Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1527: Visit Yefu

"The whole army listened to the order, and the target was Liyang, moving at full speed." Ye Shikai ordered, if it went well, it would take two days to arrive, but the escorting of prisoners of war was a troublesome matter, and there were more than a thousand people. If the control was not good, However, something serious will happen, and Mancang is a man of irritability. If it wasn't for Ye Shikai's order, it was forbidden to hurt the captives, otherwise he might have buried people alive.

"Lao Ye, this time we lost a lot. It can only be regarded as a terrible victory." Shang Guanjian lamented that although the 5,000-6,000 rebels in Beast Mountain were also basically annihilated, this war loss ratio, as a general, no matter It was Ye Shikai or Shang Guanjian who were dissatisfied, mainly because the losses in Yinglingyingzhai were too great.

"It is true that when we go back, we should replenish our forces." Ye Shikai nodded and said, this battle is a lesson, a lesson for him. This is what the unified soldiers are, and they ca n’t relax in the slightest. Many sergeants scolded prisoners of war. In fact, he could understand that the brothers in the same robes were burned to death. They could not bear it. If it was not Ye Shikai who sent heavy soldiers to protect Yan Yu, I am afraid he would be let out by the sergeant without even going out of Beast Mountain.

Looking at the entire East County, Yan Yu ’s rebels are the largest, none of them. Eliminating them this time will be a heavy blow to the entire county ’s insurgents, and East County will have a long A period of "peace".

After returning to Dongjun, Ye Shikai ’s mission was completely completed. Yan Yu and the insurgents dealt with the results. He could interfere, but could n’t decide. This is Ma Yao ’s matter. Frankly speaking, a veteran like Yan Yu is A good opponent, but unfortunately, their relative positions are destined to be the result of both losses.

Yedong County, Yejia Mansion

"Madam, madam, great joy." Lotus hurriedly rushed into He Linghan's room and said excitedly.

"Lotus, why are you still so frizzy, what's the matter, say slowly." He Linghan put down his embroidery, stood up and whispered softly.

夫人 "Ma'am, this is really a great thing. Just now the news came from the county weird house. The general annihilated the thief in Beast Mountain. The class has returned." Lotus said loudly.

"Really, that's great." He Linghan's mouth was raised, and finally a hint of relief appeared on his dull face, turned into surprise, his hands could not help trembling.

"Yes, is he injured?" He Linghan asked immediately.

"This ... Jun Weifu didn't say anything, but he was a general. How could he be so easily injured? He should be on his way back now. By the way, Lord Junshou also sent a lot of gifts to his house, and everyone was busy counting. "The lotus is very excited." There are jade bracelets and countless gold and silver utensils, and slaves have never seen them before. "

"I don't care about the money, I only care about him, lotus, you ask the people to ask and ask when the army will return."

"Okay, I'll go now."

He Linghan walked into the living room. Sure enough, people were moving boxes of gifts into it. Where she had seen so many treasures, she immediately looked at the flowers.

夫人 "Ma'am, we can't pile up in the warehouse anymore. Where shall we move?" A waiter asked.

"You move to the garden first, it's really impossible, just put it in the firewood room."

"it is good."

"Ma'am, there is a woman outside the door, who claims to be Hua Liandie, and wants to meet his wife." At this time, another girl-in-law came over and said.

"Quick, please come in, right, you go to make tea." He Linghan said again and again.

"Okay, I'll go now."

之中 In the living room.

"Girl He, it's been a long time." Hua Lian Die will be masked when she sees a stranger, but this time, she was not masked when she was outside the door. It seemed that she was not afraid that others would know her whereabouts.

"I came from afar, and I missed it. Please forgive me." He Linghan smiled and poured a cup of hot tea for Hualiandie. "Taste it."

"Thank you very much," said Hua Liandie, taking a sip of hot tea, and said lightly.

"I heard that he won the battle on the front line, congratulations to Girl Ho. Yefu is afraid that it will be a gate in the future." Hualian Die teased, and Ye Shikai went through this battle, and his reputation in Dongjun became even louder. I am afraid the old woman in the village Everyone has heard of his prestige, so as a family member, He Linghan must also have contact with officials at all levels, as well as those famous families in Dong County.

"You're joking. I'm just a woman. I can help him manage this family, and I'm satisfied. It's enough for two people to live together without incident. We can't spend all our money in this life. How useful is it. "He Linghan shook her head. When she received the gift from Jun Shou, she was not very happy. Instead, she heard Hua Liandie coming, and she smiled immediately.

"Well, you're right." Hua Liandie's eyes flashed a loss.

"By the way, I heard him say that you have to travel around the Seven Kingdoms to do business frequently. This time you are back ..."

"It's true. I didn't come back this time by accident, but I had something to discuss with him." Hua Liandie didn't hide it, she said the purpose.

"Really, what's the matter." He Linghan asked.

"This ... He girl ~ ~ Please forgive me for inconvenience, this matter is related to him, but please rest assured that this matter will not cause him danger." Hualiandie is also quite awkward After all, He Linghan is now Ye Shikai's wife and family, and Hua Liandie is just Ye Shikai's friend. He Linghan has the right to ask questions.

"Well, since you have a private matter to ask, I will not ask about it again, and you will rarely come back once. I immediately let my servant to clean up the house. You can stay in the house for a few more days." He Linghan did not doubt, instead, she I agreed very easily.

"Thank you so much."

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Two days later, Liyang military camp.

"Full warehouse, you will take people to place these prisoners of war in the battalion first, and send an iron armour to be responsible for guarding. There must be no mistakes."

"Well, the commander-in-chief." Mancang turned and left. The prison in the county couldn't hold so many prisoners of war at one time, so he could only be placed in the barracks first. There is no chance of resistance.

Ye Shikai walked into a barracks, and Yan Yu was reading the book of soldiers, which was of course the "privileges" Ye Shikai gave him, otherwise he would not be able to live so "comfortably".

怎么 样 "Well, you're tired when you're traveling these days. What else is needed? Just say." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"No." Of course, Yan Yu already knew that they had arrived in Liyang, and knew that the death was not far away, but she was very calm.


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