Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1531: Kill everything

Gaodong County, County Wei House.

"Master, there are too many new recruits, but the army's grass-roots officers are scarce. Therefore, I request that these prisoners of war be screened carefully to select available talents and supplement the army. Many of these prisoner of war officers are veterans who fight. Rich experience, if it can be used reasonably, it is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. "

"Hehe, Brother Ye came from afar, we are not in a hurry, let's drink first." Ma Yao did not answer positively, but perverted and let the waiter bring fine wine and meat. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Come and come, let's eat first." Ma Yao greeted Ye Shikai. "You have worked hard in Beast Mountain for so long. You must haven't eaten anything good. This is the dish I made for the best restaurant in the county. Come and taste it. "

"Mr. Ma, the general is not hungry now, but what I said is very urgent. Please approve it as soon as possible, and the general will be able to implement it." Ye Shikai's mind is not on the dishes, but the training of recruits can no longer be delayed, who knows peace How long, maybe not long, Ye Shikai is going to lead the army again.

"Brother Ye, you don't know. I am very supportive of you, but you want to leave these prisoners of war, I'm afraid ... it's difficult." Ma Yao stood up slowly, hands behind his back, his face Embarrassed.

"Mr. Ma, what do you mean by this, can you speak up." First https: // https: //

"Brother Ye, you are a natural general, a **** of war, commanding the whole army, and planning. I absolutely believe in you, except that Your Majesty the Emperor has already ordered to severely punish these rebel thieves. Whoever participates, from the general to the general The soldiers are all capital crimes. "Ma Yao put on a look of great embarrassment, and he stroked his neck with the palm of his hand, making a beheading gesture.

"This ..." Ye Shikai was shocked and killed all of them, but there were more than a thousand people. He thought that most of these prisoners of war were suffering from servitude. At that time, he could add prisoners, but he did not expect that these All the prisoners of war had to be killed.

"Master, this is a big deal, you know, prisoners are an extremely important source of troops in the army. If you kill all such prisoners of war, it will have a great impact on the replacement." Ye Shikai immediately retorted.

"I don't know this, but Brother Ye, you should also be clear. This is His Majesty's imperative. I have a few heads who dare to resist the imperative. This is a felony for beheading. My brother should understand me. "

"唉." Ye Shikai sighed, and he didn't blame Ma Yao too much. After all, he also had an old and young man who knew the resistance but wanted to sit even. If the east window happened, Ma Yao and his family would all die.

However, the fight is still necessary.

"Master, the handling of these prisoners of war is of great importance, and I ask the lord to raise your noble hand." Ye Shikai said to 揖.

"Okay, I'll try to fight for you."

"Thank you, Lord."



"Xue San, let me go to Chudi to find out what's going on." Ye Shikai asked.

"My lord, I have asked my brothers on the rivers and lakes to have inquired. The counties in Chu area are now full of insurgents, and the rivers and lakes are also chaotic. Some of the insurgents have just mobilized troops today, and they were annihilated the next day. The specific situation is really difficult to investigate. "Xue San was very embarrassed. Chu Di is thousands of miles away from East County. Even if it is a flying ride to pass a book, it will take two or three days. Transportation and communication are inconvenient. Ye Shikai has a hard time with Hualiandie. get in touch.

It's been more than two months since I passed, and I don't know how Hua Liandie is doing now. Ye Shikai is very worried about her.

"Well, you go down first." Ye Shikai waved his hands. "If new information is received, report it to me immediately."


"Shangguan, you heard it just now, Chu Di has begun to be confused now. I don't think it will be long for us, it will not be long for this peaceful day." Ye Shikai sighed. In the troubled times, Peace seems extremely precious, but the direction of this big ship in history is not grasped by the "helmsman".

"I heard that Chudi is thousands of miles away from Xianyang, and Chudi's anti-Qin forces have always been huge, which is also a great trouble for the Empire." Shang Guanjian nodded.

Although there are three households in Chu Chu, they will die in Qin Dynasty.

"The insurrection army can't be killed." Ye Shikai murmured that the Qin Dynasty's policies have aroused public indignation. A lot of people's power was used to build roads and build the Great Wall. Although there is no Great Wall, the wolf tribe will drive straight ahead, but consume too much The consequences of civilian power are more terrible than the invasion of the wolf tribe. As long as the policy remains unchanged, the emergence of the insurgent army is only a matter of time, but the Qin army will lose power in battles, which will fade away and eventually die.

"By the way, there is news from Master Ma. Those prisoners of war will be executed in a few days. The order has been issued and will be executed by the defenders in the county." Shang Guanjian handed over a bamboo slip and Ye Shikai heard the news. With a deep sink in his heart, it seems that these prisoners of war still cannot escape, and UU reads Ye Shikai has no way but to sigh constantly.

"Lao Ye, no one can disobey His Majesty's decree, let alone a place like Master Ma, how many eyes are staring at him. If it is against the decree, then it is a death penalty." Shangguanjian explained.

"I understand what you said, I have not blame Master Ma, he is Mingzhe to protect himself, I just pity so many sergeants."

His Majesty "Her Majesty is also for the sake of the bigger picture. Now there are traces of insurgents all over the country. If they can kill a hundred and deter them, they may be able to avoid greater losses."

"I hope so."



"Master, we now have tens of thousands of soldiers. We have captured three or four counties in a row, and the nobles of Chuland have supported us. Many heroes and heroes in the world have joined the rebel army. "In a county, a woman wearing a battle armor was standing at the head of the city, looking out into the distance. Inside the city, many sergeants were carrying the body of the Qin Army, standing behind her as two general-like men.

"Very good, but the Qin Dynasty has a strong military force. Although Meng Tian's 300,000 troops are stationed in the north, there are still more than 200,000 soldiers and horses inside the empire. We can't take care and develop our military strength as soon as possible."

"Masters do n’t need to worry. Now heroes from all over the country are in trouble, holding down a large number of Qin Army. Even if it is more than 200,000 people, it is scattered in counties and counties. It is difficult to join forces, and we can use this time. , Unified the counties and counties in the south. "


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