Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1532: Constant war

"Master, we now have the name of rebuilding Chu. More and more people have seen our rebel army. As the saying goes, we are making big moves. We are developing so fast that the court will definitely react." Another general made a difference. It is true that the old saying goes, "the gun strikes the first bird". Now there are many insurgents all over the country. It is difficult for the imperial army to wipe out all at once, but in order to prevent some insurgents from becoming too powerful, they will definitely send heavy troops. Besiege.

"General Chen is right, I think so, so we can't rush to develop now, but we must recruit soldiers, save money and food, consolidate our place, and fight against the court." Hua Liandie said faintly, and she knew very well that now They defeated the Qin Army because they were unexpected and unprepared. Moreover, here is Chu Di. The local people supported them, the Chu nobles, but the battles in the future will not be so easy.

"I have sent people to prepare the money and food that I have gained from doing business over the years. These industries are scattered throughout the country and managed by my confidence. I let them use them to build weapons and armor, buy war horses, recruit sergeants, and develop as quickly as possible. Our strength. In this way, the rebels behind the Qin Army are frequently active, and they are also fighting for more time here.

"Oh, the master is far-sighted and admired."

"Well, the two generals and the lead soldiers are not what my woman is good at. The war ahead requires two full forces."

请 "Please rest assured that in order to overthrow the Qin rule and the great cause of the Chu country, we will never die."

"it is good."

Gaodong County.

"Lao Ye, look at these villages." Shang Guanjian pointed to the village ahead. Ye Shikai looked dignified. The scene in front of him was described as "world hell". The houses in the village were on fire, and many houses had been burned. ruins.

"Guard, follow me into the village to see." Ye Shikai rode in slowly, and it looked like there had just been a fierce battle here, and maybe there were still ambushes, so his guards closely followed him, not afraid to care.

I looked at the ground, in the house, in the ditch in the ditch, Ye Shikai's heart seemed to be severely cut by the awl. It was shocking and terrible. It seemed that all the villagers in the village had been slaughtered.

"In the past few months, those insurgents and countless bandits and bandits have frequently harassed nearby villages and counties. Many villages with few people have fought up, but ... 但是 ……" Shangguanjian sighed. Hundreds of men, women, and children were killed, and anyone who saw this scene felt extremely depressed.

"In addition, our army and the insurgents often fought in the village, and they often caused a lot of accidental injuries." Shang Guanjian continued. The insurgents broke into the village just to treat the people as The "shield" is just that some Qin Jun don't care about these innocent people.

"It's a real joke," Ye Shikai cursed coldly, hitting a punch on the wall.

"It's a mustard."

"Lao Ye, in fact, this is not to blame those generals. Now the situation is getting more and more serious. They do not have the outstanding commanding ability you have. In order to complete the task, they just choose to sacrifice the lives of the people."

"It's really a bastard." Ye Shikai looked dignified, and the situation was turbulent at the moment. On this point, Guan Jian was not wrong. In order to get rid of these insurgents, Qin Jun can be said to be omnipresent. Care must be taken, but his sergeant's obedience to orders does not mean that the other generals have such "good intentions."

老 "Lao Ye, there are wars everywhere, many villages and counties have been affected, the people's power has been reduced, and the taxes have been reduced a lot. The county defender is embarrassed by this."

他们 "They only care how much the insurgents have eliminated, and where they care about the lives of the people." Mancang was annoyed just now, but he kept it down. Hearing here, he couldn't bear it anymore, he just interjected.

"The insurgent army is different from the invasion with the wolf tribe. One is a foreign war and the other is a civil war. If the foreign war is won, the war will end, but even if the insurgent army is eliminated, it will cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Change, the insurgents will emerge endlessly and endlessly. "

"Lao Ye is right."

"General, what shall we do now."

"The whole army listened to the order, and looked around in the village to see if there were any surviving villagers, hurry." Ye Shikai immediately ordered.


The days of fighting always pass quickly. For the past few months, Ye Shikai has led his troops out, annihilating the insurgents and robbers. Unconsciously, time passes by every day. This feeling is like playing a game. Ye Shikai commanded tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and it was not difficult to destroy the insurgents, but there were too many of them. Unconsciously, time passed ...

Late at night, military camp.

"I heard from fellow soldiers in other troops that they have less than a third of 饷 silver in their hands. Why are we alone?"

"You don't know ~ ~ How good is this General Ye, even the county guard and the county captain have to give him three points of face, now the county tax is much less, but I dare not Reduce our troop. "

原来 "So it seems, we are following a good general."

"You ca n’t say that. How much silver money you have in your hands is just something outside of you. The key is that our general is always a great fighter and can always win the battle. In this way, we can survive. Otherwise, if we lose, we will survive Not necessarily. What good is it to have those silver? "

"It makes sense to say so."

When Ye Shikai passed by the barracks, he saw a lot of sergeants sitting around the bonfire and talking about something. Then he stood by and listened. He heard that these sergeants were talking about him, and Ye Shikai also became interested.

"Do you know, our general is different from those other wine pouches, courageous, strategic, and not greedy for money. The key is that he is sympathetic to the sergeant and cares for us."

"You said that General Ye was terrific. What battles had he fought before?" A sergeant asked, and it looked like he was a new recruit.

"That's too much. When I was at the Fortress of Shifeng, I saw how General Ye dealt with those wolves. When there were tens of thousands of wolves outside the fortress, General Ye personally directed us on the wall To meet the enemy, and also, he deliberately put the wolf into the fortress, a total of 4,000 people, and then closed the door and beat the dogs. They were beaten stiffly, and they all surrendered. Excited, Ye Shikai felt that he was familiar, and he should have followed his sergeant very early.

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