Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1526: Back to the city

Seeing Xue San still alive, Ye Shikai was almost surprised and wept. In these days, apart from the war ahead, he was most concerned about Xue San's situation.

"How did you find him?" Ye Shikai asked quickly.

"General Hui Hui, we searched for two days, and finally found Commander Xue in a wood. His thigh was injured, the dry food on his body was exhausted, and his body was weak, so we quickly sent him back." A team Members said.

"Okay, don't say anything. You must quickly return him to the county, and ask the best doctor to treat him." Ye Shikai said excitedly. "Xue San, wait until I have finished the work, and then Visit you in the county. "

"Okay, general, please be busy first, I'm waiting for you, hiss, hurt, you all be careful." Xue San cried with pain, everyone laughed, Ye Shikai took a closer look, the wound was infected. For so many days, he was simply bandaging. If he was not treated anymore, the trouble would be great.

"Hurry up and send him back to the county."


After sending Xue San away, Ye Shikai returned to the camp, and the troops happened to be having dinner. Because of the victory, Ye Shikai ordered to improve the meals, and give the sergeant a good job. The end of the war is a big deal for all the survivors. Happy event, many sergeants stepped out of the camp, eating hot steamed buns, drinking rice porridge, chatting and chatting. First https: // https: //

Ye Yekai and his guard passed by the barracks where the prisoners of war were held. I saw that the prisoners inside were wearing single clothes and looked very weak. Now it was time to eat, but no sergeant sent them food.

"Did they have eaten it?" Ye Shikai asked the guard to ask.

"Back to General, they didn't eat."

"Isn't the follow-up rations already delivered, why don't they cook for them?" Ye Shikai continued to ask.

"General, these **** have killed so many of our brothers, and even the husbands are unwilling to cook for them." The guard said softly in Ye Shikai's ears. Since ancient times, prisoners of war have been the targets of sergeants' anger, and have not been scolded at will Fortunately, it is said to be full and warm.

"Funny, we are regular troops, everything is in accordance with the rules, what kind of ability to abuse prisoners, I Ye Shikai despise this kind of people."

这 "This ... General, then I'll tell the husband and cook for them."

"Come on, tell the whole army that if you can endure your life on the battlefield, the widower will bully the prisoners of war. Whoever does such a shameful thing in the future will give me a shot." Ye Shikai said coldly. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /


Ye Shikai is not a good man. He will not be soft in the face of the enemy, but now that the war has ended and the abuse of prisoners of war is meaningless, not to mention that there are also many honest people among the more than a thousand prisoners of war. They may only join the rebel army. Stuttering, not to mention, Yu Gong said that handling these prisoners of war was a matter for the county captain's house, and it was not his turn to intervene.

I have one more point. Perhaps it was a sigh to Yan Yu. Ye Shikai still showed mercy to his subordinates. These prisoners of war also saw rebellion. I am afraid that many of them will not escape, at least, they will not be allowed to starve to death.

Camp account.

"Are there any casualties?"

"The statistics have just been collected. This time, the beast mountain was conquered. A total of 2,056 people were killed and more than 1,000 were injured. Except for the cavalry team, there was no loss. The sergeants of the other battalions were not small. No wonder our brothers. It will be so hostile to the enemy, and since we have commanded the army, we have not suffered such a heavy blow. "Shang Guanjian sighed. It is not difficult to count the casualties. However, the bamboo slips are a series of numbers, but in reality they are one by one. Living brethren, more than 2,000 brethren died in the battle, and Shang Guanjian was also distressed. It took a long time to calm down.

There was a lot of rain outside the, just like the two are in the mood now.

"Thousands of dead brothers were buried." The rain was heavy, the road was muddy, the traffic was inconvenient, and so many brothers died. It was impossible for them to return all their bodies for burial. They could only be buried here.

"I've let the sergeant do it."


After Ye Yekai let the army rest for a day, he set off and set off. The cavalry was in front, and Mancang took the armored men to escor the prisoner of war. If it went well, he could reach Baima County in one day.

"General, there are hundreds of remaining rogues in the Beast Mountain. Do we leave without chasing?" Wan Yuanyuan asked. Yesterday he led the cavalry to intercept the enemy's rear and captured many remnants, but the rugged mountain road was not conducive to the cavalry. In the team's operation, many remnants of the enemy escaped with the help of terrain, and Wan Yuanyuan had no alternative.

"Relax, there is no Yan Yu, they are difficult to become a climate, at most they are grass crocodile, Baima County can handle it." Ye Shikai is not worried about the others. The reason why the Beast Mountain's insurgents are so difficult to fight is because of their core, Yan Yu They are not grass pirates, but a real army, but now that Yan Yu has been captured and lost his soul, no matter how large the army is, it will become a loose sand.

"Subordinates understand."

"This battle ~ ~ You led the team and found the back road of the enemy camp. It was a success, but you transferred the troops privately. It was also a pass, and it was difficult. Please, but don't worry, I will reward you privately. "

"Thank you for your love, this is the duty of your subordinates."

Although Wan Yuanyuan is a wolf, but his brain is extremely flexible. The key is that he doesn't talk too much, acts decisively and looks silent, but in fact it is a blockbuster. Once he sends troops, it is "a sword and a throat" Of course, this is also in line with the characteristics of cavalry raids.

Fortunately Wan Wan was his subordinate. If placed in the wolf tribe, he would be a "nightmare" for Qin Jun in the future.

若 If this person cannot be used by me, he will be killed by me.

From the point of view of Wan Jiyuan's private transfer of troops, he is a man who dares to do big things, and Ye Shikai can't help but beware.

The troops have not returned to the county, but the news of the victory has reached Baima County. Hearing that Beast Mountain had won the battle, the people who had fled before also came back and blocked the city gate. In addition, the commander should have already won. The news was sent to Liyang.

"General, Baima County Magistrate issued an invitation and wanted to reward our army generals." A sergeant who came out of the city came to Ye Shikai and sent a letter from the magistrate.

"Sir, this time we have solved the crisis in Baima County, which is a big help for the county magistrate. Do we want to go?"

"Forget it, the sergeants are very tired. It doesn't make sense to accept those gifts. When we return to Puyang County, we take a good rest."


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