Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1529: rebel

"If I am free in the future, I will definitely go to you in Chudi. At that time, I hope that you, the noble, will entertain you well." Ye Shikai said with a smile. The two met for the first time, and Hualian Die is a "monopoly food shop". "Black-hearted businessman", but after a long time together, Ye Shikai gradually changed her impression of her. It is not an exaggeration to say that the two can be regarded as "close friends". If He Linghan is a little more vinegar, Ye Shikai will have to explain every day. Already.

"Really, you are so busy in business today, do you have a chance to come to Chudi?" He Linghan teased, Ye Shikai was also very embarrassed after hearing it. Indeed, he is now the top star in East County, with a total of 50,000 to 60,000 troops stationed in the county. More than ten thousand elites are in his hands. It can be said that he is in charge of the military of the entire East County, so that even He Linghan, the newlywed wife, cannot take care of him, let alone take time to travel to the Chudi, a thousand miles away. ".

"Maybe." Ye Shikai smiled embarrassingly. In fact, he knew very well that the first emperor would fall apart and the rule of the Qin Dynasty would fall apart. At that time, the situation of the war would not be under his control. Ye Shikai also considered I took the position of a general and took He Linghan to find a peaceful place to live on. With his current possessions, it was enough to comfort them for many lives, but ... he has so many brothers in the same robe, if he just left them Ye Shikai couldn't accept it. Without his command, these brothers would have a difficult future.

"Well, don't laugh, I went back to Chu this time for a major event." Hua Liandie showed a rare wry smile on her face.

"whats the matter."

Nianhua Liandie glanced around and saw no one, so she was close to Ye Shikai's ear and murmured.

"Overthrow the Qin Dynasty."

"What did you say." Ye Shikai heard this, and he couldn't help shaking. This was an instinctual tremor. His ears exploded like a bomb. After a long time, he didn't respond.

"You ... You ..." Ye Shikai was so speechless that he looked around, worried that someone was overhearing. He never expected that Hualiandie wanted to "rebel."

"Yes, you heard me right. I went back to Chu for the purpose of overthrowing the Qin Dynasty and rebuilding Chu." Hua Liandie's tone is very serious. Similarly, she has never been a joker, since she is so And Ye Shikai said, then it must be true.

"You are crazy, this is to kill the head." Ye Shikai dissuaded, of course he knew the endings of those generals who failed the uprising, Qin Fa was harsh, if they failed, Hualian Die would die.

"It's just a death, I have already prepared for this." Hua Liandie glanced at Ye Shikai's face and slowly stretched out her hands. "If you want to grab me, you can do it now, grab me, and you Credit was given. "

"Although I don't consider myself a good person, I will never betray my friends, even if I am Qin." Ye Shikai is a bit angry. He knows that Hua Liandie is only trying his position, but he is still unhappy.

"Oh, I had expected it long ago, you are not the kind of person who forgot the benefits, if you would catch me, then I would not tell you this secret." Hua Liandie grinned, her face revealed A reassuring look.

"You ... Anyway, you are willing to tell me this secret, that is, trust in me, I will never be a villain who betrays my friends, so you can rest assured." Ye Shikai suddenly regretted it, and just promised to be in love Butterfly will help her in the future, but ... if she really rebels, how should Ye Shikai choose.

"Hua Liandie, do you really want to rebel." Ye Shikai asked a question. He knew he had no three-inch tongue. I'm afraid he couldn't convince Hua Liandie, but ... from a friend's standpoint, He couldn't bear to see Hua Lian Die defeated and killed.

"The violent Qin has no way, and all the heroes in the world are taking advantage of the situation, but many of them just want to get city land, gold and silver treasures in troubled times. They are for their own sake, so they were killed by the Qin army. I do n’t think it is a pity. ”Hua Liandie continued,“ I am a nobleman of the Chu Kingdom, so naturally I have to bear this responsibility. ”

"If I ask you in the future, will you still help me?" Hua Liandie saw Ye Shikai's dignified face, but she also saw through his mind.

"Of course, I will help as well."

"The next time we meet, maybe it's the opposing sides. If you help me, you can't escape Qin Lu's accountability."

"If you are doing something wrong, I will not help you, but if you do the right thing, I will help you even if it violates Qin law." Ye Shikai hesitated for a while and answered.

"Well, I hope we will meet again next time, friends." Hua Liandie nodded slightly. "I have been delaying a lot of time and will start soon."

"Okay, I'll go get you."

Ye Yekai couldn't stop Hua Liandie. Just as he couldn't stop the development of history, what he could finally do was to protect the people around him as much as possible.

"Lady He has been waiting at home recently. I have seen a lot. I can see that she is worried about you. Now that you are back, you should stay at home with her and see you off ... or forget it ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Hua Liandie declined.

"Let me take you to the gate of the city."


Ye Family House in the evening.

"Is Hualian Die just gone like this?" He Linghan asked. Hualian Die came to his house for two days, just to see Ye Shikai and tell him the secret before she went to Chudi. In this case, he will naturally keep his mouth shut, not to mention, this secret will be life-threatening, even if he is against He Linghan, he chooses to hide the secret.

"Yeah, she's going back to Chudi to deal with some things." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly said no more, and He Linghan didn't keep asking.

"Fu Jun, you must have nothing good to eat in the Beast Mountain. These are made by myself. You should try it." He Linghan cared for Ye Shikai to serve the food, but Ye Shikai was still thinking about flowers and butterflies. , Mindset, some loss of appetite.

"Fu Jun, are you unwell, or are you dissatisfied with these meals?" He Linghan asked.

"Cough, no, these meals are delicious." Ye Shikai replied slowly, and said that he had two big mouthfuls of meals.

"Do you have any thoughts?"

"Nothing." Ye Shikai perfunctory.

"Is it about flower love butterfly."

"Linger, don't talk about this, okay." Ye Shikai put down the chopsticks in his hand and said lightly.

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