Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1528: Back to the mansion

"Well, you can take a good rest here. If you need anything, just tell the guards outside the door, they will do it." Ye Shikai sighed, Yan Yu is the enemy leader, in various counties and counties in East County. There are his wanted notices, the living catcher rewards two thousand gold, and the corpse rewards one thousand gold, so he is undoubtedly dead, and Ye Shikai cannot change this fact, but Yan Yu also frankly died, retaining his final dignity as a general . New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Ye Shikai killed so many brethren in battle, but in the final analysis, this is no wonder Yan Yu. If the other party changes commander, Qin Jun will lose as well. He hates not the enemy but the war. .

"General Ye, please wait a moment." Just as Ye Shikai was about to leave, Yan Yu suddenly stopped him.

"General Yan, is there anything else?"

"I have a few words to say to General Ye." Yan Yu paused and said a little.

He is dying, and his words are good.

好 "Okay, I listen to you, guard, serve tea."

"General Ye, you were a Yan countryman," Yan Yu said suddenly.

"You're right, I'm from Jixian." Ye Shikai nodded. Jixian, the future Yanjing, as a native of Yanjing, crossed the Qin Dynasty and said that he was a native of Jixian.

"I have a lot of friends in the six countries. Most of them are generals of the military of various countries, but I have never heard of General Ye's name."

"It's true. I used to be an ordinary person. I just joined the army at the end of last year and it's only eight or nine months." Ye Shikai didn't hide it. Eight or nine months, not even a year, if ordinary people join the army. Nine months, I am afraid that even the "veteran" is not a lot, let alone a general who leads 10,000 people. Ye Shikai's promotion speed is even faster than those of the generals. The key is his excellent commanding ability. In addition, his fortune was very good. He received Meng Tian's appreciation, obtained the seal of His Majesty the Emperor, and ran into the Battle of the Wolf Clan, annihilated the battle of the insurgents.

"In eight or nine months, it really is a heroic youth. If Yan had a general like you, Qin Jun would not be so easy to destroy the country."

"This is what you said, once someone said it to me." Ye Shikai heard this, and the figure of Hua Liandie gradually emerged in his mind. Qin Shihuang unified the world and established the centralized system of Qin Kingdom. Since then, The book is the same, the car is the same, the line is the same, and the world that has been split for a long time is merged together. The ideology and culture are merged, and even affects to this day. Ye Shikai is a modern person. She is a former nobleman of the Chu Kingdom. Even in the unified Qin Kingdom, her attitude towards the Qin Kingdom is "delicate". She is not an ordinary woman and the city is so deep that even Ye Shikai cannot see through her mind.

"General Ye is a talented man. No matter where he is, he will be a well-drawn general. Please also think about the military's actions in the future. Maybe one day you will understand me."

"I will wait until that day."


Youyang County.

"Lao Ye, after so many days, we are finally back." Shang Guanjian looked at the word "Yuyang" on the city wall, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Yeah, I finally came back. It was uncomfortable to have so long rain in the mountains." Ye Shikai turned to look at Shangguanjian. "Well, would you like to visit my house?"

"Okay, you and the girl Ho to cultivate your feelings well, she should be very worried about you, I will not go." Shang Guanjian rejected Ye Shikai's invitation, and of course he would not go as a "light bulb".

"Leave, brethren, we have entered the city to drink and eat meat." Shang Guanjian turned to the guard and said.


"Lao Ye, let's go first." After Shang Guanjian finished speaking, he led the team into the city.

Ye Ye Mansion.

Ye Yekai quickly returned to the house, and a few waiters saw him coming, and immediately stepped forward to help him off the horse.

"There are some spoils at the back, you go and move them down." Ye Shikai pointed to the back and said, the guards were around the mansion, and some relatives were placed in the mansion.



Xie Yeshikai went straight into the house, and the girl was too late to enter the newspaper. He Linghan was sitting in the hall, looking up, and the two looked at each other.

I hug.

The two hugged each other tightly. Although He Linghan already knew that Ye Shikai defeated the enemy and returned to the city, she was still very excited when they met again.

"Linger, it's really hard for you to wait so long." Ye Shikai said softly in her ear.

"Fu Jun, I heard you won the battle on the front line, great."

"What's so good, after half a month of rain in that barren mountain, my body is almost moldy." Ye Shikai laughed at himself.

"Cough." Suddenly, there was a light cough at the door, and the two turned their heads, only to see Hua Liandie leaning against the door frame, watching the two "quietly".

"Oh, you are here too." Ye Shikai was surprised by the arrival of Hua Liandie, and speaking of it, she seemed to appear suddenly every time, and did not say hello before coming.

"Yes, I have something to do with you ~ ~ Why, is the battle over?"

"Well, the Beast Mountain's insurgent army is large, and we have delayed some time." Ye Shikai explained, "Now we have brought the prisoners of war back, how to deal with it is not our business." https: //


什么 "What, you came here to resign." In a remote corner of the mansion, Ye Shikai and Hua Liandie were talking, and He Linghan ordered that his descendants and guards should not approach.

"Yes, that's right." Hua Liandie nodded.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to Chudi, I have some big things to do." Hua Liandie's tone was a little low, and she seemed to have a mind, and if it was all "big things" to her, then this thing was really a "big thing" ".

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Ye Shikai faintly felt something wrong, Hua Liandie seemed to have something to hide from him.

"Maybe later, you can help me."

"Well, I promise you, if you need help in the future, I will go all out." Ye Shikai promised.

"that's OK."

"Speaking of it, you have contacted me so many times, it seems that many times you leave without saying goodbye. I heard Linger say that you lived in the house for two days, is it just to say goodbye to me?" Ye Shikai teased. .

"Chu is far away from here, next time we meet again, we don't know when."


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