Yeshikai led the guards and walked into this already scarred camp. There were corpses and blood everywhere, half of the Qin army and half of the rebel army.

"Lao Ye, the entire battalion is over. Counting yesterday ’s results, the enemy ’s casualties were no less than 4,000, almost annihilated. You see, this battalion was not crowded when it was used to house sergeants, but the corpses were piled together. "It's a bit irresistible." Shang Guanjian ridiculed, but there was a sadness in his tone. Yeah, living people are inappropriate, why do they have to be corpses and what is the purpose of the war.

"Buried it." Ye Shikai said faintly, there are thousands of corpses here, they can not be taken back to bury, without so many people, even if it is buried, I am afraid it will take a long time.

"it is good."

"Quickly, surround them, don't let them go." At this time, a shout came suddenly not far away. Ye Shikai and Shangguan Jianwen heard the past, and saw hundreds of sergeants forming a circle. More than thirty insurgents surrounded it.

"It's the general."

Seeing Ye Shikai's arrival, the sergeants immediately opened a passage. What he did not expect was that one of these insurgents was wearing a general's armor.

"Get out of the way." Ye Shikai snapped a cry, motioned everyone to spread out, and slowly walked forward.

"What kind of person are you?" Ye Shikai watched this person carefully. .

"Yan Yu." The man said calmly.

什么 "Well, isn't Yan Yu the commander of the rebel army?"

"Yeah, it seems we were caught today."

"Kill him, we win."

Everyone was very excited when they heard the name of "Yan Yu". They all came forward with their spears and Tong Ge, and they captured the enemy, which meant a great victory.

"You are their leader." Ye Shikai waved his hands and motioned to everyone not to move.

"Yes, who is your Excellency."

"Qin Jiang, Ye Shikai."

"It turned out to be General Ye, who fought against the wolf clan. I have heard of it for a long time, and I can't see it today." Yan Yu replied.

"I didn't expect my reputation to be so great." Ye Shikai didn't really want to talk and opened the door directly. "You have lost, surrender."

"Brothers, put down your arms." Yan Yu turned and looked at the dozens of brothers behind him, and said lowly, that the defeat had been settled, and the resistance was nothing but death.

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"Let's put them down." Seeing that they were unwilling to put down their weapons, Yan Yu said it again, and the remaining insurgents put down their weapons and surrendered.

"You are a good general, but why do you fall into the grass for the pirates?"


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